
Ive always been a chrome user.
Google itself started to bother me last year with its mining, but every other browser i tried is worse.
All of firefoxes and its clones are buggy or doesnt offer the same kind of experience.
Im on mac so there is safari which is kiddied chrome, its fast, good for battery but very limited.
So what to use ?

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Permission

Chrome is objectively the best browser if you don't care about your data being mined

Ungoogle Chromium is objectively the best browser if you do

Firefox, now fuck off

Found your problem. Install Gentoo


I tried Firefox for 2 weeks like a month ago and it's definitely usable but I don't care about the botnet thing so I switched back but if I would care about it I would stay on Firefox.

>firefox is buggy
what's buggy in it? i had chrome crashed a lot more than ffx

>doesnt offer the same kind of experience
true, it offers better experience

>So what to use?
I don't know, but I'm getting tired of this shit.
>18 tabs open
>eats 3.65 gigs of RAM
>pic related

unused ram is wasted ram, dumbo

Except I get low memory warnings all the fucking time.

No it's not, chrome was always laggy and memory hungry, firefox is much smoother and it's not a huge botnet like chrome

>Being a RAMlet

>hey, dood, buy 32GB of RAM for Chrome
Will. Not. Happen.

I had 11GB sessions when I had 16GB of RAM, second 8GB stick crapped out. I'd much rather replace Chrome at this point.

How old are you? Ten?

>implying you buy it just for one program
Enjoy being that RAMlet in a decade, while still wondering why your system is slow
Big tip as well, get faster RAM, don't stick to 2000 Mhz

Don't know what shitty distro you use that can't build chrome properly, but on my chromebook (shittiest acer one, nix), i get about 360M with ~30 tabs opened, mostly pdfs. SJWfox shits the bed on the same machine with 20 tabs of pdfs, though i didn't try nightly (and won't until servo is stable).

>implying implications
I don't need it for anything else. Chrome literally is the only program installed on my computer that isn't satisfied with just 8GB RAM.

I can't stand the horrible font rendering of Chrome, even at bigger scales it's like razorblades on my retinas

What speed is your RAM
Also go back to 16gb of RAM at least. You can never have enough


faulty RAM module is in RMA

Cpu? Also spend a bit more and go for at least 3000 if your mobo supports it, definitely if running Ryzen cpu

I sure as hell wouldn't have anything less than 3200 if I had Ryzen, but I have a 6700K.

I'm not planning to spend anything. I consider this build finished, because the only thing bothering me is Chrome.

Yeah (((google chrome))) is surely sjw free :^)
Enjoy your botnet goy

>he doesn't know how to flash bios on chromebook
Also every contemporary x86 cpu is botnet. The moment there is a viable risc-v laptop, i'm getting it. I don't care jewgle knowing what i search for and that's the only data they're getting from me.
And as for sjw, jewgle is 80% white hetero autists, they're not pushing it as much as sjwfox is, it's only PR stunts. No way they're going to ditch their best brains for bunch of trannies like sjwfox did.

I can understand Apple shills, though they are way overpaying for a mediocre product.

I can understand Win shills with their games argument. At least it has some merit.

For the life of me I can't understand Chrome shills, it is the same browser as all the others with the baggage you are being assraped by google. Yeah, FF will move to webextensions and PaleMoon is developed by furries, Brave is homophobe. Chrome will force Better Ads standards and no one cares.

holy shit it actually thinks mhz matters above 800, when the hell did Sup Forums turn so normie

Viktor krum has the shakes with Hermione while horny harry watched

The post didn't say anything about a flashed BIOS so it wasn't unreasonable to assume it was a stock chromebook. Either way, any one who uses chrome is a giant faggot with no comprehension of privacy or libre software. I personally use a librebooted X200, so fuck off.


If you want something streamlined, Brave. If you want something with a lot of features, Vivaldi.

If it's filtered how did you see it??

Realistically speaking it's not like FF is any better when it comes to memory

Google botnet running on top of Microsoft botnet
Excellent choice

The same tabs open in FF consume less than 900 megabytes, I'm just forced to use this piece of shit Chrome, because it has extensions I need that FF doesn't.

Nobody """needs""" extensions, you're just being a pleb

Tell that to my fucking employer, my corp leader on EVE online, and a fuckton of other people, who """require""" me to run extensions.

>my fucking employer
That's fine if it's something at work

>my corp leader on EVE online
Now that's a personal choice

>a fuckton of other people
so many you were only able to list 2 examples
maybe you should consider not being a slave to a fuckton of other people?

Maybe you should consider to fuck off? I wasn't asking for your opinion, it was a statement, not a question.

shit tier bait
get lost, kid

I use mostly Chrome. Firefox is actually much better at memory consumption, but that doesn't matter if Chrome is 10x faster and has the smoother experience.

>being baited this easily

>10x faster
yeah ok, kid

>Yes, I don't know how to properly crop an image


Everyone fucking says that chrome is botnet but nobody explains WHY and HOW it mines data.

Either FUCKING explain before claiming something or FUCK OFF!

>0.04% Market share

wew lad

>what is hyperbole

Also, do you really want to use a browser made by a company that was one of the first to saddle up with the NSA for PRISM?

It wasn't unreasonable to assume i'm running chromeos when i mentioned nix? Burgers are really bad at text comprehension.
And yeah, i don't give a fuck about libre software and i don't care about privacy to the extent of rendering my machine unusable whenever i open browser. Chrome (as in chromium, but it's the same shit) is the only usable browser. For me, much bigger issue is the gorillion security issues in sjwfox versus only gazillion in chrome. Some rando skiddie having access to my raw data is of much bigger concern to me than jewgle mining me based on what i search for. Priorities, famalamalam.

There is so much bullshit in your post it's not even funny. Enjoy being raped by the (((google sjw botnet))) you dumb faggot.
>gorillion vs gazillion


> At the Techonomy conference in 2010, Eric Schmidt predicted that "true transparency and no anonymity" is the path to take for the internet: "In a world of asynchronous threats it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you. We need a [verified] name service for people. Governments will demand it." He also said that, "If I look at enough of your messaging and your location, and use artificial intelligence, we can predict where you are going to go. Show us 14 photos of yourself and we can identify who you are. You think you don't have 14 photos of yourself on the internet? You've got Facebook photos!"

So? Rolls Royce cars and Lamborghinis have an even smaller market share, small market share can still mean comfy.

Chrome is a Toyota Camry, Firefox is a Ford F-series. Common and people like it, and then you have Vivaldi which is the Rolls Royce of the browser world. Maybe not as common, but comes with all the features you wish it should have and is especially fitted for each person.

Market share is a shit metric to decide on a browser.

>In the summer of 2016, Google quietly dropped its ban on personally-identifiable info in its DoubleClick ad service. Google's privacy policy was changed to state it "may" combine web-browsing records obtained through DoubleClick with what the company learns from the use of other Google services. While new users were automatically opted-in, existing users were asked if they wanted to opt-in, and it remains possible to opt-out by going to the "Activity controls" in the "My Account" page of a Google account. ProPublica states that "The practical result of the change is that the DoubleClick ads that follow people around on the web may now be customized to them based on your name and other information Google knows about you. It also means that Google could now, if it wished to, build a complete portrait of a user by name, based on everything they write in email, every website they visit and the searches they conduct."

>Ungoogle Chromium is objectively the best browser if you do

Does UnGoogle'd Chromium have EME support (for Netflix, etc.)?


That's it? The only issue you see is gorillion vs gazillion? Neo-Sup Forums at its finest.

Until something is done about the tiny fucking tabs, I will continue to use Waterfox on Wangblows.
Iridium was comfy, but tiny tabs is a deal breaker.

use Opera, it's Chinese botnet but it's the best browser around right now even if it's not as good as Presto Opera was.

This is why we are taking them sons-of-bitches down.

Is it possible to use AdNauseum on Chrome now that they blocked it?

Did someone say Krum?

wanna know how I know you are a retarded nigger who can't read?

what's the point though?

I've been trying to use Waterfox for the past week or so but it just slows to a crawl eventually and crashes often. Chrome with 60+ tabs open runs better than Waterfox with just over 10. Is there anything I can do to make it faster?