Can you hack a vending machine?

Can you hack a vending machine?

It's as big as your mommy, so yes, I can.

Yeah just uplug it

give it back, jamal

yes. just build a small EMP device and bring it close to the circuit board. most of them aren't insulated so there's a chance it will spit out something after a pulse.

pick the lock

I used to, years ago though. They aren't that lazy anymore and I doubt many of the ways would work.

why would you want to? theres no tofu or celery in there

With an axe, yes.

would you download a vending machine?

Just social engineer the delivery man for out of date snacks. N00bs

Hey Shaquan.
You should really consider working some more so you'll be able to afford buying snacks from vending machines.
Hacking them isn't the answer.

Just call the support number on the vending machine and say something like 'I put in my money to purchase X but the machine didn't vend it.' after 5 mins they will give you a one-time code to punch into the machine to vend the stuff you want.

This is bullshit by the way.

You probably haven't left your basement in the last 10 years.

Go and try it yourself.

With a pickax, sure.

I keep hacking the vending machine at work so that everytime someone goes for an orange soda he gets lemon instead.

So far noone has figured out how to fix it, and noone suspects me being behind it. There's this German guy who just keeps falling for it and every other day you can hear him in the hall yelling about it with his cute German accent.

>having a gay nazi fetish

You can buy the keys to unlock them on ebay. Shit's generic and works in all of them.

Where's that nigger who stole a vending machine thinking it is an atm machine?

What a shitty selection.

Ha, I understood that reference. Good one, friend.



what about the darkie who built a robot that steals from them

Doesn't work.