
Stupid Questions Thread
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If I were to buy a Samsung Legend 8, a smart flip phone released only in Asia, would there be a way to use it in the US? And if not, know of any good smart flip phone usable in the good ol US of A?

Hey fool trying to php here and my files only run when I manually add the port number in the URL bar,
e.g "localhost/example/hello.php" to localhost:9432/example/hello.php".
How can I make it do this automatically?
My config file host name
$siteName = "localhost/" . $localHostSiteFolderName;

Any advice much appreciated

She's kinda old now.

Can I cap my FPS on Windows 10? I use this machine for gaming but in some games it gets 1000+ FPS and I've heard of that damaging the GPU.


1. did IBM sell their technology to lenovo/another japanese or chinese company
2. if IBM stayed in business and Microsoft never made windows the standard of computing would the tech world be better overall

It seems as though that caps it to 60 on my PC, probably because my monitor is registered as 60Hz, but it's actually 165Hz and I'd like to get this frames.

What do I change to stop index from refreshing?
It's the only bad part of 4chanX.

I think you'd have to get an unlocked mobile plan but im pretty sure those cost like $600+

You can do that via your GPU driver control panel.

My PS/2 keyboard no longer works in my bios. I'm pretty sure I changed nothing but I did move my setup to another location. However it works perfectly in Linux. Is there any way to get it working again in bios or did something break? Googling really didnt provide any solutions and disabling legacy USB setting in bios didn't fix anything.

How do you do fancy readme files in github?
I see some with graphics and font formatting and shit..

Is there something in its design preventing HDMI to be used for general data transfer (like USB or ethernet)?

learn markdown.

when buying cpu, look at one, what does all the numbers and details mean and stand for?
for example:
>Intel® Core™ i7-620M Processor 4M Cache, 2.66 GHz
the i7 means its in series 7 and has 6 cores, yes?
what does the rest of it mean? what should i be look at when im buying?
is the cache more important the ghz and what does the one do compared to the other when the machine is running?

The (correct) time on my desktop clock doesn't match the one running in my applications (firefox, discord)

I can't seem to change the time that it reads on those applications no matter how much I try because it seems as if they believe they are in the right time zone even though they are not.

(ex. right now it is 15:48, i sent a message three minutes ago in a chatroom, the timestap on that reads 16:45 even though it should read 15:45.)

It seems like they're getting the date from different places, but I can't figure out where.

Cache is how much the CPU can store internally. It's the fastest way for it to retrieve information that it needs, faster than going to main memory to fetch it. The larger the cache, the higher the cache hit rate.
GHz is how fast the CPU can process tasks. I think it's something like 1GHz = 1bn Hz, so think of it as beating its heart 2.66bn times a second.

i7 is the series
620m model
m suffix = mobile
arrandale is the codename
>4m cache
fast memory zone that all of the cpu can access
the last piece is how fats the transistors open up

Are monitor drivers actually worth to install?
I have shitty old flatron w1942s and i found driver for it on the official LG site.
What does even driver for monitor do?
I mean i could understand if my monitor was some kind of 4k gsyng+build in audio, but i have cheap old lcd, nothing special about it. Works out of the box.
Also size of driver is suspiciously small. Only 6kb in zip. Pic related is what inside archive.

This thread is for stupid questions, user.

Would you guys reccomend this to an absolute beginner?

>The larger the cache, the higher the cache hit rate.
That doesn't mean a large cache is always good though.

Trying to use the Breeze AlphaBlack KDE theme
but when I run python3 ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/setpanelopacity.py 0.75 to change the transparency it doesn't work
what do

is there anything like Sup Forums X for any of the Sup Forums (external) archives?

how do i get windows to boot from a virtual disk?

Are .gch files useful at all?
They stop me from compiling and I always have to delete them.

thanks for answering me, makes me realize i dont know much about how computers work.
i guess i should priotize catche over ghz.
how much cache and ghz is standart nowadays and how much is too low/not worth it? is there ideal number?

can you elaborate some more

Do Amazon Logistic drivers pick up packages all throughout the day or if mine didn't go out for delivery this morning is it pretty much confirmed to be delayed? Always thought the drivers just grabbed a batch of packages in the morning and delivered them all throughout the day but I'm not sure how the contractor guys AMZL hires do it.

Just get the latest CPU of the series you want (i7 if you need hyperthreading, otherwise i5), with the highest model number you can get.

What is it supposed to do?
Did you just download some random zip with no description?

If the cache is large enough, it will spend some considerable time looking for it in cache, but it can simply request it from RAM. But it's the more the better for you.

Is there are any series of video tutorials that will introduce gnu/linux for a power user?

ie getting right of how gnu/linux works on a semi deep level

The tradeoff between looking through a larger cache and getting less misses vs getting more misses is worth it. It takes longer to fetch from memory than it does to look through cache and get a hit.

Do opened background app eats battery?
Let's say I opened 5 apps, and I leave the phone to idle. Does closing all the opened apps after I've done with them make the battery last longer?

has some iirc

Is it normal for C++ programs to take longer to compile than Java/C#?

which linux distro should I use on a web server if I want the least hassle running things like docker, django projects, node, etc
I'm using debian 8 stable on all my servers right now and it's been a bit of a nightmare trying to get certain things working because of out of date software and whatnot

Does anyone know of a relyable place to get proxies?
The place I use now is some shitty blog and the proxies always die.

some apps might run in the background for a short while and consume a tiny amount of power
I'm not qualified to answer this question really, just my observation from using my own phone
I personally never close apps completely because they stop running after a short while anyways

buy a cheap vps for $2 a month and run your own
try deep net solutions

Is this good for 1440p gayming ? https: //pcpartpicker.com/list/NTd47h

Games for gnu/linux thread?

i'm trying to install ubuntu on a partitioned HDD space. the ubutntu install instructions tell me i need to put the files on a usb or dvd and boot from the usb or dvd. I don't have either a usb or dvd.

I created a virtual disk with the ubuntu files on it however i cannot figure out how to boot from the virtual disk.

Yeah, most of those don't really work for what I want.
I need multiple proxies. If I were to pay, I would just pay some proxy service.
Tor exit nodes are banned.

At 60hz, yeah. With a build like that, you might as well grab a 1080 though.

Yes, Java and C# are JIT languages that do part of their compilation at runtime, and C++ also inherited the header file trainwreck from C so its compile times are extra shitty.

I have tried simply restarting but now the problem seems to be worse. First when I booted it up it seemed to be going off hardware time as local time, now it has three different times: the time i have in time settings, the time it says on the desktop toolbar, and the time that all of my apps are reporting. Only one of these is correct.

Oh ドンマイ it's out for delivery now.

IBM sold off their desktop/laptop division to Lenovo. The only hardware they do now is servers and mainframes. I'm not really good at "what if" scenarios so I'll pass on the second question.

I'm learning SDL and am creating the "initialise" file. This file will initialise the subsystems, then create the window and renderer as well as other things. Is this the right way to handle it? It also handles errors too at the moment. Here's the code:

How hard is it to design my own CPU architecture?

what about 140hz ?

That's not a stupid question, but the stupid answer is very.

would a usb 2 based wifi adapter use less power than my on board wifi card?

I would think the difference is negligible, why don't you test it? Shouldn't take long if your concern is saving laptop battery power.

I got a notification for copyright infringement for torrenting last week. How long until I don't need to worry about the botnet looking over my shoulder?

When you get a seedbox to ftp into

Would just using an old laptop in my house as a seedbox work?

If anyone has any idea please i cant live like this forever

So I downloaded a bunch of ghibli films in one big torrent, and while some work just fine some display an error message when i try to open them saying that the file path doesn't exist.

Upon checking the properties of these files i see that their path begins with
instead of just H:\
How do I fix this? I've tried redownloading just those files but that hasn't worked. I am using windows 10

Why do you use your upload speed to download things?

then you'd want to attach a vpn to it to avoid the isp

>playing a PC game on fullscreen
>find some moment which I want to screenshot
>press print screen
>minimize the game through alt + tab
>open Paint
>it just come out a black screen
>even when the game itself didn't had a black screen at the time I screenshot'd

Any solution for this or alternatively any better program I could download to screenshot screens here?

werks on my masheen

Also, it's always the same files when i try deleting them and start over

Why has the OP been a Xena pic for the last 6 weeks

I'm assuming that VPNs cost money in Canada so I pretty much can't torrent anymore?

alt+enter to go windowed, then take a screenshot
There are probably better solutions but I mostly game on steam and it has it's own screenshot system so I don't really bother with anything else.

They're very cheap

Is there a list somewhere of VPNs that don't suck?

no one has explained the callisto meme to me


That's pretty fucked

Hey anyone know the specific filepath I need to manually recover my windows 10 boot option?

How does that even make sense to you? That's like laundering money through your own bank account.

No one lives forever.

Need a new GPU. My main goal is to max out completely the 3 main games I play.

Overwatch, Starcraft Remaster and PUBG. I also want to future proof a little.

I'm looking at the 1070 but that seems overkill? Thoughts?

Is it actually true that windows 7 file search indexing fucks up an SSD?

My 850 evo is arriving soon and i'd hate to have to turn it off just to use that SSD properly

How comes there is some blurry line at the bottom (horizontal) of many high definition videos? I see it a lot even on clips in video games.

Because you have to send packets requesting and confirming the ones you get. That's why QOS works by limiting what you upload in order to influence what comes in. UDP doesn't require much confirmation, but it is still requires some outgoing info.

Just use PIA

1070 is overpriced because of miners. Same with the 1060. Best bang for your buck now is the 1050ti or 1080. For the games you want to run, 1080 is the better option.

How do I take a snapshot of a website for archival purposes?
Including crawls of arbitrary depth.

>smart flip phone
This is basically not a thing here

I was listening to a YouTuber today who said the exact same thing.

Can you like quickly explain this miner thing to me? What's going on? Why are they buying all these cards?

Also, SC2 or FTW2? Is there a real difference?

U wot mate

No. Nothing fucks up an SSD any more.

What is the fastest and most hassle-free way of installing a 120mm LED fan at the front portion of ur case

You would need to make sure the phone is GSM, and that whatever bands the network uses (ATT vs Tmobile) are supported by your network. Don't bother with the major carriers unless you need a lot of data. MVNOs are hella cheaper. You can get unlimited talk/text for like $20 a mo. If you're going outside of big cities much, stick to att mvnos.


Most versions of windows don't support booting from a virtual disk. Really your easiest option is to go buy a flash drive. You could take a stab at this


No, if anything it would use slightly more. Powering an external USB interface is an extra step

Either a problem with your monitor or GPU. If you're using a dedicated, try switching to internal graphics.

Finally planning to just go ahead and run linux on a VM and pretend its my desktop, going with Arch, but really is it that "unstable", to the point that it will fuck up course work, or work once I go into professional development?

if you want stable then use slackware


Which monitor to choose, anons?

>28'' 4k Acer @ $367


>28'' 4k Samsung @ $370

mining is people letting the nsa use their graphics card for decryption work in exchange for digital currency

It's like even if you're mostly listening to someone, you have to be able to ask a few questions, nod your head, and go "mmhm, yea" every now and then, or they'll quit talking to you. A really big conversation requires more feedback from you.
