Chrome or Firefox? Using chrome at the moment because it has a build in flash player and pdf reader...
Chrome or Firefox? Using chrome at the moment because it has a build in flash player and pdf reader
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googebel crones is my favorite
firefox has pdf reader too, but chrome > firefox
>built-in anything other than the primary use of the program
Chrome is generally the best since it is faster (a subject to change, nightly is fast af but who knows how it'll turn out), more secure and has all of the features a normalfag needs.
Don't fall for privacy / botnet meme, it is true what they say about jewgle collecting pretty much everything but remember that it does not affect you negatively in any way.
Just be sure to open a few websites with ad nauseam every now and then to keep their income in check and install uBO.
run this script every now and then (w/ ad nauseam)
I use firefox. I'd rather not give google more control over the world and my information and habits.
>what is systemd
Use Waterfox, and don't fall for that AdNaseum scam.
Use neither if your have any braincells left.
Get iridium (chromiumderivative) or Palefox or Waterfox or GNU Icecat.
>that AdNaseum scam
Honestly I don't understand why anyone would install a program that clicks every ad that loads on the page "because it fucks with advertisers, lol".
How? That's like leaving your TV on all day to trick the cable companies into thinking you watch TV (but you really dont! haha!) Makes no sense.
because you can't be profiled when your profile is "clicks on literally anything".
Are you just tying to act dumb?
You can't be profiled if you don't click on anything at all.
not profiled = neutral - google won't lose nor gain shekels
ad nauseam - builds up distrust, google loses shekels
You're fine seeing ads everywhere and might actually click those that interest you and buy products.
>Simple adblocker
You're annoyed by ads so you block them. Problem is solved.
You're annoyed by ads but are also somehow annoyed by people who aren't annoyed by ads and so devise a way to fuck with the normalfag system while also not being involved in the normalfag system. AKA the "Stop liking what I don't like" solution.
What is the difference between Waterfox and Firefox?
>You're annoyed by ads but are also somehow annoyed by people who aren't annoyed by ads and so devise a way to fuck with the normalfag system while also not being involved in the normalfag system. AKA the "Stop liking what I don't like" solution.
I do not give a slightest fuck about normalfags.
Googol started banning free speech and I simply agree with the fact that reenacting 3rd reich is a liiitle bit too much, even for guggol.
So I'm happy to let them know that they have fucked up.
Google is doing things you don't like so now you're going to do things Google doesn't like? What is the end game here? Why not write to your local government representative to ask for more regulations in this regard? Why not setup some kind of group to spread the knowledge of google's ways and try to stop people from using their products?
This is like not liking Nestle products so you go into stores and hide all their chocolate bars. It's not going to stop the company from doing shitty things.
>why not setup some kind of group to spread the knowledge of google's ways and try to stop people from using their products?
Because it is hard and useless. It won't make a dent. Besides, I don't want to eliminate google. I just want to bash it until it goes the right direction.
And-10k ppl is nothing.
But if every one of them installed ad nauseam then for each person it's at LEAST 400 shekels per person lost each day and that will make at least a somewhat noticeable dent.
>This is like not liking Nestle products so you go into stores and hide all their chocolate bars. It's not going to stop the company from doing shitty things.
Lol maybe not, but it sure as hell can damage them.
Literally none.
>it is true what they say about jewgle collecting pretty much everything but remember that it does not affect you negatively in any way.
[citation needed]
Then why does it exist?
A missmanaged project.
telemetry, search history, preferences, user's behavior, location, device information, cookies, etc.
I am sure that it collects these and probably many other things.
The waterfox creator make anouncement about things he will not be able to do.
>Go firefox
+AdNaseum Is a nice way to try to make the ads a less popular way to make profite and internet but if you think content must be free and paid with ads then you can just don't use adblocker or classic uBlock origin
>The waterfox creator make anouncement about things he will not be able to do.
That was a wonderful non-answer.
It was born as a Firefox optimized for amd64 architectures, since for the longest time Firefox was 32 bit only. Nowadays though Waterfox actually seems to perform worse than 64 bit Firefox in most cases.
Actually, in the future Waterfox will probably become more different than Firefox, since the dev plans to freeze to 56 and fork from there, in order to support legacy extensions. However, even if he will be able to maintain it(it will be a single guy maintaining a massive legacy API, that's what is referring to)
that means that he still won't be able to properly integrate sandboxing, Quantum, Servo and whatever else Mozilla introduces in the future in his browser, so I still wouldn't use it unless you are absolutely dependant on a legacy extension.
Sounds like a good thing to use while waiting for all my add-ons to integrate with FF 57, but not ideal for the long-term.
right now the only people who lose money are the people who pay for advertisement. You have to come up with a better plan if you want to hurt a big corporation and not an average Joe who wants to advertise his burger joint on the Internet
If they keep getting hurt, and google doesn't do anything about it, it damages the trust people give them. If they have no faith that their ads are going to be seen, then they have no reason to advertise through google, a company that gets the overwhelming majority of its profits through advertisements.
Hey, I understand that 30k faggots will cause like -5% daily income loss but it's something at least
You know what ? Let's research BMI's, become übersmart goatfuckers, hack googlol and take the money
or stop dreaming and at least show them that they have fucked up
You can do a LOT more damage than that if you know how to target.
If some of your addons don't work by November you can also consider Firefox 52 ESR, which is supported until June 2018. But personally the only legacy addon I use is Open With, which will probably be ready in time, so I'll just jump straight to 57.
I know a lot of my addons will be ready by 57, but I'm not sure about all of them. Specifically, my Random Agent Spoofer, DotVPN, and my DNSSEC/TLSA Validator.
Chrome is part of the ad slinging botnet.
>Don't fall for privacy / botnet meme, it is true what they say about jewgle collecting pretty much everything but remember that it does not affect you negatively in any way.
You sound pretty shilly right here. Also its been confirmed Adnauseum is a google black operation to monitor the privacy oriented.
Good thing I only use it on Chromium, a browser I use exclusively for fucking with Google. They can enjoy the fact that I'm using a VPN IP to search for mesothelioma lawyers, DUI lawyers, and car insurance exclusively.
Meanwhile, on FF, I list all google scripts as Untrusted, and use Brave (without a VPN) if I need to use said scripts.
So what are they gonna get on me? Genuinely curious.
[citation needed]
chink spyware
Adnauseum is a google black operation to monitor the privacy oriented.
I made this up, I realized that basically 90% of info on this board is just fabricated so whatever. I'm gonna continue to just spread blatant lies whenever I can. Calling literally everything a botnet is guaranteed to work at least
Not gonna do you any good. I mean, who allows google scripts on their main browser? Retards, that's who.
Who did you mean to reply to?
I meant to reply to the post I replied to. Spread you lies. Won't affect anything.
Fuck chrome.
Firefox. Who needs flash? It's an outdated malwarefest.
>but remember that it does not affect you negatively in any way
yes goyim, as long as have the approved opinions there is no issue
user, firefox has a pdf reader built in, too. You should absolutely have a program which allows you to dictate on a per-site basis about flash, which is shit anyway. Firefox generally has a slimmer memory profile. I can strip a bunch of shit off of firefox and have it run on a shitty 10 year old laptop; can't do that with chrome. It's fast.
That's my two cents. Make your own decision with the information.
How would writing my local government representative do anything to reign in a deep state project like Google?
Have you the passage from Assange's book about when he met Eric Schmidt?
>How would writing my local government representative do anything to reign in a deep state project like Google?
How would clicking ads?
By hurting their bottom line
The only way politicians get them under control is through anti-trust. I doubt very much that will happen in US considering how closely tied they are to the government
Then our only hope lies with EU
See the adsense tag right at the bottom left of this org chart? You're trying to affect this corporation's bottom line by being one person out of hundreds of millions to misuse that one small part.
So what?
Ever heard the phrase
Even the longest journey begins with a small step?
It has to start somewhere and at least this has potential, unlike writing letters to local politician who can't do shit
>Adnauseum is a google black operation to monitor the privacy oriented.
i don't care about adnauseum or anything, im just saying calling ads a "small part" of google is silly, it's just about their only source of revenue
You lost your reputation the moment you mention AdNauseam.
Super autism or pizza lover/hacker
I meant credibility, not reputation.
Never Chrome, it is non-free. Try chromium instead if you want.
>it has a build in flash player
>pdf reader
>Chrome is generally the best
It is non-free and it is crap with more than 10 tabs. It is objectively worse.
Stop shilling this shit browser. I've only been using it for a week and I already spotted some serious flaws in it:
- When you import bookmarks from a different browser, they become some bizarre permanent history entry so if for example you start typing in YouTube, you will get suggestions from bookmarks starting with a Y that you haven't visited in years on top of the suggestion list
- Right click > Save Page as... doesn't work, I don't even know why they added this dialog as Brave is incapable of saving a web page for offline viewing
- In fact not even Save image as... works in this shit browser, I've lost count of how many times downloads were interrupted, and the best thing is you can't resume the download, need to start all over again
- You can't uninstall the browser like a normal software, you have to manually remove the files in AppData Local and Roaming
- Clicking on the address bar will select the whole address and won't let you do a single click to edit a specific part of the address
- Tabs are so sensitive it will interpret you clicking on one as dragging it off and causing it to open in a separate window
>- You can't uninstall the browser like a normal software, you have to manually remove the files in AppData Local and Roaming
Not an argument
It is.
Even if it was (it isn't), you didn't address all the other things that make this browser shit.
>Even if it was (it isn't)
Well, it is.
>you didn't address all the other things that make this browser shit
And? Why should I?
>And? Why should I?
Because you lose the argument if you don't and must therefore seize and desist your shilling of this terrible software.
>Because you lose the argument if you don't
How so?
>and must therefore seize and desist your shilling
Where did I shill anything exactly?
last time i checked, you don't need to buy chrome
tried a bunch and stuck with vivaldi
>Chrome or Firefox? Using chrome at the moment because it has a build in flash player and pdf reader...
Firefox also has a pdf reader
And playing flash in Firefox is extremely easy to do
Free as in freedom, not as in free beer.
>who allows google scripts on their main browser
Anyone who has to solve captchas, on many sites.
Does anyone know of an easy way to check extension compatibility for FF 57? Wondering how many of mine are going to be ported.
If you're keen on Chrome, use Vivaldi instead.
strip a bunch of shit off like what
What's the difference between Waterfox, Icecat, and Cyberfox? I heard some people say Waterfox has telemetry.
>not a lot of people are doing it yet, so you shouldn't!
What kind of retarded logic is this?
pic related. WF was made when FF didn't have a solid 64-bit version, but now it's just a placebo effect since FF provides both versions.
you can remove all of what waterfox removes in about:config.