how accurate?
How accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty accurate, move fedora to wise tier.
>No ReactOS
Get the fuck out of here with this garbage
>literally who OS
why is mint kids os?
It's perfect, werks out of the box
Should be the Sup Forums life cycle. Eventually using any mainstream os that just works for them rather than bitching about it constantly on Sup Forums.
The best and ONLY "Windows-substitute" OS in ~5 years from now.
I would use it if it was Windows XP tier but it isn't yet. One day maybe
Because it's hacked together and the devs don't care
They manually add their own packages without actually properly adding them to the debian / ubuntu repos, some of which have the same names as existing packages
If you want to install those packages you're then unable to because they've been overwritten
The devs are not very competent.
>Whatever gets the job done
So Ubuntu. It just werks.
That's surprisingly accurate.
kek no
>The GNU/Linux user life cycle
Ameridumb reading comprehension right here
>Slackware not under "Bob"
You had one job.
It already is. It'd be 7 x64 bit SP1-tier in ~5 years from now.
Where is Antergos ??
Same tier as manjaro it should be.
So Windows 10 is in "gets the job done" tier?
all operating systems are at that point and it's purely up to your likes, needs, and workflow.
very inaccurate.
Fedora and openSUSE are making you to use non-default software repositories and do a lot of legwork to install codecs, decent fonts, etc. Not kiddies systems.
Elementary should be in babies tier because it's basically Ubuntu LTS with a dumbed down DE and a useless AppStore.
And so on and so on...
Make another chart, this one is broken.
it's an open source chart, fix it yourself
underrated kek
there's no emo using
>Still no ReactOS
You couldn't me more of a retard, I guess
who's paying you to shill this os?
God I'd be fucked, I fatfinger typo shit in the terminal at least 20 times a day.
Get in the oven, kike.
Are you a lamer?
isn't this just linux with preinstalled wine? what a meme.
It's GNU+Linux+ChineseBotnet
fuck i miss crunchbang
i used a distro called archbang and it was lit
The operating system user life cycle:
>child: Whatever is factory installed on his pre-built PC (Windows with extra bloatware)
>heterosexual young adult: Windows+Linux dual-boot
>homosexual young adult: OSX
>autistic virgin young adult: GNU/Linux
>mature adult: modified Windows with all bloatware and botnet features removed/disabled
Nothing that special about crunchbang, just do a Debian and install openbox, tint2 and conky.
This, learn how to read
>mature adult: modified Windows with all bloatware and botnet features removed/disabled
So basically there is no such thing as a mature adult in existence.
Please refer to
>It'd be shit in ~5 years from now.
please refer to
>mature adult: modified Windows with all bloatware and botnet features removed/disabled
here is your (You), don't spend it on whores all once.
>implying the majority of people that switch to Linux don't end up back at Windows or buying a Mac.
d e l u s I o n a l
>neo-g: the reply
arch user, and i will say that this is not accurate not because of the arch stereotype but for the debian one
Le spacing letters, btfo
I'm concerned about the fact that g is just plain retarded now I want prog back
t. disgruntled neckbeard
I used puppy linux once, I don't see the appeal apart from being lightweight
>Manjaro in enlightened tier instead of babby
Privacy (not against botnets, but for free wifi) without autismo tier solutions.
delet this, fedora is bog-tier
>he doesn't want to admit that a system can give you freedom without being needlessly complicated
Not everyone is like you
fuck you
I don't know. I've never known anyone who used Linux their entire life and died an early death. Linux hasn't been around all that long in the scheme of things.
Version without irrelevant distros.
literally me on the arch step after Mint and Xubuntu
What am I?
3 years of ubuntu(way back, before unity)
2 years of mint/xubuntu (desktop)
6 months of debian(server)
>tfw use both debian and gentoo
>no fedora
11/10 extreme b8
Bob Dobbs should be on Slackware retard.
Completely wrong.
5. Manjaro (bleh)
6.Finally, Arch and Ubuntu
This. Fedora is at least guy smoking pipe tier. You can't watch 95% of videos because they require encumbered codecs that Fedora doesn't have repos for, babies can't deal with that. You couldn't even listen to mp3s out of the box until JUST NOW in Fedora 26. It's also super enterprisey and ships with SELinux enforcing. I'd place Fedora and FreeBSD in sage tier and plan9, OpenBSD, and TempleOS in Buddha tier.
>children tier Puppy Linux as wise old man tier
this one is more accurate.
For me it was:
Mint > Arch > Gentoo > Debian
2022? When software would have already begun to cease supporting Windows 7 by then?
Fedora belongs in the same position as arch. Though the level of tryhard is debatable in such a comparison, both are shit and unusable for serious work. So by the time you reach dad-tier, the affair with such distros should be over.
Who tf use debian as desktop os. Gtfo
Who the fuck uses Gnu/Linux as a desktop os? lmbo
scary accurate
What's below windows in the last panel?
Is this the thread to autistically rant about niche Linux distributions? :v
By the way I use linux mint because I am a lazy nigger, but on the plus side I do code with it.
>slackware 2017
>Dogememe Linux
OP is massively retarded.
As long as something just werks I will use it.
Windows is like a shitty tool that only gets the job done because there is no other alternative.
think of it like a ak47, it kills and is efficient but the thing is less reliable than putting bullets in a toy gun.
Meanwhile Linux is that good ol shotgun from your dad that still operates after so many years of shooting ducks, it may be a piece of garbage that only takes 2 bullets but it werks without a problem in the long run.
Mac os on the other hand is the most utter shit os I have ever tested, imagine being a police officer that can only shoot at very specific places with a very specific gun to a very specific person.
Amiga OS and every other shitty os that is worth the price of dirt is just made for autistic weaboo's with an IQ lower than nigger average
No parabola or trisquel. Wtf are you even doing?
>tfw it just works
Came to post this, except my neckbeard era distro was a short stint with Arch.
>while Debian exists
Someone explain this shit to me, seriously. Why do we have all these downstream distro of a distro of a distro memes? Is it just the installer? I've used Sid for almost a decade and never had issues.
where is neon
>Fedora belongs in the same position as arch
kak, when was the last time you used it?
these don't make any sense but alas, this is what mint does to your mind
>using Debbie + Ian
explain this garbage to me mister
Boring office stuff like spread sheets: Red Hat, CentOS
Noobs general: Ubuntu
Entry-level coding: Debian
Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hardcore hacking: Arch
Better one
I'm pretty confident Bob Dobbs goes with Slackware bud.
>Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hardcore hacking: Arch
heh who knows, in 10 years it might catch up with windows..... 2000
>Powered by GNU
That's Literally ALL GANOO slash LEEHOOX distors. Do you seriously think Linus Torvalds would have written a kernel if GNU wasn't around? Really??
I dont see the superior OS, KDE neon.
>he cucks himself out as a guinea pig for free
more like KDE peon
But really,
>Windows 10
A Mini14, or similar 5.56x45mm rifle that isn't an AR-Pattern
>Windows 7
An AR-Pattern rifle
>Windows XP/2000/98/95
All the AK-Pattern rifles that arent modified derivatives (e.g Galil, those finn AKs)
>"Newfag/Can't into linux" distros like Ubuntu and Mint
AK Derivatives
WW1 era service rifle
>"Advanced" linux distros
Various oddball/wildcat guns including levergats, parlor guns, express rifles and antique guns
Airgun shooting .22-.25 caliber pellets.
Gen.3 Glock in .40 S&W (the one that explodes)
Full-size polymer-frame striker-fired handguns that aren't glocks
>Other cellphone or tablet operating system