Where do you download your programming music Sup Forums?
You do listen to music while programming right?
Where do you download your programming music Sup Forums?
I stream my music from Spotify, friend. :^)
Binaural beats, is all you need. Anything more is superfluous masturbation to keep your inner ID from throwing a tantrum.
GLOdls, they have a weekly bundle of songs, around 4GB
Is it ripped from cd or youtube?
2015: I am guessing youtube, because no mp3 tags
after that it has tags, so I am guessing cd or some other good source
Lolicore + marlboro reds + 355ml redbull
I-I don't want to live past 50 anyways
$ youtube-dl --audioformat bestaudio --extract-audio -o ~/Downloads/music\ n\ shiet/
Perfect silence is the best programming music
I like ambient music like APhex Twin, Boards of Canada, and Stargarden:
magnatune DAWT KAHM/artists/stargarden
80% of it is. I made and currently making scripts that automatically delete the shit from it, but I am so out of touch regarding music I have to do this, to get new songs what I might like
If you want to program like a fucking pro:
I go to hooktube to search musics and use youtube-dl:
youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3
Nightwave plaza, vaporwave
The fuck is that?
>spotify cuck
Tidal is best
Recommemd me some bro, all I can find is clickbait.
For study and sleep
jpopsuki, soulseek
>not listening to 32 bit 384khz original master recordings.
How is youtube with sound compression? I've seen some examples of how bad it can be, but I'm also quite often surprised by how good sound certain shitty vids have. How often do you encounter garbage?
all binaural beats are clickbait, it's the autistic equivalent of snakeoil.
I pirate synthwave with torrents, then buy it when I like the songs. Common artists: Kristine, The Midnight, Gunship
This. not morning though. only later at night.