Best graphics card for 1080p60? Pairing it with a Ryzen 3 1200 cuz I'm poor but want to be able to upgrade later on.
Best graphics card for 1080p60? Pairing it with a Ryzen 3 1200 cuz I'm poor but want to be able to upgrade later on
>buying a GPU right now
Nigga that's like trying to buy bread and milk in Florida this week. You picked the wrong time to be in need.
Wait until at least Black Friday.
Ahhhh I guess you're right.
>tfw no patience
>tfw literally spent two months saving to upgrade from 670 sli and 3570k
>tfw went fullretard and bought new ssd, new PSU, new mobo, new RAM, all to fit 7700k and 1080
I think I'm actually retarded, I'm on rice and beans budget mode now for like the next month.
1050ti to tide you off
medium high settings 1080p 60
Just get a 1070. That'll hold you for a decent amount of time, unless you game on a 60" 4k display.
Haha oh well. You shouldn't have to upgrade for awhile. I would've gone with the 6600k to save some money.
>have 1050
>cant even get 50 fps on medium settings
That's the only monitor I have so there's no use getting such a powerful card. I'm quite happy with 1080p
The 1050ti is actually substantially more powerful than the 1050.
I would recommend ryzen but if you wanted a 7700k you most likely are an Intel guy. But you're right the i5 line is dead.
yeah I was tempted, I was actually planning a ryzen build but ultimately I wanted the clock speed over core count, I mostly use the rig for games that are optimized like garbage, like total war.
For the average non-autist I'd agree, but I needed those clock speeds for muh toy armies.
It was kind of a slow creep where I started modestly and part by part went retard-tier since I knew I wont upgrade again for at least 3+ years.
I think the buyers remorse will wane as I actually receive all my parts and build the rig this weekend
GPU.userbenchmark has it at 13% more powerful (founders edition)
Will you delid it to get as much of those sweet fps as possible
I'm not the guy that bought the 7700k, just saying it's well worth going AMD at that price range.
Fair enough. I went intel a few years back when I made an i5 build because I needed single threaded performance for muh PCSX2 emulation, so I know that feel. Still, if you weren't in need of that specific use, Ryzen 5 makes a strong case.
I don't trust generic bench sites. The 1050ti 4GB cards are not great and are pretty overpriced (but what isn't right now?) but they can mince by for 1080p gaming with settings adjusted. You really have no other choice unless you want to get completely raped by stepping up to a 1060 and if you just have a 60 Hz monitor you really have to ask yourself if that is worth the expense for a few more eye candies.
What shitty ass game is that then ?
I played Wicher 3 1080p medium at 60+ with a 1050 non ti.
>I'm poor so I'm spending money on gayman gear so I can play more vidya instead of trying to earn more money
poorfaggots are pure pottery
that's not very nice user, we're all here because we like tech stuff :3
GTX 1050 ti if ultra poor
GTX 1060 3 GB if poor
GTX 1060 6 GB if slightly less poor
1050ti or rx460 if youre on a tighter budget
you can get a 1060 3gb for 210-220 or so
I can get the Rx 560 for 135$CAD so I might go for that.
Kys. Be nice
>buying into the "upgrade" meme
If Zen 2 really does run on the same motherboards they are making now I would be highly skeptical of any performance gains.
Zen 2 will be on am4 I'm pretty sure.
I don't think you understand how a SOC works user.
there is no "chipset"
I think 2012 wants you back.
lmao holy shit, this guy.
Jewtel really has you believing you need a new chipset every gen.
Can confirm, times are hard in florida right now
1600 and 3000 ram with a 1080/56 oc
Also 15ยข/kW so no vega
>ddr4 ram prices rising to phenomenal levels
>financially dumb to buy a new mobo and ryzen for that reason
>shortage of GPUs
When the fuck is this market going to normalize? My GPU is dying
1060 3gb is the most kawaii budget gpu right now
As long as youre not some faggot that plays AAA EA games it will be more than enough for most games
But it does get 50-70 fps in BF1 at 1080p ultra
I use mine for WoW prinarily with mostly maxed settings at 144fps
It also eats through overwatch with i5 or above
it would be a good pick, i reccomend a 4gb variant for more intensive games like escape from tarkov or something where vram is definitely used heavily, but if youre talking like CS:GO and GTA V and stuff like that, you can get away with the 2gb card just fine. And theyre a bit cheaper, so a future upgrade wont be at as much of a loss. Or you can go full retard and do rx 460 crossfire, because lolwhynot
rx560, 470 or 570
a chipset every year make the goyim shits in fear
how's it do in pubg? My brother-in-law wants me to build him a rig and I'm having some issues choosing a GPU. He's at 1080p.
Pubg is terribly optimized and the cpu will most likely be a bottleneck
You will get 60-80 fps at 1080p with all settings low except distance ultra and AA
Of course with random drops to 30 and 15 in pregame and falling out of the plane
Well that's the only future proof setup I can suggest