My experience with Linux

I tried to install Ubuntu 17.04 alongside Windows 10. It worked for a while, but afterwards I found that my computer had become unbootable for both operating systems. I tried Windows recovery media, but it failed.

I then took my computer to a 5-star repair shop with overwhelmingly positive reception.

The repairman told me that Linux was a fatal virus and that I should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever install it. (I thought he was never going to stop). He said it was the "ultimate computer killer" and that EVERYONE who has tried it has had problems, and that I should treat the install disc like it was the devil. He also mentioned that Linux's security system is outdated, that updates contain malware, and that the only way to get a safe version of Linux is to spend 3 years programming it yourself. He said there was NOTHING that Linux can do better than Windows.

My computer ended up having to be reset to factory defaults with a clean install of Windows.

He remarked that if I didn't have Windows 10, the problem would have been even worse and I would have had to get a new computer, but because it was Windows 10 it showed some resistance and was able to be safely reset.

computer repairmen are microsoft shills that are paid to spread fud about linux

He doesn't have the same problem with Macs though.

Well the person that you wen to get your computer fixed is stupid, any Linux distro especially Ubuntu is not bad at all.Why do you tink so many peple use Linux

wow dis bait is really really bad... better luck next time.

And he was just trying to r you off, you wouldn't have needed y a new computer, you could have just got Windows8.1 for free or installed another OS

install gentoo

Why didn't you clean install to begin with story sounds faf

don't install Gentoo if you don't know much about computers

found your problem, you want OpenBSD. rookie mistake

If you want to hack install Kali Linux, Parrot, or Backtrack

If you want a user-friendly Linux distro install Ubuntu, Elementary, or Linux Mint

do these kind of posts irritate anybody else? either this person is retarded or they are a troll.

At least op put effort into his bait

This is bait here's your (you) if 6 year old me figures out how to repair an MBR 30 old you can not be a faggot who shitposts on g.

OP is a mac shill
He does this everyday


holy fuck, do these people paid the mods to avoid getting banned or we have really shitty mods on board?

the latter. porn takes over 10 minutes to get removed

I remember having to deal with a machine infected with linux a long time ago.
The machine would not boot the linux, but it did failed horribly with the windows installation as well, so fucked it was.
Of course, it probably could been the pentium 90 cooler without one of the blades trying to cool down a K6-1 233 Mhz CPU, but i'm pretty sure it was linux that did the whole damage.

Of course, i made the guy replace the cooler just in case, but i'm pretty sure it was the linux.

Ops, someone spilled the beans
You do realize no one is going to take you seriously, right, OP?

I have nothing to do with those posts. The image I used is the first one I found on Google.

is this bait?

This, also OP = stupid
Cool story bro


>Not me

OP is a fucking SHILL

Learn to sage threads, you fucking niggers

If troll threads are against global rules, why would mods allow them?

Not baiting, just diverting blame.
This guy actually called me to fix his machine because he tried to install linux and the thing just hanged etc.. and his computer just kept crashing on the linux install, and windows install etc.. and i found out how precarious the chip was being cooled, but managed to install windows with the help of an external fan.

Mods on Sup Forums are fucking lazy

Microsoft is growing nervous, aren't they?

Computer repair shops love system reboots because they're easier than actually figuring out the problem.

>He remarked that if I didn't have Windows 10, the problem would have been even worse and I would have had to get a new computer, but because it was Windows 10 it showed some resistance and was able to be safely reset.
That's impossible. The most a virus can do is corrupt the OS, and that can always be fixed by reformatting. It can't physically break your hardware.


0.2 rupies were booked to you M$ shill account

Don't lump us winfags to the likes of OP.

bumping to slide anti-google threads. thanks 945, these idiots just keep replying.

This is the power of Linux.

you are just retarded

>posting fantasy numbers

I had been working in a 5-star repair shop with overwhelmingly positive reception.

One day someone came with Linux installed and told me he had a problem: he couldn't boot the system.

I told him that Linux was a fatal virus and that he should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever install it. I said it was the "ultimate computer killer" and that EVERYONE who has tried it has had problems, and that he should treat the install disc like it was the devil. I also mentioned that Linux's security system is outdated, that updates contain malware, and that the only way to get a safe version of Linux is to spend 3 years programming it yourself. I said there was NOTHING that Linux can do better than Windows.

His computer ended up having to be reset to factory defaults with a clean install of Windows.

I remarked that if he didn't have Windows 10, the problem would have been even worse and he would have had to get a new computer, but because it was Windows 10 it showed some resistance and was able to be safely reset.

I'm proud of my job.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Newfags can't sage.

I am a computer.
I had Windows 10 preinstalled but my owner installed me Ubuntu 17.04.
This fucked me up both boot systems and I couldn't boot even with Windows recovery media.

My owner then took me to a 5-star repair shop with overwhelmingly positive reception.

The repairman told him that Linux was a fatal virus and that he should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever install it on me. He said it was the "ultimate computer killer" and that EVERYONE who has tried it has had problems, and that he should treat the install disc like it was the devil. He also mentioned that Linux's security system is outdated, that updates contain malware, and that the only way to get a safe version of Linux is to spend 3 years programming it yourself. He said there was NOTHING that Linux can do better than Windows.

I ended up having to be reset to factory defaults with a clean install of Windows having all the gay porn that was on my disk removed.

He remarked that if I didn't have Windows 10 installed, the problem would have been even worse and he would have had to get a new computer, but because it was Windows 10 it showed some resistance and was able to be safely reset.

I feel much better now and my disk is filled with gay porn again.

sure bro

Sounds like a bad case of user error

lel more of this please

>install windows with the help of an external fan.

>I tried to install Ubuntu 17.04 alongside Windows 10.

and this is where you stop reading and sage the thread because its either a 0/10 shitpost or a fucking inbreed nigger pleb who thinks programming involves hammers and nails.

just end your life, thanks

You're an idiot and he was wrong

Holy shit....
Get a fucking life OP

fucking idiots stop bumping this shit, its obvious bait come the fuck on
or at least USE THE SAGE OPTION if you want to reply


I actually had the same problem with grub and dualbooting. I'm never going to dualboot ever again, I'll keep Win10 on desktop for games and Linux on my laptop for daily usage

Is this pasta?

The literally crippled pentium 90 cooler was just not enough to keep a 200 Mhz AMD beast cool, so i opened the computer case and put an actual fan pointing at the components, and that made the system stable.

What was your goal in making all this up? For replies like this?

Winshill propaganda detected

After they run out of energy to fap, what else can they do? Better shitpost like maaaaad.

is that computer repair guy jewish by any chance, because I got strong "OH NO GOY, you don't want this FREE software on dere, dat's a VIRUS" vibes off of your story, assuming it's true.

Bad bait, I didn't even laugh.

>people believing the poorly written OP

This is why I didn't take the job for Geek Squad

And another thing, I've had linux installed for over a year where the hell is my Girl with the Dragon Tattoo GF this isn't fair

That doesn't make much sense as an argument since Richard Stallman himself admits to being of Jewish descent.

Take in to account how he has manipulated young teenage men in to working for him for free for over 30 years and it would seem using the GNU/Linux truly is the best way to be a good goy.

>I then took my computer to a 5-star repair shop with overwhelmingly positive reception.

Jesus Christ

people who use linux are

1. Luddites
2. Pedophiles with pedo files
3. 3rd world nigger children who will probably use the laptop shell as a plastic lunch tray


"good" thread

This is the worst bait I've seen in a while. Good job, OP

I havent posted in 2 years. how dumb did Sup Forums get?
Why are you replying to an obvious fake troll post?

and why does Sup Forums seem so much more tame than it used to? did hiroshimoot ban everyone with a pair of balls?

If the story REALLY is real, the fact everyone thinks its a troll post shows how stupid the repairman is. He must be new or something.

Shills really have a sad life.

I keep telling you people dual booting is a meme but you keep trying and keep making these threads.

When will you finally listen to me?

>Linux was a fatal virus

>responding to bait with reddit reaction webm

DzieeƄ dobrej!

obvious bait is obvious

> I then took my computer to a 5-star repair shop
And I already know you're full of shit.

Most of the market share increase recently is from ChromeOS, which is a proprietary locked down botnet.

quads of truth

What happened to the idea of a "joke"? A thread like this is is a clear joke and if you go back long enough everyone would have just been laughing at it. Now everything is "bait" or "pretendingtoberetarded.jpg" or "shill", why is everyone so fucking cynical?

I liked that joke too user, dunno what's wrong with them


>implying he isnt 12

I know this is a joke, but I did leave beets running in a tmux session waiting for some input and during that time my SSD died. I do wonder if there might have been some connection, since a lot of things that are default for keeping SSDs working on other OSes need to be configured manually on linux (and I didn't).

On the other hand, it was an OCZ somethingorother, cheap, and lasted 3 years. Dunno.

Year of the linux distro right?

computer repair people that say these things exist. but theyre more likely to be calling you and telling you your pc is very bad and full of virus and please give them a credit card to fix it, instead of running a brick and mortar shop

Wowzers that's good bait, look at all the replies!

Y'all are fucking stupid Sup Forums, ignore this kind of obvious trolling.

frick off niigga

>The repairman told me that Linux was a fatal virus and that I should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever install it. (I thought he was never going to stop). He said it was the "ultimate computer killer" and that EVERYONE who has tried it has had problems, and that I should treat the install disc like it was the devil. He also mentioned that Linux's security system is outdated, that updates contain malware, and that the only way to get a safe version of Linux is to spend 3 years programming it yourself. He said there was NOTHING that Linux can do better than Windows.

>He remarked that if I didn't have Windows 10, the problem would have been even worse and I would have had to get a new computer, but because it was Windows 10 it showed some resistance and was able to be safely reset.
8/10, enjoyable.

i feel sorry for you, op

OP here, and yes, this is what actually happened. I wasn't sure if what the guy said was accurate or not, so I posted it here to see reactions, but he DID say everything I mentioned. He's REALLY not a fan of Linux.

Pretty low tier bait. If true sounds like he was one of those I've been doing this for twenty years guys who still doesn't know shit.

>If true sounds like he was one of those I've been doing this for twenty years guys who still doesn't know shit.
This is awkward because he actually said EXACTLY that, that he had been working for 20 years.

wow, the blind leading the blind right there.

good, i hope you never install linux again. the community needs fewer mouth breathing inbred retards.

everyone thinks everyone is out to get them

sage goes in all fields

>The repairman told me that Linux was a fatal virus

you got your (You) from me champ

please tell me it wasn't geek squad. i had recieved a laptop from best buy and it had full warranty. right off the bad there was a fatal hardware issue causing my computer to crash and make this horrible noise until you turn it off by doing a hard reset. i brought it in and all they did after i told them the issue was check for virus' and resintalled windows, i asked if they changed any hardware they said no and first thing i do is load up a video on youtube and same thing. returned 3 more times same issue and all they do is check for virus and i thought after a certain amount of times back, best buy will have to replace it but they tell me no chance buddy. I look further into their terms and turns out, they have to replace more than 3 hardware components to be eligible for full replacement. they had only done one and still never fixed the issue. so i sold that shit on the kijiji to the next dumb ass so they can deal with geek squad who doesn't know or do shit. Also the last thing best buy wants to do is replace your shit, so keep that in mind.

now i am more knowledgeable in fixing laptops because i work with computers at my job and i would never get some asshole to do it. protip: doing this kinds of thing yourself is ez as pie since everything is mostly plug and play. maybe a littler tinkering with drivers but thats easy too