Name a better programming language. Spoiler: you can't.
Name a better programming language. Spoiler: you can't
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C is literally the perfect balance of speed and usability.
I agree with you OP.
Visual Basic
Java, C hash, C++, Python etc.
Literally everything.
nobody posting here even understands why C became popular in the first place, besides maybe this guy . maybe.
Name a better tool. Spoiler: you can't.
>c hash
Except your wrong you dummy. C is a skrewdriver with an adjustable bit to fit any size screw, that you can use the non bit side as a hammer if you really need to.
As fast as your meme language, but with the slick syntax of ruby
yeah i love icon.png its my favorite language
Do you lurk here at all?
If C was a screwdriver, programming would be cooking.
I love shapes, too, user. Don't listen to them.
ITT: anons talk about low adoption pet programming languages.
>implying there is 1 language that does
> everything better than the rest
are you a retard?
better? i can't name better, i'll give you that
but i will name a couple of really good ones:
common lisp
Oh shut the fuck up
low adoption :(
C, C++ and C# masterrace
>c hash
It's C Sharp, and it is shit.
Rust is objectively superior.
C# is actually very good in some use cases, such as enterprise applications, low budget games and desktop GUIs (as long as you don't care about platforms other than Windows).
This, literally the only language I've ever needed
Java is better than C# in most of these use cases.
Go is actually c with better syntax.
Rust is nice too.
java has worse design, worse syntax and worse performance
c# is getting almost equally multiplatform with .net standard, so i can't see where java is better
>Java has worse design, worse syntax and worse performance
two of these are subjective (and I happen to disagree), and one of these is false
They come about roughly equal.
L.. Lisp (any lisp really)
But yeah all that quality software in the wild just waiting to be used/ripped/modified makes C unbeatable to date.
>using a brainlet language
Brainfuck is definitely up there.
C is great. It offers an incredible control over the program and performance-wise is still unbeaten. Fast to compile and fast to execute. It is pretty hard to master, but once you know it well you can easily implement all of the high level languages abstractions (read about object oriented C) if you really need to. I understand that C is pretty annoying to write: const and restrict everywhere, header files, lack of high level constructs etc... but you can nonetheless write very elegant and performant code.