> Under the hood, the application uses the Electron framework which in turn uses Chromium and Node.js. Using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can use Electron to develop a desktop application. The nice part about Movie Monad, however, is that we will create the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using Haskell.
Henry Price
This is a nightmare.
Brandon Taylor
The electron meme is really getting out of hand
Jose Cruz
hah, if stumps you, observe the RAM requirements of ghc itself
Anyway, it went from one shit tier technology to the next.
Grayson Long
ghc is a compiler. It makes sense it would have high ram usage.
Ryder Carter
>ghc is a compiler. It makes sense it would have high ram usage. To a certain extend. But we are talking about couples of GB for trivial some-k line software thanks to lazy evaluation.
Robert Price
>The nice part about Movie Monad >nice can't make that shit up
Luke Hall
Logan Barnes
Liam Collins
Dominic Fisher
I feel lied to, cheated, and defiled
Hunter Hernandez
so is haskell /ourlang/ or not? because I don't know if I should fall for this meme
Eli Anderson
It's a nice entry point if you want to get into the functional programming and computational logic field. Don't use it for everything though.
Luis Clark
50mb doesn't sound like that big of a runtime if you ask me.
Adam Lewis
GHC is great if you use the -O2 flag and turn on LLVM, and if you know how to make a program properly in haskell.
Protip: The kind of haskell you regularly see on the internet is shit-tier, good haskell requires practice but pays off well.
>t. winfag
Andrew Flores
Slow language. But still most enjoyable language to program. Specially if you care about abstraction / category teory
Charles Hughes
>Slow language. citation needed
Robert Bell
Read the fucking link in the OP. The post is about rewriting the Electron version in Gtk, which reduces the RAM consumption from 300MB to 50.
>and if you know how to make a program properly in haskell.
Experts will still cause space leaks. Haskell is deprecated.
Daniel Peterson
electron is pure cancer, my OS just freezes when ever i start Atom, im running fucking emcas all day long it even starts at boot up and that shit never happened with it
Lincoln Campbell
electron is great, especially vscode
Gabriel Gutierrez
Haskell is not suitable for GUIs. Even FRP frameworks haven't made it any less painful and it's the cleanest abstraction found yet.