They are just as fucked as google.
Stop Using DuckDuckGo Immediately
Tell me why
Where proofs
watch the webm
they're modifying the autocomplete, theres no telling what search results they've edited as well
which webm?
click the webm at the top, its not an image its a webm
>Founder: Gabriel (((Weinberg)))
What a coincidence!
try 'gays are' instead and you get nothing
>hurr durr i don't understand how search engines work
if this is not bait kill yourself. if it is bait, also kill yourself just in case
>gays are sick
DDG rad too bruv
Just use the superior search engine~
If you uncheck search as you type you get nothing.
the jew that made ddg made his fortune from selling information
you would have to be a fool to use it anyway
He sold the whole website.
the jew that is in charge of Sup Forums made his fortune from selling information
you would have to be a fool to use it anyway
Does your mom still spoonfed you?
I'm mostly using Qwant right now. gets the job done and it's not jewgle, which for me is enough reason to use it.
Who gives a shit about autocomplete?
Why should I? give me a reason.
I like Qwant better
I use Bing, I like artificial intelligence and bots.
It seems that goyim are unable to create a search algorithm.
i dont get it
It's an indication that your search results may be censored or "curated" to not show results the provider doesn't want you to see.
>not using startpage
i shiggy diggy
Same, I think it's because of your ip address.
Maybe he's in US and you are in UK or Australia or whatever.
I never appreciated this kind of stuff, but you can't do much to disable it. Settings your preferred region in another country is not helpful sometimes.
I'm in the US
>SJWs and Sup Forumsocks made these searches daily to see if they existed and are now suprised that they do
Why would someone need that?
Every bit of this has been discredited multiple times.
>doesn't use startpage
exactly, it was a back loaded data mining operation and there is no reason to think ddg isn't also
you use it for years and they never sell your identifying data, but they are just saving that data up. when ddg has a big enough trove it will be bought by somebody who will liquidate everything but the data
Yes, startpage use Google..
So what search engine use?
I don't trust open source website...
Can someone explain to me what the fuck the author of that image is trying to say with nginx being underlined?
Been using Bing for a couple of months now. It looks nice but the results are noticeably less complete than Google's.
What data?
neither does 8gag :^)
>not having a plaintext file of the addresses your favorite websites on your home page
>thinking that out of the millions and billions of web pages that exist there is more than a handful that are worth visiting
I don't understand this. If I want to know something, I'll read a book on it. The last thing I want to do is read random shitty webpages on any real subject that isn't on an edu site.
ESL get out!
So instead of going to 4 different search portals, you can use a single and get the results faster.
this is why you should stay in your containment board
>not just using custom keyword searches in chrome to get to the sites you actually use
please dont tell me you actually use a home page that's anything more than a solid color with an address bar
Let me know when they remove search results from the result page
>the state of itoddler
For copying long integers or urls to your mobile device without sending an email or IM.
I'm curious how this works. Surely these kinds of manipulated search suggestions are not hard coded. Is it some kind of sentiment analysis algorithm that deletes these results?
Oh, neat. I've never actually used my phone to scan one.
>not using the comfiest search engine made by men
you can host your own instance if you want to btw
>search algoyrithm
oyyy veyyyyy
I just use KDE Connect for that kind of stuff
desu i just leave a bunch of them printed out with porn links around the city
I can't figure out how to make it my default search engine in Firefox.
>how do cookies work
Why do the incels over at Sup Forums hate women so much?
>using search suggestions
>that first result for "women a"
Well if you search "American inventors" you see all black people on the first page (images) so yeah pretty much google = DuckDuckGo.
This is not new for me tho.
Why doesn't Sup Forums understand how algorithms work? It's not like there is a stereotypical SJW hambeast sitting at DuckDuckGo headquarters deciding what results you get after you submit the query.
Half-Life 3 confirmed.
I don't care about identity politics. Neither should you. Google is bad because it is a botnet. DuckDuckGo is not. I don't care that your sensitive feelings got hurt.
why u gotta shill man
Why does Sup Forums lie so much?
idk man, it's just newfags shitposting and thinking it's funny
>those tabs
absolutely degenerate
kek how
fuck the nu-web
I actually don't really care what search engine people use
That's why you're a faggot and will die alone.
Someone make the logo
Man google shills are getting desperate.
he's a apache server user.
You're retarded
>this hurts the shill
So is Sup Forums tech illiterate or just schizophrenic?
they don't have autocomplete, it's from google, DDG's a proxy in between you and them
why aren't you using the
form, though?
paranoid + non-knowledgable on the subject leads to aggresive ideologies.
yeah, more news at 9
you're confusing ddg with startpage
you have enlightened me, thanks friend
but what should I use as an alternative????
>I don't trust open source website...
The absolute state of this board... You should learn to trust your English teacher first.
>it's real
fucking ddg why
go to their about page, download firefox addon/search engine
>If you took one minute to lookup ngix
oh the irony
I just tried replicating your webm.
"Men are" didn't autocomplete at all.
"Women are" didn't autocomplete at all.
"Blondes are" didn't autocomplete at all.
Sup Forums? WTF does my comment has to do with that shit? Kys or explain us "how algorithms work". Dickhead.
Only a Sup Forumstard would be this upset at being called out.
KDE Connect
it was funny tho
do you have proofs? try using different search engines and post results here
Aren't they just results pulled from google for the same words? They may vary just because of that too
Men can take a joke. Thats why. Don't stop to their victimised ways