Emojis in the documentation

>emojis in the documentation

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A picture is worth a thousand words, and emojis tend to be 3-4 bytes large, so really you're saying space. For example:
>when you type "emojis" but it autocorrects to the name of your first girlfriend (I'm a girl btw)
See? It adds the emotional context without needing to add words to explain

Something, something, compression.

Wtf I put emojis there, it's supposed to read
>when you type "emojis" but it autocorrects to the name of your first girlfriend

>replacing master/slave

>female "programmers"

>documenting your code

>t. pajeet

Okay so my green bubble phone is fucking up and not posting it right so thanks for the shitty "gift" this is why I'm lesbian like who tf else but a dumb man thinks any phone other than iPhone is useable in 2017?
So it's stupposed to be the crying face after it but I guess I have to type all this out to explain it, see how much harder this is than adding one little image?

This is absolutely true. Doesn't mean I want emoji everywhere for everything, but it's pretty useful. But alas, contrarian Sup Forums.

Sup Forums has emojis blocked idiot

Why that's so retarded like I just explained you're making it harder to actually post on here if we have to explain everything without emojis, wtf

because anons got triggered

emojika? what name

Just replace it with white face and black face emojis :DDDDDD

It was documentation about emojis, r-right?

>A peak into the mind of an emoji user
I hope you get turboAIDs and die

Emilie, we broke up on bad terms (see? 25 bytes to tell vs 3 bytes to show)
Do you have a counter argument or are you just mad because you're angry?

>the anti-emoji user is a toxic piece of shit who has never documented anything in his life

>This dumbass thinks that an emoji can convey a bad breakup between two people, and the name of one of them involved

[girl emoji][heartbroken emoji][boy emoji]

Emilie (sad face)
Emilie (all that shit I had to type)
Can you count? " we broke up on bad terms" is 25 bytes long compared to an emoji which is 3 bytes. So therefor, name + emoji is 22 bytes shorter (and more efficient in general) than name + sentence. Don't be mad just because a girl is better than you at math (laugh face)

Using emojis maand less space lost at the cost of nuance. Since writing a report or document is something serious, this loss of nuance can fuck it all up I wouldn't advise it. Then again the current office setup exists of 30 year old toddlers

> I'm a lesbian because technology is hard
I guess it always was a choice after all

Emilie (sad face) doesn't convey jack shit other than upset about a particular name.
Emilie could be a daughter, mother, friend, girlfriend, "boy"friend, teacher, and sad face doesn't mean relationship ending, let alone ending on bad terms.

Unless of course you're too autistic to realise that the world doesn't revolve around you.

I'm a lesbian because boys give cheap technology as gifts to replace actual good technology while no girl I've ever dated was stupid enough to give me a green bubble machine*
I tried it out of politeness but it's just not as good.
There was a clear context there, sorry that you missed it?

So you'd rather convey a message in a way that can be just very vague, instead of being very clear about what you're trying to tell?
>Girl broke up with me because she didn't have enough love and feeling in her heart as a human being.
>girl no more
I think the exclusion of emojis is a good thing as this is really anything but what I'd want to see in a place that is used secondarily for spreading info.

Though in places like Sup Forums where nothing serious gets discussed anyway, it might be useful, but could lead to other boards feeling "left out".
And besides, it's an imageboard, you can post images describing entire happenings.

How the hell can that be called clear context to anyone who isn't mentally retarded and/or indoctrinated to your skank ass life?

>willingly giving (you)'s
A clear context you had to type out with your 25 bytes first

>autism: the posts
this is why people hate green bubbles

>This poster is such a failure at life that they even fail to be a "womyn" correctly and can't get a man

Back in the kitchen, woman.

Sure, let me just explain the exact circumstances of the end of our relationship including our history together and why what happened was a big deal. Or I could leave it at "I still get sad thinking of her"
You mean the context of the conversation where someone asked me about my ex's name?

Go on, tell us all about how you loved to suck the blood and puss out of her dying hole.
We all want to hear.

I don't get it, which green bubbles?

You're actually proving her point, dumbass.

>emojis are the code

>Made with

>This fucking assblasted

t.snob ruining everyone's fun

You retard emojis don't work here

all i see itt is newfags posting
fucking summer...

How about ASCII "emojis" then?
Watch it, retard.


Done with 2 characters.

are you fucking retarded. this is some overweight fatass NEET latping as retarded womyn to get (You)'s.

It's September, user.

i'd like to see you do an arabic women in a hijab in 2 characters you freakin nerd

wow this could go on an episode of destroyed in seconds

>there's no way some FEMALE could know what computers are huuu huuuu huuuuuuu
>also typing on the internet is live action

>unironically trying to whiteknight some fag because they said they're a girl
You're an autistic faggot. I'm a girl btw

Because using emojis shows that you're a brainlet

>getting your point across with less words and less bandwidth is brainlet tier

>t. gnu

It shows that
a) you don't know how to communicate without using retarded symbols
b) you're too lazy to add a few more words
Both are signs of being a brainlet
Keep being in denial.

these are not retarded symbols user. everyone understands them. you're just not hip or with it enough to understand!

Oh yeah and the "bandwidth" savings are minuscule. Don't know where you got that retarded idea,

Sorry. I don't pretend to be "hip" just to fit in

baka you're not even cool

>emojis in the command line

>emojis in the stack

>less bandwidth
The absolute state of american internet

did __ █ █ ▄

is that real?

It was a Sup Forums project shortly before emojis were banned


>unused bandwidth is wasted bandwidth

>made with is a fucking desktop "app"

excuse me sir do you wish to retract that statement? you've hurt lucy's feelings. tell her that her app is good please.

>acknowledging that there are women who aren't dumb whores is whiteknighting
You're a dumb poopyhead.

I'm geniuinely impressed.

a white knight and a virgin

Symbols are the superior form of comunication. Words are primitive.

>he doesn't leave fuckhuge ascii art in all source files

The atrocity.

Symbols are an even older form of communication.
Emojis are not a good way to communicate anything.
Not even the 12 year olds who use them inside communication don't think it is a clear way of communication.

Communication is done entirely with symbols. Some are audible, some are visible, but they are always symbols representing something else.

That's an emoticon.


>Code is in Hymmnos

Fuck you this gif got me.

fucking kill yourself

this is what you want for docs: theliberatedmathematician.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PiperThesisPostPrint.pdf

>t. Egyptian

fuck off with your hieroglyphs

At least it has Unicode support.