/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread: Sending our Regards edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


>wake up
>still no Emp invite

>the /ptg/

asuka is very big shit


What do you think of them switching to Empornium's Gazelle fork?

>tfw IPT isn't a good tracker anymore.
>tfw they have the software you want but it's outdated
>tfw you need to go to crappy ddl sites to download your shit, and it takes 10 hours to download 1GB.
>tfw you have been global-cabal banned.
>tfw IPT fired all his uploaders and is now a shitty tracker

>begging for new users to sign up because you fucked up your tracker economy and won't fix it

Why is GGn so cucked?

Is it possible to convert Chuckie Cheese tokens to freeleech tokens? Asking for a friend.

GGn declines over 25% of applications, it's not like they're accepting everyone

>IPT fired all his uploaders

>GGn declines over 25% of applications

Not exactly discriminatory....should be over over 50%.

>wake up
>more animated complex cartoons from japan and korean kino to watch all day
Feels good not being in the KG. Or so I wish I could say but the truth of the matter is I am still not in the KG

Is this an american thing?

>he needs a tracker for video games
>he plays modern video games


Back in the good old days there were plenty of solo-uploaders that made the site great.
Make IPT great again.

best tracker torrentkangs is up boys

>the best tracker in its niche has adequate staff resources to roll out and manage an application process to vet potential new users/seeders/contributors to the community
it really is time to move on, user


Go hang yourself, pedo.

>not literally kangs

I clicked for nothing.

it's okay if she's from the moon


Open up a cheap VPS and wget it in a screen

It won't change anything; I have a 200Mbps home connection, it's just that fucking file sharing server.

>watching """complex""" (haha) anime
>not studying for complex University courses

The problem with IPT is that they started to enforce "quality" uploads. The issue is that if you were first to upload a popular non-movie torrent, admins would likely take it down so they or their friends could upload it 'first', like anyone actually cared who uploads it. It happened a ton of times and just completely killed solo uploaders on that site. Combine that with more demands for 'donations' being shoved in your face and you got a shit site.

It's still bretty good for two things though: remuxes and ratio not mattering. I've been on there for like, a year and a half and I have 9TB upload and 15,000 BP. IPT is basically ratioless at that point, since you only need 50BP to zap a torrent and you get roughly that per day if you download loads of 1KB torrents.

>tfw studying for a master's in big data
Is that complex enough for you?

I've got some big data for you

*unzips dick*

You don't need to download loads of small torrents for BP, the cap is at 10 so that's all you need.

My dick is bigger than yours. Next.

Man I really missed BCG

Islam is our salvation. Praise Allah.

My IQ is higher than yours (176)

The higher achievable is 160. My IQ is 160.

thanks for info, mate. I left the site years ago during the days of eddywatson, Goldenflower, YumYumRed and rok3r. but I remember hearing that the owner gave the staff total freedom to do what that liked as long as donations weren't affected. they weren't a particularly bright bunch of people as I remember.

i hope pcjnet is doing ok. literally the nicest man in the pt community.

he probably converted to islam in jail

I am highly ranked on ab and only watch anime on Crunchyroll with my smartphone
Pic related is 617yo loli

So is this legal or what?


Ever thought about how they might actually be complex but it's just going over your head?

>masters in big data
if you're gonna lie to try and make yourself sound smart, don't use buzz words that everyone knows are bullshit

Oh shit it looks terrible on my computer, I can't believe I am watching such shitty quality, do people really pay for this terrible scam service? I use a stolen Crunchyroll account. Still gonna watch my anime on Crunchyroll on bed tho :^)

I'm studying for a M.S. in MongoDB myself.

>RED is hemorrhaging users
>forums are a ghost town
>most torrents completely unseeded
>RED staff caught faking stats again

Is this the end?...

110% fake news

>not watching the blur-rays directly on your phone
pleb. Looks great.

Do bots on RED not autosnatch every uploaded torrent like they did on what?

My 32gb Galaxy s6 is filled with FLAC files

Most only snatch 2017 FLAC with log but some snatch all 2017 FLAC.

just pop in another sd-card?

You must talk about Apoohlooh

One of the 2 only flaws of the Galaxy s6 is the non-removable battery.
The other one is the lack of SD card slot.

I fucking wish this were true so I could get my ratio up more. Everything is very far from being unseeded.

Simlar problem with my nexus 5x. 32GB no sdcard slot. Luckily I still had my nexus 6 64GB so now I use that as a dedicated flac player for my car. Fits most of what I listen too regularly.

I have a PhD in NoSql

polio is broke and won't see its first birthday


What does this even mean

Also, any new relevant trackers leately?

I will stop paying for my seedbox soon, i'm too set for life

no you're not

>buys a phone that literally cucks its users out of the sd card slots
(posted from my chink phone WITH removable sd card slot)

>Paying for seedbox
>Not having your own server with many TB

the s6 is the best phone ever made

I bet its stats are comparable to my 100 dollar chink phone

I'm on google fi, I literally can't buy chink phone with removable sd card slot

>drops the chink phone on the floor
>it breaks

With the seedbox I have enough buffer to DL anything I want instantly

I've never in all my years of being on this earth ever dropped any gameboys or phones or controllers. Must be an american thing. But you do realize your phones are made by chinks as-well right? They're just more expensive because of patents while actual chink phones don't give a shit about copyright law.

Hmm. I don't really understand but whatever you say.

where can I get 2tb/1gbps seedbox for less than 10€/month?

muh buffer

Yea I have a seedbox too. It's on my proxmox environment that's running all the time anyways so not much extra overhead for the same thing.

With Google's Project Fi they only allow you to have google phones. At least this was the case when I signed up.

enjoy your chinging korilla glass tm

What is this picture supposed to prove aside from having artifacts? Again. Do you not realize your phone is made in the same country?

the picture was unrelated, your posts are like your phone, shit.

literally the same technology

I bet you're hoarding porn

non sequitur

reminder to use all your tokens now you have the chance


I can just grab those off of RUT or SS can't I? There's no rush.

How do you see your tokens? I'm new and can't find it


Yeah, but the point is to hoard something sizable for long-term seeding. And get to know some culture in the way.

>I'm new
they were given away two months ago


I don't really think RED is my kind of tracker. Seems like just a stepping-stone. Most culture is not worth learning about.

Everyone go look what happens when you Google Image Search for siria gardi!

italiankitten is nice tho. why would anyone dislike her



Nice feet


just learned rarbg.com is blocked in my cucked country, now all i've got is a list of slow proxies for thepiratebay
what's the next most popular public tracker?


That's a porn board, I believe you intended to direct me to /wsr/.


What's your mail adress so I can invite you to PassThePopcorn?

Is notwhat.cd cabal?

do we know any staff alt account from red?


>do we know any staff alt account from red?
You're buying a fake meme.

How much yen does it cost to buy off hit and runs on AB? It's not mentioned in the rules.

It depends on the size of the torrent you HnR.

What's the formula?