Is it time to deprecate emails and move to something more secure? If we'd done so a few years ago...

Is it time to deprecate emails and move to something more secure? If we'd done so a few years ago, we wouldn't have this shitbag in control.

Stop posting kike slaves

I encrypt my emails. That said, while Trump wasn't my first choice, I'd take him for 20 terms before I would take Hillary Clinton for one.

I like how you gloss over the fact that HRC was corrupt as fuck. The only problem in your mind is that she was caught.

Who cares? I'll take a little corruption over mass oppression.

Who is he oppressing? Be specific in stating "who" and "how."

This. I don't like him, but I don't like Hillary more

Poor people by cutting social programs. Before someone says it, no, it's not as simple as "get a job". These people would much rather have a job and a house than sleep on the street from laziness.

Transfolk, by attempting to bar them from the military.

Mexicans, by unfairly targeting them when illegal immigrants come from everywhere.

Atheists, by declaring a national day of prayer.

Women, by cutting abortion funding.

Muslims, by attempting to bar them from entering the country.

Internet users, by not doing anything to stop net neutrality.

North Koreans by threatening to nuke their country.

"When one has become accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression."
- /u/test_tickles

Please tell me this is troll.

>What is facebook messenger

>Poor people by cutting social programs
They are not entitled to the money of others, so false.

>Transfolk, by attempting to bar them from the military.
They were already barred. That bar was about to be expired, and he extended. On par with literally every other president that came before him.

>Mexicans, by unfairly targeting them when illegal immigrants come from everywhere.
Most of them come from south of the border. That said, feel free to provide proof to your claims.

>Atheists, by declaring a national day of prayer.
How does that oppress them? Are they forced at gun point to participate, or are they allowed to ignore it?

>Women, by cutting abortion funding.
Once again, people do not have an inherent right to other people's money. He didn't ban them, women just need to pay for them themselves.

>Muslims, by attempting to bar them from entering the country.
No, he didn't. He banned entry from certain countries, regardless of religious belief.

>Internet users, by not doing anything to stop net neutrality.
Why would you want to stop net neutrality? I know what you were getting at, but you worded it like a tard. At any rate, until Net Neutrality is gone, it's not an argument. When it is, we can revisit.

>North Koreans by threatening to nuke their country.
Like North Korea has been threating to do to us and our allies for years?

So far, I'm not seeing any oppression, unless you think you have an inherent right to other people's time (because that's all money represents - one's time).

You're an idiot.
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot.
I agree.
You're an idiot.
Did you mean -not- stopping the death of the Net Neutrality? If not, then you're an idiot.
Who cares?

Poor people by cutting social programs. Before someone says it, no, it's not as simple as "get a job". These people would much rather have a job and a house than sleep on the street from laziness.
>job market is the best and strongest it's ever been
>welfare is proven to make people lazy at working for themselves
Transfolk, by attempting to bar them from the military.
>Obama didn't let trans in until final year of office as a FUCK YOU
Mexicans, by unfairly targeting them when illegal immigrants come from everywhere.
>Mexicans are by far the highest number breaking immigrantion law but no one is making this a race issue other than the left
Atheists, by declaring a national day of prayer.
>Atheists can make Big Bang Day to celebrate how the universe came out of nothing
Women, by cutting abortion funding.
>How about a little personal responsibility?
Muslims, by attempting to bar them from entering the country.
>I thought we targeted Mexicans?
>Literally proving my point from above
Internet users, by not doing anything to stop net neutrality.
>free market
North Koreans by threatening to nuke their country.
>implying they haven't done this for decades

Why not just change welfare programs into paying the unemployed to do things? Give them a job.
Then they get performance evaluations, and based on those they could be in a good position to get a real job.
If someone wants to be lazy and not do what they're assigned, then they're just screwing themselves.

>Why not just change welfare programs into paying the unemployed to do things? Give them a job.
The argument the left makes is that by doing it, they wouldn't have time to go out and look for a real job, and they would be stuck in a borderline slavery loop for the rest of their lives, like the coal miners in coal towns, before they unionized.

Personally, I would be fine with them sorting recyclables, mowing city-owned lawns, and picking up garbage on the side of the road in exchange for their welfare bucks.

>They are not entitled to the money of others, so false.

You could make that argument about any law. You're not entitled to life so why don't I legally shoot you in the face? Who is society to tell me not to?

Social welfare nets exist not only for the benefit of the needy but for the benefit of those who presently aren't in need.

Help poor people stay off the streets reduces crimes and creates a better society for everyone.

The only rights you're guaranteed are in the Constitution.


>You could make that argument about any law. You're not entitled to life so why don't I legally shoot you in the face? Who is society to tell me not to?
The Declaration of Independence begs to differ. We are entitled to 3 things: Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Beyond that, the Constitution (more specifically: the Bill of Rights) outlines exactly how that is quantified regarding the rights of civilians.

You have the concept of freedom and rights wrong.

If you don't like it you are free to move to any of your Socialist Utopias.

Please stop, user, you're embarrassing yourself.

I lived in Australia for 3/4 of my life. It's not socialist, but does have welfare and the like. And, oh, would you look at that.

Yeah? How many blacks and hispanics do you have there?

The US's large amount of "colored people" skew crime statistics horribly.

>Poor people

Fuck them. 90% of them are poor because of shitty life decisions such as having 9 kids and no money.


Because they want the free surgery that comes with enlisting.


Now that we've got the recipe for Mexican food, the Mexicans can fuck off back to their own country that they shitted up in the first place.


Women always want free shit, fuck them too. I'd rather pay to have their tubes tied since it's more cost effective than Shaniqua's 50th abortion in 3 months.


Not all Muslims were banned and not all Muslim countries had a travel ban but the cucked media will still call it a Muslim ban in order to clickbait gullible bleeding heart liberals.

>Internet users

You worded that like a retard since I don't think you want to stop net neutrality.

>North Koreans

Fire and fury, nobody cares.

I'm not willing to do the research, but I'm willing to bet that your society is more homogeneous than ours.

Is there any real control beyond the self, or mere illusion?

>quotes a Reddit user
This has to be bait.

lol dude I'm also Australian but that's not a fair comparison to make at all. We have hardly any blacks which means our crime is way lower. We're a small population Island with plentiful natural resources to fund our lavish lifestyle. We won't survive much longer with the take over from China and migration.

APEX gang already running rampant in Melbourne and police won't do anything about it because muh hard up bringing in Sudan.

Also we're a complete nanny-state and the government dictates everything that's allowed to happen.

Plenty of lebs, coons, muzzies and chinks to make up for it. And oh boy is there some white trash

Unless you have a colostomy bag, you're a shitbag too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So why not conduct secure email communication is huge blocks of encrypted text?

>Poor people by cutting social programs. Before someone says it, no, it's not as simple as "get a job". These people would much rather have a job and a house than sleep on the street from laziness.
Most social programs keep people poor.
Helping people who loose their jobs should be done privately through unions, not through social programs.
>Transfolk, by attempting to bar them from the military.
Fighting memes with memes, don't care
>Mexicans, by unfairly targeting them when illegal immigrants come from everywhere.
You should learn a bit of history.
>Atheists, by declaring a national day of prayer.
fighting memes with memes.
>Women, by cutting abortion funding.
He is a republican, I don't think it has anything to do with being anti-woman.
>Muslims, by attempting to bar them from entering the country.
fighting memes with memes.
>Internet users, by not doing anything to stop net neutrality.
he did stop net neutrality.
>North Koreans by threatening to nuke their country.
fighting memes with memes.

next time omit the quote, it makes it too obvious

Like we don't ALSO have those.

Implying email is anything more than a repository for receipts

You know most people on this board don't use any government assistance right?

Don't see a problem with oppressing any of those people tbqh

Fuck off stupid nigger

>if the state paid me and i were to allow wretched prole scum into my bourgeoisie clinic then i and everyone around me would be a LITERAL slave having our doors BEATEN DOWN by police, rah rah rah muh freedumz dont tred on meh

what a fucking nightmare it must be to live in this country. it's no wonder the people in it have to paint the grimmest picture of europe they possibly can whenever they are confronted by absolutely backwards 3rd-world thinking like this.

what does any of this have to do with email

We need to burn
Internet Users
North Koreans

Who complain now,
so that they don't bitch so much in the future when we do basic shit like enforce existing laws

Email can be secure. If you properly aet it up.

Do you not understand what the word "right" entails? Rights can't - by definition - infringe on the freedoms of others. This is why we say that you have the right to bear arms, rather than the right to arms. You have the right to purchase and use them, but you do not have an inherent right to them, as that would require someone producing one for you, in exchange for nothing.

If something infringes upon the freedom of others, then it is not a right. Even the "right to a legal defense" mandates that the lawyer is paid his normal hourly rate (which can exceed 300 dollars per hour, both in and out of court), and only applies to criminal trials.

The original post was answered pretty quickly regarding email. There's no reason to deprecate email, as encrypted mail is both readily available for free, even for people who can't be assed to manage it themselves (Tutanota, for example).

The fact that HRC was stupid enough to not encrypt and get caught is her own stupid fault, not the fault of the technology.

Kys retard

Good rebuttal.

if only there was a board for discussing politics

>if blacks left.png
in theory


HIllary would mass murder instead.
That woman LOVE her drone strikes, and as a president, she would most likely call one per hour.

He was talking about if every black literally left the country overnight. And, by that logic, the pic is right. Whether shit would happen due to the prison industrial complex is up for debate, but, at least for the first little bit, the picture is accurate.

>if our country wasn't shit it wouldn't be shit

>implying any state would voluntarily give its citizens tools for secure communication

It's not shit to me. But, yes, the US is probably the western country with the smallest government-run safety net.

>tfw no country with the consumer/workers' rights of the EU but the personal liberties of the US

I will make the logo

fuck off Sup Forums this thread would have been much better talking about just email

i would like to say that email shows its age (for one, it's 7-bit safe and requires binary content to be sent in base64) and so many standards (spf, dkim, pgp) have been bolted on throughout the years in an attempt to make it usable in modern times. one thing it has going for it: it's federated and therefore decentralised, but it still has huge spam issues, pgp doesn't encrypt headers, and tls still isn't a transport requirement (although starttls does seem to be widely supported now).

>Trump is oppressing Mexicans
This is amazing.

Tutanota does encrypted mail just fine, and the encryption isn't "bolted on."

that isn't a protocol, that's a service, and their aes/rsa is certainly "bolted on" to the existing email standard, as in, it hadn't existed in email before and it still isn't supported on outside email services. and i can't tell whether tutanota officially supports using my own servers with their encryption tactics. i know their client is FOSS but say, if i was to send an email from to someone using an actual tutanota email (and they were to send a reply back), would there be any server negotiation that would say "hey, i support encrypted emails+subjects"? my guess is probably not.

also, regardless of all that, it's still email and email still has a spam problem, even if it is (now) mostly hidden away as a result of highly complicated spam filters that the big guys use (spf only stops so much).

They have no beliefs, they dont have to participate
Bullshit. Im mexican, and i know most of these illegal fuckers come through mexico. Not necessarily from, but through.
What about the kids, are you opressing something that cant even express themselves yet?
>Internet users
Wrong, Ajit Pai is doing that. Plus, they are only trying to remove the Internet from Title 2.
What? He said all options are on the table

Don't know if they let you use your own server, but they let you use your own domain if you use Premium (a single Euro per month), and they also have a plugin for Outlook.

Furthermore, even if the person doesn't use Tuta, you can still send them an encrypted message. You just choose a password, and your email never leaves their server. Instead, it sends an unencrypted message to the email address letting them know that they have an encrypted email from you, with a link. They enter the password you gave them, and they get to read/respond to the email.

yeah, too dependent on a single service for my taste. still wouldn't hurt to have an open replacement to email that does what it should have done from the start, because tutanota will inevitably go down in the future.

All tech will inevitably go down in the future.

not an argument, protocols and standards aren't held up by funding like domains and infrastructure are. and you completely ignored the fact that you'd be depending on a single (essentially closed) service just for any perceived benefits you find yourself with

tutanota wants to be the privacy-oriented gmail, not a standards trendsetter, and that's exactly what we don't need. mail was designed to be decentralised so that there is no single point of failure.

Even the shit you're talking about that is "held up by funding" has changed within your life, presuming you're old enough to remember a dial up modem.

ALL tech deprecates. That said, it's usually done via evolution, not revolution.

Calling something "not an argument" does not make it one.

that's MY president

Nothing wrong with emails

This post is full of truth, but the reddit quote killed all of your credibility and is clearly bait.

>caring about trannies, spics, or mudslimes

how is any of that oppressive

>average pass user

Seems like my kind of president.

Email will not go away and email encryption will become mainstream.
Anyone else here staying on topic?

>people like this actually exist

Don't you have some brown cocks to be sucking on?


Hahahahahaha this post is so fucking meme tier I can't help but believe you actually believe this

It wasn't even the emails that dis Hillary Clinton did so much as the pandering to minorities and women and abandoning the Democratic blue collar base. If the DNC hadn't run a braindead socialist and a retarded political dynasty member like Jim Webb, they wouldn't have lost the Rustbelt in record numbers really.


There was nothing in "Hillary's emails". They weren't even Hillary's emails. The unsecured account belonged to her campaign manager.
And there was nothing incriminating in h͟i͟s emails on her server.
It was all a bunch of noise by the idiot right wing propaganda network.