What's your favorite data structure and why?
>Depends on what I'm doing
I know, situation matters, but in general which do you like best?
What's your favorite data structure and why?
>Depends on what I'm doing
I know, situation matters, but in general which do you like best?
Vector of structs
Why do you like red/black trees?
quadtrees are pretty neat imo
Any persistent balanced binary tree, treap is simple and fast, they are the fucking best
B+ trees because database fag.
skip list
An enum with a string and an integer
Hashed Map/Set always feels nice to use even though I use them too much.
All kinds of trees but I'm into acceleration structures for path tracing so I'd say Bounding Volume Hierarchies
vEB tree
You are an idiot
double ended queues, they solve so many problems with multithreading
Multimap. Comfy af
Merkle DAGs
Dictionaries with dictionaries with dictionaries
Fight me
ring buffer
relational database
xor list
also this
Just simple arrays
Intel™ ringbus® :^)
Kademlia routed DHT
Hash array mapped trie
This thread is going to get deleted fast. Pic related.
>Why do you like red/black trees?
Can implement dictionaries / hashmaps with them with reasonable memory usage to CPU usage trade-off.
xorlists are neat
Doubly linked list, especially on devices with no MMU :^)
Depends on what I'm doing.
>no MMU
Wouldn't that imply a flat address space (aka direct physical memory access)?
Wouldn't that also imply that you can just reserve part of your RAM to your data structure and just calculate offsets, rather than having to dereference a list pointer every time?