What you are going to do after 2020 comes?

What you are going to do after 2020 comes?

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=windows 10 start menu bug&ia=web

The same thing I've been doing before 2020.

Continue using Windows 7

Continue using Windows 2000

By then Windows 10 will be usable


Keep using Gnu plus Linix

go back to linux

switch to everything GNU/Linux, if i cant get it to work, don't need it. I can make do.

Keep running 7 because all of Microsoft's big corporate customers will demand they continue to support it, just like they did with XP.

Celebrate another four years of the god emperor Donald Trump

If windows 8 was any indication, Microsoft will have released Windows 10.1 or Windows 11 by then. Hopefully it's not as terrible as 10, and I'll be able to move to that.

Continue using GNU

At that point it would be too late. You should start dual booting at least 2 years before and make a switch when you feel comfortable.

Continue to install updates from the POSready version of windows 7

Continue using Debian, most likely.

implying I will be alive by then

Third parties will continue to provide security patches.

Continue using Windows 10 Enterprise.

Always love poorfag stations.
Something humbling about: This is all I need and it does it well.

learn to poo in the loo

Do you live in a concrete bunker, user?

Where do you live exactly?

GPRD (citizen-first hard-ass EU privacy law) goes into effect May 2018
I'll see if it forces MSFT to make something like a "W10 clean edition"

currently researching Linux just in case

Before anyone starts getting too interested, these pics were from another thread a few weeks back. Likewise people asked the user similar questions. He disappeared pretty quickly, unfortunately.

Keep using Win 7 or just switch to Linux fulltime.

Hey buddy, everything ok?

Just keep partying like it's twenty-nineteen-99.

Thanks for the info. Jesus though, that is one low end system.

Sleeping arrangements are low-end too.

Continue to use completely unpatched windows 7 on NAT...

...In my passthrough and linux on everything else.

seems cosy, but you should get some bed linens. Is that your shit bucket in the corner?


Continue using 3.1

i will force everyone to install gentoo.

install WIN10LTSB

the fuck is a duron

>2009 was 8 years ago

I'll do what all the XP users said they'd do when faced with the prospect of having to upgrade, I'll just stop using Windows because 7 is bloated spyware shit and MS will never top XP

Oh wait, no I won't, I'll just begrudgingly install 10 and then within a few years I'll be hailing it as MS' best version yet.

AMD's original "budget" CPU. Replaced by Sempron.

dont count on it they are making the UI 20 times as bad in october

>Windows 10.
Nice meme, pal.

Make the switch to Linux.
I actually already started a couple days ago.
Seems pretty straightforward to use Arch Linux, learned the basics within a few hours.

Switching is a lot easier than I thought it would be.

wait for 20.04.1

Hopefully I'll have switched totally over from Ubuntu and CentOS to NixOS.

>Switching is a lot easier than I thought it would be.
What color stripes are you going to get for your programming socks?

I'd be thrilled to have a clean Win10 if they fixed the complete inability to play old games.

Which updates are security-only on Windows 7?

sudo pacman -Syu for the fourth time that week.

Here's a list of updates to avoid.

it's funny how all the XP users are forgotten outside of the occasional nostalgia thread when a few years ago they were screaming their lungs out about how they were never upgrading

Switch to Linux. But not in 2020, probably in the next days. After all those exploits have been confirmed from WikiLeaks I'm a bit worried to continue to stay on Windows.
Probably on Solus or Fedora. They seem to be the 'best just werks out of the box' distros.

kill myself

Keep using Windows 8.1

I read into them and I couldn't see any actual remote exploits, they all required the malware to be installed on the machine either by the user or someone else with physical access, and you're fucked if that happens anyway.

Not to say Windows isn't an insecure pile of shit, but the Wikileaks stuff is overhyped. (And if the NSA was going to specifically target you they'd do so through your CPU's backdoor anyway.)

i appreciate the advice- but i've already switched, i've got xubuntu bare metal on a machine already, my phrasing was weird i should have said everything will be GNU/Linux.

Keep using win 7. Macroshaft can't stop me.

Keep using Mint.

Already moved to Linux, user


What's supposed to happen in 2020?

Continue my queries with Google as my search engine via my Chrome browser on my Windows 10 gaming rig.

>not Edge+Bing
Bad goy!

Not sure if I will have moved on from Debian by then. Only time will tell.

Either go with the embedded/posready versions or switch to genoo/lincux

I'm out of the loop, what shit are they pulling next month?

Goddamn! for once I appreciate my mouse infested philly apartment.

it was supposed to be a massive UI overhaul but apparently now it's just some updates and a couple of new things

I probably won't be alive at that point, desu.

Linux mint will achieve next levels of being worthy opponent for windows.

Use Windows 11

so there is no ui overhaul? then we might be ok maybe

I'll miss those crappy flash games when 2020 hits.

Windows 7 forever.
fuck linux and tuux racer

install 10 already 200 dollars every 5 years for an os is more than reasonable

It was out the same time as the AMD Athlon - it was the low end system analogous to a Celeron. IIRC it had like 128k of L2. Single processor (of course), 32 bit, the memory controller was still on the chipset, and of course no integrated graphics in the cpu die.

I am going to keep using Windows 7 till there is a software I absolutely need and can't use in W7.

And then I'll make a disk partition or use a VM or something.

Just switched to Ubuntu mate from win 7,
p comfy


That's called LTSB N user.

>he actually believes this

Someone will make a KernelEx for Windows 7 when the time comes, right?

Its already usable. Only autistic manchildren dont see this.

Windows Server 2012. Then whatever Server OS comes after 2016 and hopefully isn't a turd like 2016 is.

You still have the time to learn LInux or at least migrate to 8.1 and postpone the inevitable.

Probably be dead

If things continue the way they are with the WikiLeaks revelations of Vault7, I'm switching to Linux for good.

If I suddenly become a faggot then I will buy a Mac.

I was a win7 fanboy as well. Mainly because of bad experience with win8. 10 is miles better in it's current state. Try it for a week and you will get used to it. One thing i still hate about it is the new settings app. Simple solution: You don't have to use it. The old interface is still there and you can use it like in win7. At least they give you a choice.

>You don't have to use it.
But you do. Unless you go into registry editing or something, you have to use the new Settings for some things.

Anyway, I use both 7 and 10 regularly. I honestly can't say 10 is better. It has a few small UI improvements, but it's also kinda buggy and unfinished overall. There are way too many "big" upgrades that fuck something up, 7 just werks.

I tried Windows 10 and somehow managed to bork the start menu from working within the first 5 minutes. Clicking the start icon did nothing. Restarting didn't fix it. Not sure if it was a feature or a bug given how ugly the start menu was when it actually worked. No thank you.

>being so much of a retard that you somehow break something millions use with no problem


Move to Fuchsia;P

*10 Bing points added to your Poojeetsoft account*
duckduckgo.com/?q=windows 10 start menu bug&ia=web

>im not a retard i can show other proof of other equal retards the prove i cant be one

Any update made after 2015 is bundled with spyware

I've heard they have to make the security updates spyware-free so big companies don't sue.

Where can I get Dazloader now?

reactos might be usable

KMSAuto Net


Thank god that we have the EU laws. They've undone so many bad things US corporations tried to force on us.
We wouldn't even be able to get refunds on Steam without them.