I bet you guys can't solve this
Calculus challenge
I can. You aren't getting the answer to your homework though.
show me how to do it then
>homework forces you to solve it both ways
Hah fuck that shit.
yeah see you can't do it
y solve porblems when wr have computers amirite Sup Forums?
not himI was going to help you get it, but you are acting like a child so nevermind
u don't know math
Hey Tyrone.
You can't rely on others to do your homework.
>he can't solve a baby math calc 1 problem
just drop out faggot
I really hope nobody helps you. Go ask your tutor or some shit.
i asked if u could show me how to do it because I obviously don't know how
Last time I did calculus was in college. never touched it again. that was 8 years ago. I dont remember any of it.
>asking for help with homework
>>> reddit
> sage goes in all fields
Remember kids namefags are cancer!
Where the fuck are mods?
I will help you, if you ask nicely
please show me how :/
Nobody else noticed this?
OP is literally retarded lol
wouldn't the area between the graphs be the difference of thew integrals?
So he's both stupid and a douchebag. Haha you made my night, user
>1 attempt remaining
ye I tried to put the functions in terms of y in for f(x) and g(x) but it counted them wrong that's why i only have 1 more attempt
This should help push you in the right direction without solving it for you.
Sup Forums what do I need to know beforehand trying to learn calculus, is there a point to learning calculus?
I put the first function in terms of y and made that f(x) is that right
> attempted this problem 4 times
> 1 attempt remaining
Holy fuck. How is anyone this bad at clac. God I hope this kid doesn't have to take any hard math classes.
If you really don't know calculus learn Analysis first. Its definitely tougher, but maybe if you learned this what you're doing might make more sense. Its ridiculous to me that they teach calculus without teaching the proofs from which calculus is derived first. Bartle and Sherbert's Introduction to Real Analysis is a good book for self study on this.
Try asking for help in this thread
If you want actual help you need to ask the board HOW to solve it
We're not going to do your homework for you
I know how to do area between and integrals and stuff but this one is different idk
Fuck off nigger
>this is the average CS student
he doesn't know about ram of wolf!!
lmao fkn failure. drop. out. now.
I've tried wolfram bub :/
why would I learn that, it dosnt look at all like it will help me write python
I bet you wont get help for this
>sucking at first semester calculus.
Suck my big fat 4.9 GPA and 6 figures earnings faggot
probably not lmao just got a few insults but idgaf
>this is the average CS student
its time to stop, this aint reddit, nor 9gag, stop typing like this.
you want help, but you ask in a rude way, you start insulting Sup Forums, and doesnt even bother to learn the way Sup Forums is, you aint going to get any help if you are like this
>ameridumbs can't solve a HS problem
Just use Wolfram alpha Sup Forumsro
He isn't supposed to get any help at all you stupid fucking newfag.
Sup Forums has turned on itself
>false flagging this hard
how do people like this end up on Sup Forums? why are you making threads without even knowing how to quote? minimum 10 years of lurking WHEN
>people need to false flag to make ameritards look dumb
>tfw computers systems engineer
are u guys going to solve the calculus challenge or not
what year?
>electronics 101 on capacitors
Talkin shit as a year 1 ECE.
I know how to reply now lmao
He's right
guess I'm getting a 72 on this hw lmfao
4th, but electronics and circuits is an elective I took 2 years ago
That is RC filters complete response (step + natural), not just capacitors. Much more fun with LRC circuits.