Decide to take the plunge and install linux

>decide to take the plunge and install linux
>worried that everything will break as Sup Forums told me
>boot up linux for first time
>everything JUST WERKZ
>wifi, graphics, bluetooth, etc
>even the fucking PRINTER works perfectly out of the box
>everything is quick and snappy
>updates are quick and easy

you guys are all fucking liars, telling me that linux with destroy my computer.

i don't understand WHY anyone stays on windows

>even the fucking PRINTER works perfectly out of the box
If you only knew...

knew what?

People are only on windows for games.

>i just booted linux for the first time so i know what the user experience is like for everyone in everything they do

Lol my printer worked out of the box after installing Solus. Solus is hands down the best distro since a very long time.

shill calm down, no one need your terminal os

>decide to take the plunge and install linux
>worried that everything will break as memes told me
>boot up linux for the first time
>issues logging in, issues with my chosen desktop environment, issues with my display manager, wifi does not work out of the box

Had the same experience with arch a few years ago.

Followed the wiki to the letter and i ended up with a fully working system with no lag, and after only 3 hours of my time, i wasn't even interested in tech at the time i only installed arch because my computer was slow as shit.

Hi Kevin

I know everybody says get mint if you're new to linux. Does that require use of the terminal to do shit too or no? I want to eventually be like you Sup Forumsuys :*

That's because you used a non-meme OS


Make sure you don't install anything else and keep everything as is and you might manage to keep the illusion up indefinitely.

>telling me that linux with destroy my computer
Who the hell has been telling you this?

You can use the terminal in every gnu/linux distro.
Mint is good for starters, use whatever you like.

As far as I know, you install via a GUI just like with Windows

For mint? Nah. You don't even have to touch it if you don't want to.

But the command-line is super useful in *nix in general, part of the reason why so many people use it and love it.

This. You should forget the memes and install gentoo

why would you not want to use the terminal
not for everything obviously, but why not use it for the occasions it's better than GUI?

Thanks to Apple's CUPS, printers work perfectly fine on Linux.

nice numbers :^)

The Sup Forumsentoo gods have blessed this post.

There are many distros like ubuntu, mint, fedora, korora, and opensuse where everything can be done via GUI and without touching any form of CLI. However unlike in windows, the CLI in GNU/Linux is actually very powerful and really worth using. So while it may not be required, people tend to gravitate towards it. At least for certain tasks.

>However unlike in windows, the CLI in GNU/Linux is actually very powerful
It literally says power on the powershell

linux when it works is far better than winblows
you got lucky though
when you get an error, you'll eventually see

Which is why I posted that comment, genius. He listed the one thing almost guaranteed to function as the ultimate proof that is all ``JUST WERKZ®™''

>i don't understand WHY anyone stays on windows

Happily would. I'm currently a newb though

Thanks Sup Forumsang


Congratulations, unfortunately for many people it is far from the "just werks" of Windows or macOS

>and after only 3 hours of my time
And Windows takes less than an hour.

How amazing.

i'll see that it actually tells me what went wrong instead of something happened

This was about a month ago by the way, still chugging with zero issues.


I game on Linux just fine.
People stay on windows because they're afraid of change. Which is why even lots of people who pirate windows, or who could have switched to w10 when it was free chose not to use w10.

>version number used for live ebuilds is 9999
truly blessed by gentoo gods

and windows install is automated XD

Welcome to Debian!