Forget Arch and Gentoo

THIS is still the master race for doing actual productive work.

>master race
Man, I haven't seen this idiom since I left 9gag

>SJW community forcing developers and maintainers to quit resulting in it devolving to a state where it's 2 years behind Ubuntu LFS in terms of software versions and yet manages somehow to be less stable
>productive work

Debian represents the absolute worst in the F(L)OSS community, and it's basically just politics wanking.


>choosing software based on whether they are sjws or not

He has stories he wants to tell
He does not want them to die with him
Don't try to stop him from killing himself

What? I never understood this.

I choose software based on promises of future development. The community has become stagnant, because actual devs and maintainers are jumping ship, and all that's left are a bunch of people who shit up the mailing lists with complaints about suppressive culture and general privilege checking, in an extremely toxic combination with freetardism. It's basically FSF on a cocktail of steroids and amphetamines.

If you haven't noticed, it's a really long time ago since Debian was considered a stable OS with a bunch with experimental downstream OSes such as Ubuntu.

Mark Shuttleworth killed Debian by hiring away a handful of their best developers while ignoring the rest. Anyone who was offered a job with Canonical stopped spending any time on Debian, and almost anyone who wasn't offered a job felt demoralized and quit working for free.

Stone-hearted capitalism 1
Idealistic communism 0

Well, (You) have 2 go back

This is the current state of every modern "geniuses" ever.

>doing actual productive work
>where are my wifi drivers 'n shiet sempai?
>what is opensuse

Debian testing here.

Just use the nonfree ISO if that's an issue.

I don't know where you live, but Debian is still stable as fuck.

>what is opensuse
another broken distro with meme yast and meme btrfs?

This is a fabrication.

The evidence is in the difference between Debian and Ubuntu.

>I choose software based on promises
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAH Well I choose it based on facts, but maybe that's only me.

It's also outdated as fuck. Ubuntu LTS has pretty much taken over where Debian used to rule.

So what? I have to Use Slackware now if I want a non cuck distro?

>quoting half my sentence in order to leave out vital context
That's called red herring, my friend. Continued development and maintenance is obviously important to many people, otherwise SLAs wouldn't exist.

Theoretically what could I gain switching from *openPePe? I use x240 mainly for browsing / email, occasionally virtualbox.

The word around the town is that it has the best KDE integration.

You're missing my point if you think this is about not being a cuck. It's about not using an actual maintained distro, rather than some dying and stagnant remnant from the past.

>funny poorly drawn cats
Go back to r.eddit.

>unironically calling out fallacies

>too stupid to use zypper / vi
>too stupid to choose fs during installation
Here is your ubuntu cd. It fell out of your mlp backpack while you were coming out of the disabled toilet.


It depends on packages and what is tested. Vim for example, by default has a more recent version in Debian stable's repos than Ubuntu LTS'

>implying this is an argument

>implying it was meant as an argument and not as a dismissal of your lame damage control attempts

>damage control
The absolute state of Sup Forums.

t. butthurt loser

It's not.

You can install packages from unstable while using debian stable.
>apt pinning

>what is opensuse

so basically don't use any of advertised features of a distro.
Also, zypper is shit, not dnf-shit but close.

You mean Devuan

Why would you install packages from something called "unstable" in the first place. If your distro doesn't have the software you want or need that right there should be a wake-up call to try something else.

>being this retarded
He literally just said you can get that software and how in the post you replied to.

apt pinning doesn't solve shit. It just pins the version of software to the stable repos which means the software you intend to use could break because of outdated dependencies. Or am I being retarded again?

How do I know which proprietary drivers I currently need? I'm not too familiar with hardware and shit, but I don't want to install a kernel with every blob in it, aside from the ones I need.

But isn't Ubuntu based on debian unstable, what happens when Debians shits itself the community spreads so much it no longer stays relevant, will ubuntu just evolve into its own beast or what?

> How do I know which proprietary drivers I currently need?
Probably Realtek and you'll know if something is missing after installation.

debian stable has always been sort of...unstable, at least on my machine. I used to use it, but after my icons turned into fuzzy white lines that randomly appeared and disappeared, I moved over to the next "stable" distro I knew of, CentOS.

I've had no problems with it so far, and yum is great. Honestly, I don't see why people still use pure debian.

> I don't see why people still use pure debian.
It works.
Also you could've tried Ubuntu LTS.

>opensuse has good kde integration

xorg was broken when i first logged in due to some weird shit kde was trying to do because of broken dependencies. I would never use openSUSE again after that crap. On top of that, Zypper is shit.

I'm not shilling for debian, either. I think the best KDE integration is probably kubuntu since everything seems relatively stable.

tried ubuntu lts, it was fine but didn't have the stability i wanted. Debian doesn't "just work", I literally just explained that it shat itself on me out of the blue.

Which image do you like better?

They are both poor quality and low effort

you're mean :(

When you realise:
Debian = Deb(ra) + Ian

No I'm not. Practice more. I mean it's fine but you're doing 2 different things in that image. On Woody you're just slapping a logo on him and on the dog you're fitting the horns on or replacing the face.

>the best KDE integration is probably kubuntu
Nah, in my experience KDE Neon is a lot more stable. You have to live with LTS packages though. But then again, it's a thread about Debian.

kde neon is a hit-or-miss, sometimes the kde devs tend to release features too quick in neon and shit breaks.

You are being retarded again.
Learn what apt pinning is.
You can use the same principle on any deb based GNU+Linux distro.

>Also, zypper is shit, not dnf-shit but close
>And here's why I personally think so...

>installs a package
>installs 30 additional packages
>removes the same package
>removes 40 additional packages
>your system is finished and bankrupt

>all that's left are a bunch of people who shit up the mailing lists with complaints about suppressive culture and general privilege checking
I'm going to be honest my dude, I don't think there are any major open source or proprietary projects left that haven't been pwned by social justice.

>t. Deuvan user

I actually installed Debian last night. Except for its refusal to load my proprietary wifi drivers during the install, and the fact that I had to manually install sudo (what the ever living fuck?) I'm finding it pretty comfy.

I don't give two shits about politics in my tech, though.

Why didn't you install debian with the non free iso?

The first one with the full GNU logo is better, because that logo is simply hilarious.

The installer installs sudo if you disable root account IIRC. It makes sense, kind of

>zypper is shit
good fucking joke user

>install package
>installs 30 additional packages
wich you can avoid easily with unchecking a option on yast2 or putting "--no-recommends" on the terminal
>removes the same package
>removes 40 additional packages
(unchecking the same shit has above)
>your system is finished and bankrupt
enter to rescure and fire yast on cli to easily repair shit
learn to fucking use zypper first and then come with legit complains

I quite simply didn't know about it.
Not a big deal though, I enabled the non-free PPA and installed my drivers easily

My experience with Neon is that it always wants to change my laptop into heat cooker. Last time I used it it also lagged and crashed.

I agree with you on "forget arch", otherwise you are just pajeet pig. Shilling the magnum opus of systemd.. Once most stable distro, now bunch of shit stitched together only marketed as stable. They ended up like Ubuntu ended.
Just use slack/gentoo/artix, or if you want debmeme so badly, try devuan. At least it's solid as rock, like debian used to be.

>it's not 'outdated', it's 'stable'

What advantages does Debian give me over Ubuntu exactly?

Nothing immediately obvious. But if you like adhering to the free software ethic and want to learn a little bit more about your system and Linux, then it's good. Also, if you don't like or trust Mark Shuttleworth, it's a good distro to move to.

I felt the learning curve from Ubuntu to Debian was quite sharp. For me, anyway. And it helped me get into Slackware a lot. It's a great stepping stone distro if you want to try something more advanced.

Currently I'm in Debian Stretch for the long haul though. I start PhD very soon and need something stable that I'm familiar with for productivity. I can't imagine I'll be moving from it for a very long time.

so far I've found using debian almost identical to using ubuntu. The only real challenge was a few hiccups on install; this weird bug where I got locked out of root user, and had to launch a shell from grub menu.