>still paying off my compsci loan
>only making 75k/yr and 80k in the bank
>most of my paycheck goes to rent and food
>my classmates are posting their new houses and children on Facebook

rentcucks never learn

>have 80k in bank
>making 75k/yr
How the fuck can you not afford a house? How do you spend $5k a month on food and rent?

You, at least, have 80k in savings. In my country it's practically impossible to buy a house if you're not from a rich family and you're starting by yourself. Even if you managed to buy one, it'd be laughable for an American (apartment instead of whole house)

Yea mate you suck pretty bad for not buying and wasting money

תאכל תחת

Get a financial advisor. Because you're apparently too fucking stupid to manage your own money.

why is wojak here?

What ?

I wont even start working until I'm like 30 so whatever nigger. Just be happy you're alive. Most of my friends from high school aren't.

> Just be happy you're alive. Most of my friends from high school aren't.
Story time?

Just a poor drug and crime riddled rural area. I think it's important to realize exactly where you stand. I know how annoying it sounds to hear "it cud alwayz be wurse user!" as someone who has been told that while literally sleeping under a bridge but when you have eighty thousand dollars in the bank and a stable income working in a comfy ac'd office you've more or less made it and should try to enjoy it

>75K a year
Unless you're talking about Australian Monopoly money then you should have it paid off easily. Spend less money, groid. If you're single with no children then saying the majority of that check goes into rent and food is horse tits.

>murkan problems

rude sage

I paid off my loan less than a year after I graduated. I am debt free. My coworkers in their 30s are still paying off their student loans. I do not understand this shit.

> last year of comp sci
> 0€ debt
> 20k on bank
Feels good not being a burger

>Make about 115k/yr
>Student loans over 500k
>Live with parents
>33 years old
I never asked for this.

How big was your loan compared to theirs?

>>Student loans over 500k
Wait, what? How?

> >my classmates are posting their new houses and children on Facebook
> 25
> salary above average in the city
> less than 1k$ in bank
> no house
> no gf
> no car
I feel like I'm being jewed by my government.

>get free CS engineering Magister degree from goverment
>make $13k/yr
>rent+food costs $150
>mediocre, but OK

If you have 80k in the bank you have enough to pay off loans for a cs degree... save enough for an emergency fund, i assume you already have a 401k, so put the rest to paying off the high interest loans. It'll save you pain down the line. My high interest loans are like 6%, not pretty

By the way, if you really want a house 80k is more than enough for downpayment on a 400k house, which is above average for a middle class FAMILY much less a single dude

I think they're actually around 450k right now. How? Lots of private school tuition to get my degree.

>Freelance HW/SW developer
>Consuming the last scraps of my savings in rent and food
>At the lack of a defined schedule, I work all day

>Have 80k saved up
>Can only afford rent and foot
What the fuck does that mean? How did you save up 80k then.

If your loan rates were lower than you could have made from investing that money, they are making more money than you.

Student loan debt is really cheap and low interest rate shit, paying that off early instead of investing that money can actually lose you potential gains.

You went to a private school.... for CS? I'm sorry but you deserve every single interest compounding period on that mistake.

That being said you're doing much better than retards who buy a house with 3.5% down @30 years, nothing in savings, no 401k, two car loans at 60+ months, and two kids to take care of. That situation is the norm with almost everyone I've met across the USA the past few years.

Not CS, completely different field. I am most likely completely under-earning at the moment, I just don't have a great way to increase my income in an obvious way without also incurring a bunch of stress/additional work or potentially jeopardizing my business. Federal loans at around 7-8% interest make up the bulk of the debt. JFMSU.

Holy jesus, seven to eight percent?! What is the loan period on that? 25 years?

>30 years mortgage
Literally who does that? I was told housing is cheap in America and Google confirms that average suburban home in non-ultra trendy area costs $250k.

>25 years?

30 year mortgage is the norm. We have a habit here of blowing all of our money on shit we don't need.
Also the average income is something like 65k per year

Yes houses are "cheap" compared to the rest of the world, but your average FAMILY doesn't make much money, let alone the average PERSON. See graph.

That's over 3k a month in loan payments user.... Are you okay?

How much do you owe?
Pharmd school here, I'm gonna be about 144k in the hole after.
In a very saturated field too, kill me pls


Even if you say people blow it's ridiculous. Most American real estate agents will advise at most 20% of income go into monthly housing, ie mortgage or rent. For me that's like $800. What the fuck? You can't buy a house with that

Fred doesn't track averages. :/

>tfw dropped out of pharmacy school and cruised through cs

kys normie

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You're right. But I guess it gives me peace of mind about finances. I have quite a bit saved up and haven't gotten into investing yet because of laziness.

Feels good to live in a first world country with no student loans

I agree. I plan to pay off my loans early because I'd rather have the freedom from the bills than a few extra bucks when I die.

>shitstained rocks somewhere up cold
>shitty weather and 26 hour nights in winter
>forever an anal slaves to westminster and englishmen
>nothing to do but to drink and inject heroin into eyeballs all day long
>first world

> >nothing to do but to drink and inject heroin into eyeballs all day long
And yet they still browse Sup Forums.

>only making 75k/yr and 80k in the bank
jesus fuck dude
>paying off my student loan
>52k/yr and 2k in the bank
>most of my paycheck goes to rent and food

in short, fuck you

>Englishers believe this

Stay ignorant Nigel

Yes you can.

>working full time to pay for school without taking loans
>Making minimum wage and barely able to cover the cost of tuition

I hope it's worth it lads.

Nowhere near civilization. A house in most suburbs will be around 200k.

>That's over 3k a month in loan payments user.... Are you okay?
If by okay you mean "coming to grips with being perma-BTFO" then yeah, I think I'm holding up alright since I've been doing it for almost 7 years. If I had a time machine I would change everything. As it is, I can only serve as an example or a warning to younger people to do anything other than what I did.

>needing loans from jews to go to schools run by jews to get a degree so a jew in staffing doesn't just toss your resumé you submitted to a company dominated by jews into the trash because a college degree requisite is am easy way for him to discriminate against gentiles without breaking any laws because jews all go to college

nor can you rent for that little

>80k in the bank
>not paying the loan off
>not investing the 80k
guess they were right when they told me only retards go for CS

>nor can you rent for that little
You can rent for that much by splitting it with a friend. You can really do something like buying a house with a friend though. You'd have to be married and have a 90% chance of failure by the time you're 60

>implying I'm an inbred snaggletoothed island monkey like himself
However bad you think of your overlords you still have to lick their boot in the end, carpetmuncher.

>>my classmates are posting their new houses and children on Facebook

found your problem, you deserve all the suffering

200,000 / 30 / 12 = 555$ per month

>80K in the bank
>Still has a loan
user... my loan for my bachelor's and master's combined was 30K. Did you have to pick the most expensive university you could find?

Also, if you make 75K a year and most of your money goes to rent and food, you need to stop living in fucking Silicon Valley. 75K before taxes is around 60K after taxes. So you're making 5K a month. Rent should cost 1K, maybe 2K tops if you have a wife and children. Food should cost no more than $200 per person.

>what is 4-6% interest

>What is a mortgage
That's like car loan tier interest

>new children

The national average is like 4 right now. It was about 5 just a few years ago. Who knows which way it'll go given current events

Mine is 1.1%

You realize that's 3 percentage points below the prime rate, which is bullshit, right?

I'm not lying fren

Ruach gadol

Have rich parents like me who paid for it all, retard.

Prove it fag

>25, no debt, 2 masters, one in math, one in CS meme degree.
>1 year work experience as data scientist.

I am making less than USD 7k/y and all my money goes to rent, food, commute and taxes. Hoping to start earning 9k/y after 5 months when my rise should come up. Doing a lot of free lance for short money, Working (total) 50-60h a week.

Life is tough in USA but its even worse in Eastern Europe.

What's so bad about that? You have no debt, you can go where ever you want, especially if you're EU.

>Yes houses are "cheap"


houses are cheap, just relative to the area. You can get a house in detroit for 1 usd, but who the fuck wants to live there lmao.

OP, if you have 80k in the bank, why haven't you paid off your loans?

I literally cant afford to spend $2-3 a day more than usual, if I do, I get to eat less the next day or something.

And so if my PC get kaput tomorrow, I have no savings (coz I cannot save anything living like that) and I will have to take loan or ask a friend for money etc.

I am not dirt poor, but I am alongside the working class, at least I dont work in a fabric and I have German C1 cert, and hopefully when I get enough exp in the field I can go west from here and actually earn money for what I do.

That's actually pretty sweet
>Jobless but at least no loans
>Revenue: Unemployment benefits, in my country basically a medium Indian's salary which sucks. 500$ in the "bank"
>Fuck knows where my money is going. You couldn't feed a dog on that

So stop your bitching.

Lol in san jose i rent a shitty 2 bedroom apartment for 2000 a month.

>80k banked
>Still paying off loan


Why the fuck wouldn't you just immediately pay it off when you had the money for it? You are _LITERALLY_ throwing money away in interest payments by keeping that loan around and only paying off the minimum amount

This can't be real. Nobody is this fucking stupid. This thread is a troll.

Buddy, you should NEVER, EVER take out a loan that extends further than 3-5 years to pay off.
That includes housing. If your house costs more than you can pay off in 3-5 years, you're setting your sights too high - manage your expectations.

It should've even be possible for people to become debt-slaves like this

Fuck usury and fuck this shitty capitalist society that pretends it's a good thing. Christianity AND Islam both outlawed this ridiculous practice for a fucking REASON.

Depends on where you live.

This isn't a home loan, it was for school. Not sure if you missed that part.

I mean, there was no other way to finance my education for the degree I was going for. No state option available. In retrospect, I had no business being able to take that amount of money but I'm not alone among my contemporaries. I'm definitely worse off than most in my field but like I said, if I could go back in time and do it differently I definitely would have.

Yeah, it's certainly a pretty horrible fate. I have no immediate chance of being able to move out on my own, start a family, any of that is off the table until I get my debt under control.

I blame myself for taking the loans out ignorantly but I was also misguided by many people along the way that painted a rosier picture of what my income would be. I am most likely under-earning at the moment but I do work 40+ hours a week and it's a high stress job that I don't think I can take much more of while staying relatively sane.

>tfw you are so retarded that you took loans when you could have gotten your degree at a public college and paid for it with financial aid grants
>tfw you are so fat that you can't even go to a superior nonburger country to get your degree