r8 or h8 on my life choices
/BST/ - Battlestation thread - Expensive Unnecessary Stuff Edition
Why all the macbooks? how do you use you're keyboard and mouse with them all?
I want a macbook :(
>two laptops, a desktop and an tablet
for what purpose
at what point is any of this necessary
Is that a fucking MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and Microsoft Surface 3?
Yes except it's a Surface Pro 4 and the new iPad Pro with the completely unnecessary 120Hz screen.
wait, I thought Sup Forums hated Apple
what the fuck?
*shrugs* iono
That was the point I guess, it's all expensive and completely unnecessary
I've never had a problem with Apple user.
You gonna eat all of them?
wouldn't you?
whered you buy your table?
I bought the bench top from Bunnings m8.
ThinkPad model?
OP here, it's an an Ikea countertop
I've seen this picture more than a hundred times.
Dormfag here
>R5 1600 @ 3.9ghz & GTX 1060 6GB, 2DS
I might add a wooden plank to put on the drawer so that I can have a normal desk
a man of true class
neets without a steady income
There's only one MacBook in OPs pic...
The question still stands
I fuckig hate applefags. Pic related is my setup. It's all I need I don't need some faggy macbook
Forgot pic
bc your life is non existent?
And good TG cases?
If anyone knows about unnecessary stuff its me.
>Expensive Unnecessary Stuff
I'll get my coat
ID on TV? Is that some kind of Trinitron CRT?
holy hell man get rid of those LEDs, avoid anything with "gamer" in the product name.
Kek, poorfag thinks his shit is "expensive".
Please post your battlestation, your comment will be ignored unless you post a picture with thousands of dollars worth of unnecessary stuffs.
>he ACTUALLY bought a Blue microphone
oh, sweetie...
1.) What audio interface is that?
2.) Is it good?
I'm currently looking for interfaces to buy and can't choose.
Hey, man, they aren't the greatest mic, but the aftermarket is filled with failed streambabbies selling their yetis for dirt cheap.
desk looks cluttered with all the laptops, but i like your taste
sort of empty, but also a clean look
too many mismatched monitors, nice keeb tho
honestly not that much you can do with that, it'll look like ass regardless. add storage containers to clean up that upper shelf, also get a proper office chair.
define meshify c just came out
Trinitron KV-28FD1E
Pal Plus picture tube (More or less 720p)
Has VGA built in too!
them quads
>tame impala
What monitor?
wrong thread nigga
Totally tubular my dudes
what mousepad?
Artisan Hayate Otsu Soft
macbooks and surfaces? what the fuck
coolest in thred dont hack me senpai
What's that wallpaper on the MacBook Pro?
Crapintosh detected.
You fail!
What's the curved screen like?
i wonder if anyone can guess what my old battlestation was [spoiler]hint: ikea chair[/spoiler]
>duct tape for face grease protection
looks pretty nice
not sure if arm rests look comfy though
Where'd you get this desk?
christ you have awful taste in cartoons
looks cold and bad for sound
this is what my station looked like in 2001
living life on the edge
I hope you come into some money soon.
>cold and bad for sound
Well, it does get cold although that's because winter just ended. Better than my old bedroom were the position of the window mad the room become a furnace no matter what season it was
>bad for sound
Not really. Those bookshelf speakers on the desk sound really great and loud, especially when the blinds are rolled down.
back to r/battlestations desu
>I hope you come into some money soon.
With those specs on it I seriously hope you're kidding.
>it's more enough than I will ever need.
According to the PC motherboard and the case date, they were made in 2007.
forgot speccy
Nice just realized i can do this too
Was this taken with your Motorola Razr phone?
Never had this bad service for a shipped item before.
It's been 6days since sub was supposed to be delivered.
you watching daredevil?
I haven't even begun memeing yet for this station.
It was the season finale of The Defenders.
literally this got a second-hand yeti for $60
Posting this one last time. I'm going to move into a much nicer apartment soon, with far better lighting.
>the defenders
you managed to get through the season? a true iron will
And keyboards.
I had watched Daredevil and Iron Fist before it. Not the cultural enrichment shows though.
Enjoyed Daredevil. The Defenders had more action than the two shows combined though.
Skipped a lot.
Not recommended.
>not recommended
I know, Daredevil was enjoyable the first time around, second season was a bit more on the fence but still watchable.
But the other marvel shows aka iron fist, luke cage etc are simply formulaic to the core with nothing to show for it. But that's the conveyor belt aesthetics marvel is going for so it doesn't come as a surprise.
Best part is the punisher, can't wait for his show.
Yeah if they get it right it might actually be good.
Here's to hoping
>Motorola Razr phone?
Um....I have an S3. I never owned a Razr in my life.
>Now Playing: Andrea Bocelli - 02 Mille lune mille onde.mp3
wrong thread sorry
Is it covered in cum then?
>i use my laptop to fap, not my phone
Not my manga.
makes me laugh every time, went from a great setup to garbage
Lurk more
How did you manage to get the amp under the desk like that?
I could get a better photo with $20 dumbphone is what most people are trying to tell you.
Wah lah.
More of a work station really