Gimme some juicy PHP hate Sup Forums

Do it.

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Php is nice


>Php is nice
You failed.

php is a very good language, which is expressively indicated by so many sites that run it

PHP is the best language, im not sure what your point is

PHP is a template language that's been dipped in a vat of acid and developed genetic mutations that somewhat resemble a programming language. Due to the very nature of these genetic mutations a lot of stuff in PHP doesn't work properly. However since some people value these mutations and rely on them for sustenance it is not safe to remove them. As a result of this PHP remains broken, ignores the problem altogether and quietly adds a "safe" method to fix the problem in question. In short, PHP is fucking broken, use Node.js.

How about that absolute faggot who is trying to make some gay free speech board that he intends to heavily moderate. He made a thread the other day. Dumping a few images from that...

Read this:


That's all you need to read to be put off. While hating PHP is a popular thing to do, it's genuinely full of inconsistencies and behaviour that won't make sense if you know any other language.

DOT because a remote link is "spam"

His name is Sebastian, apparently.

php is the best language
php should be the only language
fuck all other shit
fuck c++ fuck java fuck python
everything should be done in php
if you're not using php you're doing it wrong

PHP is only disliked by retards

>Be PHP coder

corile would think its quite nice ;)

Is that the 1stAmmender guys?

>Be PHP coder

Try learning an actual language. If you aren't flexible enough to work out "inconsistencies" and are so impractically rigid in your expectations that your first instinct is to complain like a woman instead of refocusing and learning the quirk or weird feature, you simply aren't equipped to learn anything besides, maybe, math.




isn't that the dude with the batshit insane gf who got tricked by her into getting a vasectomy?

this shit runs on php so...

blow it out your ass

>Sup Forums - Hating x because crybaby OP says so

Nice arguments. Could you possibly project any harder? I know enough languages to identify bad design when I see it.

PHP's "flexible" arrays that function as both lists and map-type structures are bad design, as the operations against the two are fundamentally different. Plussing two arrays that were used as list-type structures doesn't do what you might expect, because surprise they're actually dictionaries/maps underneath even though you never asked for a key-value structure.

The empty function returns false for "00" but true for "0". I understand why, but it doesn't mean that it's good design.

These are the kind of subtle inconsistencies I'm talking about. Sure, I could remember hundreds of these. Or I could use a better tool. It's that simple.

I dunno, but sounds likely. His own site describes how how lives with both his partner and her boyfriend. Make of that what you will.

once you get over the initial quirks of php such as some function names using_under_scores and some notusingunderscores, and case insensitivity when calling functions, it's perfectly fine. namespaces added in 5.3 and composer makes for some real simple package management.

I wasn't talking about programming languages.

>Standard library full of async functions used by people writing applications that don't benefit for that
Good one user, you almost had me there.

But I was. Nice refutations.

>use Node.js.

PHP is still #1.

You were only talking to yourself, then.

i know, what's not to love

What's not to love?

((i, your, reality) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return i(reject, your, reality); }); })((reject, your, reality) => { return reject(your, reality);}, null, null)