>unironically using Linux as the primary and only OS
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Unironically using Linux as the primary and only OS
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Works for me
Why shouldn't i? It's comfy as fuck.
No way somebody does that.
Linux is great for my home server, but I don't use my home server for shitposting.
me too .. comfy
The real reason for you is that you can play games on Windows. No need to sugarcoat it.
You should try it. The quality of your posts might improve.
What's wrong with me? Not wanting to pay for a broken OS. I understand that this is an undesirable behavior today's consumerist society.
Nothing. Have you tried it?
All my systems run Unix / Linux. I game on my systems.
I used to use a OSX box to admin my servers, but replaced it with a t420 running source mage.
The hardest pill for WinDERPS to swallow is that OSX / Mac is more of a real power user operating system than WinDERPS ever was.
You guys really need to have your Windows Nigger Net Exploder Safety Blanket / Pacifier taken away and forced to use a shell browser for a month.
That's what my PS4 is for. I got it for 200 bucks. I don't play online, so I have no reason to pay for online.
REALLY looking forward to the Secret of Mana remake.
Hell, my dad, who is an absolute retard when it comes to computers (literally the meme of an IE browser filled with search bars and a desktop filled with saved internet pages) became accustomed to Mint almost immediately. I just needed to set it up to be as stable and safe as possible.
This needs to happen more often.
Any non-GayMur Windows users need to just bite the bullet and install Mint and start converting boomers.
You don't have to pay for online anymore senpai. I think it was a slient announcement or something, but I play OverWatch daily while admining my servers from my couch and the card that my PSN account was on expired.
Nothing happened so far and its been like 6-8 months.
That's what I do. People come to me with problems all the time, and I tell them that I charge 10 bucks per hour to deal with Windows stuff, or they could pay me 25 bucks, and I will do a backup and install Linux Mint, and offer to service it for 6 months at no additional cost. I also tell them that if there is a problem after that, I won't charge more than 20 bucks to fix it.
Not even close.
That's neat, but I still have no desire to play online.
You can play alot of the games on linux.
this is true, huge indy / classic library and just keeps growing.
the linux DS ecosystem needs to stop self harming and we'll see more good stuff to come.
>huge indy / classic library
Absolutely irrelevant
enjoy keeping a $6k rig going for your extra 20fps on games that were designed for $200 consoles.
Spoken like a true peasant
If you don't game and have no need for decent office or studio software (audio/video) go for it. Else you will waste precious time on fixing driver problems you would never have with win/osx. Linux has it's use in server systems not in production.
>Spoken like a true peasant
I have a job, I don't have time for windows.
>decent office
DAWs, image editors and other shit
Theres nothing wrong with having a job and being an adult, you should try it OP
Pick one.
is that screenfetch?
I don't get what the issue is. If I didn't want to game on my PC, I wouldn't even have my Windows VM.
Not all jobs are data entry, professional gamers or graphic artists.
kek, so you dont even know about tech fields like server admin, get out more my friend
>>unironically using Linux as the primary and only OS
I wish I had this already. Windows is so bad I hate using it. I just play games with it like everyone else on this board who still use Windows. I might try dual booting soon to see how much I can game without Windows.
Which distro would be the gaymen distro, Sup Forums? Ubuntu or SteamOS or what?
How to spot the fat vidya gaymurrr.
Just no.
Just go Ubuntu or Mint
>unironically bashing Sup Forums's favorite thing
The thread died before it was even posted.
Why she haven't fixed her eyebrow too. Screws up the whole thing.
Also kys for being a dumbfuck.
Ubuntu or Mint. If you're most familiar with Windows, I recommend Mint.
For work, yes.
No. That's stupid. BSD is way better for home use.
Sorry for not being clear, I already use Linux on the side. I just meant what would be the best possible distro if the goal is gaming and nothing more. So there would be the least amount of configuring. I have another computer for other stuff and that Windows computer is only doing gaming.
Even Ubuntu is currently switching to Wayland so I'm not sure if that's a better or worse thing for current gaming.
Ubuntu. Steam OS is based off it. Mint is probably near-parity, but it's always best to go with the source.
Home what? NAS? Yes. Desktop? Absolutely crap.
>the least amount of configuring
Ubuntu. It was made with that goal in mind.
The only points where other distros might be better are graphics drivers (probably easy to search for a solution if it's a problem) and wine (if you want to use it, you'll probably want the newest version avaiable which won't get packaged in the official Ubuntu repos.)
Still easy to fix though.
Not him but why not SteamOS? Is it not good for desktop usage? I wanna learn.
Hello, Pajeet. How's your salary for shilling M$?
>Even Ubuntu is currently switching to Wayland so I'm not sure if that's a better or worse thing for current gaming.
Wayland is worse but only on account of Nvidia being a bunch of assholes that refuse to play nicely. The proprietary driver (which I assume you'd be using for gaming) does support Wayland but it's a shit-show with support varying depending on the compositor and even if the compositor does support it, it's still extremely buggy.
Nice bait, idiot.
I use an operating system that respects my freedom more than Windows or Mac OSX. What the fuck is wrong with you?
SteamOS is literally Ubuntu but it boots directly into Big Picture mode. Pretty sure it also has some performance hacks in there, but otherwise it's literally like Ubuntu 10.04 or some shit like that.
Lots of AAA games are getting native builds too, and many games work under wine fine. Hell dx11 under wine is making progress.
Ah yes. I am sure you're a graphic designer, music producer and photographer and you need all the pro tools that are only available on Windows.
I would use it I am just afraid that updates will fuck something up
I cannot handle stress easily these days so its not healthy for me trying to fix something that is not my fault
Serious question:
How long would it take to pick some middle aged woman who still have problems sometimes using Windows (but obviously one that received little training with it) and get her doing the majority of the work in a Linux based OS?
Generally updates don't break things any more than Windows ones do. I had an arch install that I didn't touch for over a year and it updated with no issues when I did get around to using the system again. My Ubuntu install hasn't broken from updates since I started using it years ago
Holy shit man, I've been doing the same thing for a couple of years now. The people I've done it for love it. Most want to be able to browse the Internet, email, scan photos, personal finance. All without worrying that an hour long windows update is going to fuck up their computer. They just want shit to work. All they have to do is stay away from shady sites an they're fine.
Got my mom onto mint in about 4 hours. She hasn't had any major problems since it was installed.
It's free and conveniently available, no activation or licensing bullshit, and at this point force of habit/inertia because I've been using it full time since the end of 2005. I haven't personally used a version of windows newer than XP
>>Sup Forums
And the best thing, she'll probabaly never have to worry about fragmentation slowing her system down ever again.
>tfw nothing like Visual Studio debugger or even close to it in Linux
>tfw too addicted to Linux anyway
just kill me
from an idiot user perspective they're not so different
browsers browse, skype skypes ... same shit
Basically. There are a few issues here or there, but she had those on Windows as well so that's not really a point against Linux
give me legit reasons for why linux is better
Use jetbrains. Totally BTFO VS abomination.
>voluntarily installing russian botnet on your pc
Give me legit reasons why should i give you legit reasons.
because you are the ones going against convention
Updates update all software on your system. No licensing. A terminal that doesn't suck.
>voluntarily installing M$ botnet on your pc
>unironically referring to a kernel as an OS
What the fuck is wrong with you?
any day bruv
>Argumentum ad publicum
it's not better it's just free an in free beer and Sup Forums are destitute poorfags
>linux ck
>don't annihilate wangblows scheduler
You are a retarded tech illiterate.
Want to game then definietly manjaro
translates to "it's free"
are you legitimately illiterate
It isn't made by NSA to spy on me.
The update system is much faster and more convenient.
Windows is overall slower.
Drivers actually work out of the box.
The display is better on Linux and isn't blurry like on windows. I don't want to go blind for just using an OS.
The customizability is better. Some distros even look better ootb than windows ever could.
It doesn't do all the retarded shit windows does (being unable to unmount hardware, raping unused disks, having shit driver system, forced updates and telemetry, forced app installs...)
No malware
No need for activators to use it (inb4 buy that garbage)
There are no (((editions))) crippling the OS if you don't pay more
This explains a whole lot about Sup Forums actually. Explains the chink thread. Explains all the cheap phone suggestions in spg. Explains why in dpt and wdg it's all about free learning resources and slandering of those who pay for education. Explains why thinkpads are so popular. Explains why linux is regular suggested when the only actual desktop/laptop OS on the market right now are macOS and windows. List goes on.
just one? package manager.
everytime I run a windows VM and have to do anything not stupidly basic, I need to install some crazy .msi/.exe from a freeware weird shitty site or get a torrent client first, then google other shitty torrent sites to get some half decent software and execute a fucking keygen.exe, like it's nothing with that ridiculous music excepting it dosn't have malware. seriously WTF.
>everytime I run a windows VM and have to do anything not stupidly basic, I need to install some crazy .msi/.exe from a freeware weird shitty site or get a torrent client first, then google other shitty torrent sites to get some half decent software and execute a fucking keygen.exe
this is one of those infomercials where the old man struggles to eat his cheetos and blames everything else except his own dumbass for it
peak linux user
>windows 10
corporate spyware
>windows 7, xp
cia spyware
Chinese spyware
rehl/nsa sypware
lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os
hardware spyware
>5 gibs
20 when you get all the updates
that cat is having an epiphany but he won't tell anyone about his model of the multiverse explaining reality because he's a fucking cat
windows is so operational the coders themselves don't know how the fuck the base code is written
they shit out updates that break the kernel so fucking frequently
>On the linux there are about 2 functional button
Is this a copypasta that slipped my trace or are we seeing a Pajeet finally lose his mind
I work as sysadmin for private medical insurance. Also I do real work on computer, not playing gayms faggot.
Nice pasta shill.
You don't even bother to write your own shit anymore.
> server systems are not production
Can you give me the name of that private medical insurance? I want to make sure everyone I know avoids it.
Of course not. And mission critical systems don't run windows, faggot. For brain dead kids like you and gayms, it's fine