Why do white trash like Apple products?
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Why do white trash like Apple products?
Because Apple products are considered as a status symbol. They think if they own an Apple 7 they are automatically higher middle class, cool, etc. They don't care much about the technical aspects of the product, except the camera.
Why do you like to make stupid incorrect sweeping generalizations?
but everyone knows only the petit bourgeois have fetish with smartphones
who are they kidding?
also niggers
All of those girls will have cracked screens within three months. Bitches can't keep hold of their phones for some reason.
i would impregnate every last woman in that picture
Why are they dressed like prostitutes? They look like teenagers for God's sake...
whites, blacks, asians, doesn't really matter. The people who buy apple products probably are aware that they're overpriced and paradoxically, that's one of the reasons people buy them so their friends can say "wow, you bought the newest iphone". Apple products are more about the presentation and the brand rather than quality and efficiency. As for me, I'd always buy an Android phone.
especially the brown chick
>Why are they dressed like prostitutes?
all women are whores
>They look like teenagers for God's sake...
that's how early women begin to sell themselves to chads
I'd rather kidnap them and put them in my van
I'm so glad 2D exists. I feel so sorry for men who lived in the past where porn was rare or non-existent, 2D didn't exist, and the only recourse for sexual desire and companionship was the vomit-inducing harpies you see in OP's pic.
>why modern women dress like jews tell them
Great question
they're called thots. not all 3DPD looks like that.
>the visible effects of upper middle class suburbian culture on young females
I want a pack of these females to run into a squad of sjw uggos and see how they interact.
This. Most iPhone users are in fact filthy sub-human perverted degenerate homosexual pedophiles.
>They think if they own an Apple 7 they are automatically higher middle class
The term "higher middle class" makes no sense. 'middle class' is a Marxist term to refer to people who own their own means of production (doctors or lawyers who have their own practice and so on). Middle class just means people who do not get wages and are not employed by anyone and who are not burgeois (people who do not contribute to creating value for the market but just exploiting the proletariat working class (the people who are employed and earn a wage))
>mutilating yourself for internet memes
So latinas and pajeetinas are white now? Based Zim Zam!
>White trash
>pic of young girls capable of doing everything they want
Nice blogpost but you fail to realize he is talking about the upper middle class: the class which Karl Marx belonged.
Why do they sexualize children? Why destroy goodness and innocence?
that definition is the "textbook definition, but it's not how many people use the terms now.
Upper Middle Class
Middle Middle Class
Lower Middle Class
those are the terms that Middle Class citizens use to differentiate themselves in-between themselves. They are their own micro society in the middle of a full socioeconomic class range.
A programmer can work in a company for a montly salary and still be able live good / have a high standard of living. It would be retarded to call a programmer or a stock broker etc. part of the working class, yet they work for a wage.
you act like this is some organized conspiracy. It isn't, it's just men being really fucking thirsty
>Why destroy goodness and innocence?
Matthew 23:33
>You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape the sentence of hell?
working for a salary and working for an hourly wage is what separates classes.
employment that provides hourly/weekly/monthly wages depend upon sales of a product to the masses for income.
employment that provides a yearly salary to an individual is guaranteed income which comes from an established financial engine that is seen as an upper class trade.
Yes, he did not consider himself working class (because he did not survive on a wage) and he was not a lumpenproletariat because he managed to survive on his writing. So he was middle class or "petit bourgeoisie" as he called it.
Yes, but those terms do not make sense. Middle class does not refer to how much money you have or not. Marx lived much poorer than many working class. And many lumpenproletariats (criminals, prostitutes etc.) have way more money than a lot of honest working class. There might even be poor Bourgeoisie who live on less money than all of them. The only difference is their position in the capitalist system. The Bourgeoisie might be poorer than anyone, but the money he has he only have because he exploit the working class (which MIGHT earn more than him)
'Exploitation' in a marxist sense is a technical term that refer to value creation and how the value of the work is distributed.
> It would be retarded to call a programmer or a stock broker etc. part of the working class
Why? That is the definition... Working class does not mean poor. CEOs who don't own stock are working class even if they have billions in wages. They are still being exploited by the stock owning jews who don't do anything to create value for the company, but still rake in cash.
It's not retarded to use the correct term for people
>calls girls he will never have white trash
LMAO bitter virgins are hilarious
butthurt roastie thot detected
this is nonsense though. A yearly salary still makes people working class. Somebody is taking the value of your work and putting it in their pockets without helping you or providing anything to the value creation except happening to own the means of production.
Because they all want to look the same.
I think we might be mixing social class and wealth systems. I do believe those have their own scales. I absolutely understand your point, though.
> stock owning jews who don't do anything to create value
Since those "jews" own shares of stock, that means they have invested money in that company, that is, provided financial capital so yeah, they help generate / create value. If they didn't invest, that company perhaps couldn't start a production cycle and no value would be created and the working men would be laid off. Eat the rich, lol
>Marx lived much poorer than many working class
That is false. Only in a brief period he was unemployed in London but later he became so influential the whole communist movement was organized by him(Basle Congress and Hague Congress) and financed by Engels (who owned many industries) and other German/British industrialists.
Even before he became the center of the Communist International he wrote for several newspapers on London and Germany so obviously he was receiving a very stable income that he could afford to pay a lady to live in his home to clean and make food for him and his wife
>Implying I would ever be in a relationship with an iPhone user
Begone THOT
apple = status
bitches like status
mostly themselves and the "entities" (they no longer deserve to be called human) that still watch tv in 2k17.
Once China as taken over the world and enforced their vision we will hopefully see mass suicides of the said iphone owners.
Why do all white people look the same?
They wear the same beauty (((products))) and dress