>linux struggles for 26 years to get 2.53% of market share
>0.84% growth in a month
i doubt there could be an actual increase that big, or they include chrome os in the stats.
>Its still lower than XP
And dang windows 7 still going strong.
ChromeOS is literally GNU/Linux though. It's not Android where only the kernel is used.
ChromeOS is included which is probably where the increase comes from.
Might be the recent developments with windows, such as wannacry and the ads on win10. A small loss for windows but a significant gain for linux
ChromeOS is a distro based on Gentoo
fuck off comie
>ACTUALLY losing to a free-for-anyone OS
Is this the power of Apple?
aren't trannies in the US around that %? look at how much they expect everyone else to cater to them.
>Google pushes Linux on phones to a dominating market position
>now doing the same for desktop
are goolag, dare i say, the good guys after all?
no. them doing one thing does not absolve them of other things they do
>>now doing the same for desktop
No it actually doesn't
If it actually wanted it would probably kill off windows pretty easily
id like to see without chrome os but i do know its linux. is it gnu too?
>lump all linux distros and versions together
>compare with single version of OS X
It's based on gentoo
>lump all linux distros and versions together
Wrong. Not all Linux distros are meant for desktops, if that were the case, Linux actually is the most popular OS in the world
>is it gnu too?
It is.
Google have the good sense to take advantage of the technologies available to them. If that benefits freedom, good, but don't make the mistake that they want what's best for you.
Apple used to be similar until a while back, they didn't care about Free Software, but they'd use it when appropriate. Under the current leadership they are actively hostile.
still mac is superior to loonix neckbeard distros and pajeet wangblows
Literally look at the graph
Even if you count the sum of macOSes, it doesn't really change all that much, does it?
argumentum ad populum = invalid
>more people use XP
Linux actually has a larger marketshare since it's determined by ad and tracking services, which most Linux users block. Linux in reality would have a share closer to 5-7%.
>that's what linuxfags believe
Woah, it can beat an OS that most people have to buy special hardware for (yeah yeah, I'm aware of hackintosh).
Where I work, many desktops are currently running XP. Although we are planning to move to CentOS in the next fiscal year :)
>being upset like this
Your entire argument is "I think that is a fallacy, amirite guys?" and that in itself is a fallacy.
Who's this manchild?
Calm down user.
muh marketshare
>it's all chromeos
>all future linux ""apps"" require google play
>>it's all chromeos
It's time, activate it.
ChromeOS and SteamOS. Yeah.
>ChromeOS and SteamOS. Yeah.
>tfw the end of 2017 it will be 5%
Why is Windows 8 so low? Kind of surprised at it compared to 7
It was replaced pretty quickly, no time to gain much market penetration through OEM sales and stuff.
Windows 8 was garbage, not suited for Desktop.
>School starts again
>All those free chromebooks handed out to school kids come online
>market share apparently jumps but it's of zero benefit to regular GNU/Linux distributions
>Chrome-books suddenly come into the existence after schools start
You think these statistics include every laptop locked away in the schools' storage rooms? If the computer isn't on, there's no way it's going to show up in any kind of market share statistic.
You better elaborate, judging an OS based off its market share and not its own merit is indeed improper reasoning.
So where were they before the vacation? In Mars?
How do they know the OS i installed
Now linux is too mainstream and I can't be caught using an OS the common sheep uses, I'm installing BSD right now
>adobe shit comes to linux
>it only works on chromeos with google play services
Sasuga Google.
it's ok when linux does it
But if it works for ChromeOS... then it works for Gentoo because of Portage.
Wow,surely linux will BTFO windows and mac os right? XDDDDD install gentoo
But MacOS already got BTFO
When you computer connects to the Internet it must tell what OS it's running or else it might get an incompatible IP
Linux Desktop is already a thing within Windows 10 of course
No one uses it, because it doesn't work
>windows is so shit it needs to pull linux in to try to sway developers to use it
o i am laffin
No. OS X has more % than linux.
Not even that worked
Installing Haiku.
see It's only a matter of time, user.
>no one use
>rated by at least 55 users in one country.
I doubt older MacOSes have any relevancy among the Mac community itself
Essentially just a cygwin clone.
>55 microsoft paid testers
so no one?
It's the best OS.
Worst OS I ever used
hahaha nice joke, I almost laughed
Paid tester? How do you know that? How do you know that every user review that shit too?
>slowing down my updates
reeee fuck off
thanks for the opinion, pajeet
>How do you know that?
Windows insider preview
So you have nothing to prove what you said.
2017 year of linux on the desktop
wow, the experience and opinion of one user on an user board who may or may not be a shill is the objective measure of an OS being good or not. thanks for the insight, rajeesh
I can see the butthurt in this post. Stay delusional.
>There a bunch of reasons why people use windows
Hmm, let's see
1. Spyware by default
2. No C/C++ compiler by default
3. POS native compiler (MSVSC) which actually embeds literal spyware into the binary and produces slow and inferior apps
4. Shit security, anti virus won't work and sometime the AVs will delete your project because it's "unsafe"
5. Nightmare to work with different shells and package managers
7. Can't even open/create directories with certain names
10. Ads everywhere.
Very convincing
>hurr, i'm going to post a picture with an user lying about what's needed for linux to do things
>i post logical reasoning for why that might not be accurate
>lol u mad
grow up
owned lmao
Nice fake news you've got there.
>embrace extend extinguish
Linuxfag will never recover from this lmao
What part looks like "fake news" to you?
>Embracing so much you have to literally host the OS
Lmao windows is the OS for cucks
the parts he disagrees with since he has no counter arguments, obviously
>Ads everywhere.
Can be disabled
>Shit security, anti virus won't work and sometime the AVs will delete your project because it's "unsafe"
Linux is only secure because no one actually use it. Linux isn’t impenetrable, it's like every OS. Once it's popular, it gets attacked.
Hahahaha. Here's your (you)
bash ubuntu on windows has always been a thing just like Qemu is a thing on Linux ;)
Most people also use windows because it has everything lmao
>he doesn't use selinux
if people didn't care about what data was collected when the use W10, then there wouldn't be so many guides on how to disable it. Secondly, linux IS widely used, and it gets patches for serious issues that are found. Windows also gets patches, at least weekly, so your 'security through obscurity' doesn't really hold up.
>While the Redmond Windows maker was criticized for hoarding up user data like crazy, apparently over 71% of Windows 10 users have chosen to enable the “Full” telemetry data collection setting that now appears during the upgrade process.
Google does it
Apple does it
literally most company in 2017 do it because everything is always connected.
>>Ads everywhere.
>Can be disabled
Doesn't refute my point
>Shit security, anti virus won't work and sometime the AVs will delete your project because it's "unsafe"
>Linux is only secure because ...
Doesn't refute my point either.
Stay buttflustered. Also, enjoy inferior, bloated and spyware in your binary
okay, so people do it because they're overwhelmed by the amount of companies doing it, and by how long they've been doing it. enjoy your next wannacry