User Scripts (including opengl shaders):
High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):
User Scripts (including opengl shaders):
High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):
Other urls found in this thread:
Can someone tell me why I should use this over vlc or parole?
I've switched to barebones debian with i3 and am now manually selecting all my applications for a comfy experience instead of just using whatever the distro came with like before.
Indeed, real nice
>RAVU looks better than NNEDI3 8x6 256 NNs and runs 100x faster
>was trained on anime and for anime only
...on 1 shitty quality pic only
mpv runs much faster and smoother for me.
is this bad anons? would it damage my GPU if I used HQ too much?
More RAVU.
aside from being faster at everything and having excellent options for upscaling, I really like how mpv behaves deterministically
IIRC VLC remembers window position and size, like most GUI programs
this annoys the shit out of me and I like that mpv is amnesiac by default and doesn't remember anything
also, having a settings menu is so shit compared to having a config file and is way harder to maintain
Why is there a white supremacist hand signature in the OP?
Most people use 64 neurons I think
when i seek with the arrow keys a secondary OSC seekbar shows up, and i want to get rid of it. what are the options for it called?
If maxing out your GPU for long periods of time was bad then every gaymen rig would be fried within a month.
maxing out GPU =/= demanding gaymen
if you don't undervolt then your GPU will get fucked by retarded meme currency mining
Mining is artificial / unnatural load though.
Gaming and video processing don't stress the GPU in the same way.
RAVU is better here too, IMO. WTF.
huh? where do you like nnedi3 better except for that ringing shit near electricity pole?
There is ringing all over the place with RAVU
>he zoomed 300+% in
The ringing is pretty low and RAVU is also sharper. Less oily look too (if we zoom into oblivion).
is it normal to have ravu compute and gather have same timings roughly
how do I decide which one to use (´・ω・`)
Doesnt matter really as long as they equal in speed.
Why is gaming and video processing natural and non artificial?
Is it normal for Sup Forums to always have a thread about how great mpv is? It's a good media player, maybe even the best media player. We get it.
I dunno, is it normal for Sup Forums to have endless vaguely tech-related consumerism generals?
the training thing is a meme. $50 says RAVU trained on any other type of content will look exactly the same
100% load which uses most of the chip at all times causes electromigration which shortens lifespan of chips. Also can cause various card related power delivery problems, Furmark used to brick some overclocked cards. Gaming and video related work naturally fluctuates with high and low loads of work at times, its much easier on chip with modern power saving systems in place
how to train ravu????
I'm really glads anons keep this bumped because I always have questions to ask. I also answer whatever I can when I drop by
Reminder there is no difference between these two.
x cycle-values scale spline36 ewa_lanczossharp
Reminder cscale is not important
X cycle-values cscale nearest ewa_lanczos
Open a video and click to a random point in the video (so you're using a real world example and not a test card) then keep hitting x until you have no idea which scale you're using then see if you can guess which one you're using. Check with stats screen to see if you are right.
Stop wasting precious CPU cycles on memes! :-)
Kill yourself.
low quality bait
That's clearly SCALE nearest and not CSCALE.
Please read more carefully or copy and paste the bind I conveniently wrote for you.
Retard. Kill yourself.
Not an argument. Please do it properly.
Can't even understand that, huh? What an idiot.
check mpv stats to make sure you're not dropping frames or otherwise struggling to keep up, if things there look good then you're fine.
You have no idea what you're talking about lol. Still waiting for attempt at an explanation from last thread. It should be funny.
Then you clearly did the experiment wrong by doing scale nearest instead of cscale. already has a thread devoted to it? Neat!
--scale is disable if the video resolution match your display resolution, idiot. Learn to read.
Here's the video
Yeah I should have read your mind and known the resolution of the source video despite it looking like potato quality. My bad.
wtf they look the same
also i'm slightly memeing by using nearest. use spline36 for cscale and it's literally indistinguishable.
Can we put the following link right after profile=opengl-hq in the OP?
Oh my god are you fucking stupid. You didn't even try to get what he was telling you, at least I hope so.
Go and try your cscales on this one:
And then please shut the fuck up.
In case you are wondering why cscale matters so much on my and his clip but doesn't on your comparison, well... just read the shit a dozen people told you to. I'm not going to explain basic video technologies to you when the web is full of good explanations.
"it looks shit in this single extremely cherry picked example!"
Just use whatever fucking scale and cscale you like the most. Most of the differences between things that are supposed to be better than spline36 are indeed ridiculously small if the scaling factor isn't high enough so whatever. Spline36 is fast and looks almost the same as the EWA scalers most of the time.
Give static grain.
Been using the autoload lua script to automatically load the other files in the folder, but I wish it would just pause once the video finishes instead of automatically starting the next video in the playlist. Does anyone know of a way to make it pause once playback finishes?
Aside from it being an ultra good media player, mpv meshes well with *nix's philosophy of maximum configurability and "the do one thing and do it well" mindset, it also comes with excellent defaults (read minimal), so typing:
$ mpv such-and-such.webm
will play the file with max volume in a single window (if it has a video stream) with no visible gui elements and exit at the end of the file, here it works as a single shot player. with the following:
$ nohup mpv --loop-playlist=yes --volume=30 --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui ~/tmp/pl.m3u &> /dev/null &
You get your ordinary media player with a play-list on repeat mode.
Now play-lists are plain text files, this is of utmost importance to keep in mind when working with *nix systems, your Debian (love that system by the way, that is why you get this wall of text) offers you all the tools to deal with those, just in case you're a new *nix user here are a few ways you build play-lists:
* All aoa clips in the download folder:
$ ls -d ~/Downloads/* | grep -Ei '.*aoa.*(webm|mp4|mkv)' > ~/tmp/pl.m3u && mpv --volume=30 ~/tmp/pl.m3u
* All files older than Torrero.webm excluding the file itself:
$ ls -dcr ~/Downloads/*.webm | sed '1,/Torrero.webm/d' > ~/tmp/pl.m3u && mpv --volume=30 ~/tmp/pl.m3u
* All mkv files released by fun-team-translations newer than file series-ep20-fun-team-translations.mkv:
$ find ~/Series/ -type f -iname '*fun-team-translations*' -a ~/Series/some-series/series-ep20-fun-team-translations.mkv > ~/tmp/pl.m3u && mpv --volume=30 ~/tmp/pl.m3u
If you see yourself using some option all the time, you can add it to the config file and next time it starts up it uses it by default.
//!DESC grain
#define STRENGTH 96
// PRNG taken from mpv's deband shader
float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x / 289.0) * 289.0; }
float permute(float x) { return mod289((34.0*x + 1.0) * x); }
float rand(float x) { return fract(x / 41.0); }
vec4 hook() {
vec3 _m = vec3(HOOKED_pos, 1.0) + vec3(1.0);
float h = permute(permute(permute(_m.x)+_m.y)+_m.z);
return HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos) + vec4(STRENGTH/4096.0 * (rand(h) - 0.5));
//!DESC grain
#define STRENGTH 48
// PRNG taken from mpv's deband shader
float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x / 289.0) * 289.0; }
float permute(float x) { return mod289((34.0*x + 1.0) * x); }
float rand(float x) { return fract(x / 41.0); }
vec4 hook() {
vec3 _m = vec3(HOOKED_pos, 0.5) + vec3(1.0);
float h = permute(permute(permute(_m.x)+_m.y)+_m.z);
return HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos) + vec4(STRENGTH/8192.0 * (rand(h) - 0.5));
It looks shit for every single red part. There are other color combinations that make it equally visible.
Well, at least finally you noticed your stupidity and gained some knowledge.
Try to protect like you don't care all you want, I don't mind. We all know that embarrassment is the driving force of your damage control.
Whenever I drag and drop a shortcut file to mpv it crashes. Is there any workaround for this or do I have to use the original file?
Why the fuck would you want to drag and drop, and why the fucking hell would you want to drag and drop fucking shortcuts?
Works in MPC-HC. Probably too.
I'm not doubting that it does, I'm just trying to understand why you'd want to do it.
Ah. Forgot about the always argument. I was already using "yes" so slipped my mind to try there. Thanks.
Why is mpv so comfy?
It's made by an expert at doom9 just like madVR. He also made StaxRip.
good one
opengl isn't comfy we need vulkan
I found out a version is for windows too. So nice. MPC-HC was acting funky, vlc sucks a dick, Got MPV and now I can' watch Taken in the best quality I've ever seen it in!
The drag and drop part isn't important, but as for the shortcuts I use them occasionally for organizational purposes.
any way to restrict a config option in mpv.conf when a video is 720p or less?
MPC-HC/BE are better. Just saying.
>needing a third party program to even compete
el oh el
Not really
I am a windowsbabby trying to decipher the manual , please educate me
If I understand correctly, mpv --alang=eng file.mkv would be something I enter into the command prompt and it would make mpv open a file.mkv with English audio track, right?
So several questions
1) how would it (not sure if it is mpv or the command prompt/OS in this case) determine what directory the file is in? What if I had a different file.mkv in two different folders?
2) if there were two english audio tracks in the same file, how would it determine which one to play?
3) if I wanted to make mpv prioritize english audio tracks in the config, how would I adapt the option? would it just be alang=eng?
1) It would play file.mkv if it's in the directory that your prompt is in. It doesn't search other directories. You can open a prompt in a specific folder by shift + right clicking and clicking "open command window here".
2)Probably whichever track has a lower ID.
nice "whtie power" symobl you got there fucks... reported!
Why do you even insist on using command line? Just double click or drag and drop youre videos.
>2) if there were two english audio tracks in the same file, how would it determine which one to play?
Press shift+3 to cycle audio tracks.
>3) if I wanted to make mpv prioritize english audio tracks in the config, how would I adapt the option? would it just be alang=eng?
>automatically select these audio tracks (decreasing priority)
If you want to learn mpv and config use this as example
>2) if there were two english audio tracks in the same file, how would it determine which one to play?
It probably can't. You can press the button in the corner with the speech bubble to cycle through the audio tracks. There are also keybindings for cycling.
>3) if I wanted to make mpv prioritize english audio tracks in the config, how would I adapt the option? would it just be alang=eng?
If you want to be sure that the English track is indeed prioritized I'd rather put alang=English,eng,en instead. The reason being some english tracks are named "en" and "English" instead of eng. You can add secondary priorities behind it. Here's what I'm personally using, prioritizing Japanese first, then Korean and lastly English:
thank you, all
just curious, does the priority matter between for example Japanese,jpn,jp? I may be wrong but what determines the ID is the file type, right? So for example mkvs will only look at the three character codes when choosing priority, yeah?
>does the priority matter between for example Japanese,jpn,jp?
It will prioritize the audio track named "Japanese" first, then "jpn" and then "jp". So yes.
>Probably whichever track has a lower ID.
the container (or mkv, at least) can specify a default track. this is usually the first track but it can be any or no track.
is there a way to override the default track? I changed my config to this and I opened a video to test and it still opened with the [eng] audio track selected and I'm not sure why
Because of the [test profile] part.
You'd need to start it with mpv --profile="test profile" in this case.
Remove [test profile] and try again.
oh, that worked, thank you
This is fast as fuck, even on windows.
This stax guy is off the fucking hook with all that balls mad coding!