Would it be smart to make some kind of discord server for Sup Forums?

Would it be smart to make some kind of discord server for Sup Forums?

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post link

Use mumble not discord botnet

>muh botnet

No. People on Sup Forums like to be anonym not pseudonym

Link nao faget

>Literally uses Google services
>Shuts down racist accounts
You're showing your newfaggotry. There's already a Sup Forums IRC (and many more for Sup Forums's specific interests). Lurk a bit more before you bother us 1337 hackers with your fatuous twaddle.


there already is one: discord.gg/ZbHYrA9

God no.


he can't even reply to things correctly

>using discord
like, at all.

fuck off bully

>mfw this is an actual website

Ok i got it and i admit it. I have autism. I will uninstall discord tomorow. What are alternatives?


>using popular software is autism
no u r

If you do I will spam trap porn

I can't figure out if this is supposed to be encouragement or not

Discord servers kill the board