Bought a Mac, now what?

Hey bros so i just bought a mac and wanted to know where do i go from here? its the macbook pro 13 inch no touchbar. what do i do now? i've installed google chrome. love the build quality shame windows pcs are plastic. wish it had a standard usb port but i guess whats dongles are for.

oh and just wanted to know how do i view webms in safari? apparently chrome is killer in battery life and safari is the best to go.

shove it up your ass

Congratulations, I bought one last month. I'm surprised how well optimized the m-series are.


Don't install gentoo

Return it and buy 3 Thinkpads

try another webkit based browser?

what a webkit browser? like i use google chrome to see webms and such and the vlc player plugin is no longer available on their website

any way to use apk applications on mac?

OP install parallels and install windows and enjoy a real man's OS inside your sissy OS.

Install Gentoo on it.

It's these most subtle trolls that make me happiest.

>didn't want the touchbar

Honestly you might like the standard new MacBook better. Can get a newish one on eBay for like $800 and it's way lighter/slimmer

>now what?
you bought the thing how am I supposed to know what you want to do with it?

as for webms I just use safari and download them and open them in a player

All honesty, how good is the MacBook?
>no .jpgs, memes or namefags allowed

I honestly don't give a shit about design. The problem with Windows computers is almost always Windows. It doesn't matter if it's a ThinkPad or a Surface; it's still running Windows.

I'm so fucking fed up with Windows I'd rather use a Chromebook at this point.

It’s a little lacking on power, but it’s good enough for some dev work.

Now get a HyperDrive and you're good to go.

Have you been noticing any lag or anything like that?

i literally used my macpro on full brightness for 6 hours straight streaming spotify, using microsoft word, youtube and some 4channing. i imagine if i dim my keyboard and my screen i'd push 7 hrs screen on time easily. love build quality as well. shame about the no ports but 200$ more from the 2015 model is worth imo

Do they still have throttle problems?

I can't speak for OP but I haven't been able to get mine to throttle yet.

>using microsoft word
>not pages, g-docs or literally anything other than microsoft word
for what purpose?


install gentoo

No I'm not memeing. Sup Forums will never admit it because of their blind hatred for all things Apple, but MBPs are the absolute patrician way to use gentoo

what do you mean? i mean when i clicked on a 4k 60 fps video it was a jet engine with both fans full blast. no dropped frames according to the stats for nerds thing on youtube

get it for free from my univeristy

underpowered - for some applications, but most things you're doing on a laptop it's fine for
slow and laggy - nope
overheats constantly - yeah, watching video and downloading generates more heat than it should
keyboard - i find it fine
trackpad - HAH no, nicest feeling and most responsive trackpad on anything. no one else can compete
glossy screen - it's fine most of the time
build quality - is very good
keyboard flexes - nope, see above
zero water resistance - i wouldn't know cuz i don't spill shit on my electronics like a retard

i'm not an apple tard anymore but i still prefer my macbook over anything else for laptop/daily driver. yes i agree it's very overpriced, but i'm not poor as shit. i have a 2013 macbook pro that still has normal ports. i'm so fucking mad about the new port arrangement and stupid touch bar. apple is really losing it.

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

What is: Linux.

>mactoddler's only understanding of OSs is that it's either windows or toddlerOS

Not even surprised.

Answer: a heaping pile of shit


>the guy literally just acknowledged the existence of Chrome OS
how can one person's reading comprehension skills be THAT bad?

>It’s a little lacking on power, but it’s good enough for some dev work.

>it's good enough to type text on

So is a 386.

But then, I guess mactoddlers are amazed when their mac can type text without lagging like shit.

Are you retarded? Ubuntu is (finally) getting it's shit together. Its basically like using OSX, just minus the proprietary bullshit

Source: bought a 2010 MacBook to see if they're actually worth it, they aren't.

what is optimization? I forgot what that is.
I'm so sorry your personal computer doesn't have 128 terabytes of RAM. anything below that is just unusable, innit
>slow and laggy
haven't experienced anything similar to that whatsoever.
>throttles constantly
stop exporting 4k videos with 400 Chrome tabs open in another Space, rakesh
>overheats like crazy
see previous
>shit keyboard
literally untrue
>shit trackpad
are you serious?
>shit glossy mirror screen
honestly that just comes down to opinion. some people like matte, some like glossy.
>shit build quality
sure. OK.
>keyboard flexes
stop trying to type by stomping on the computer and maybe it won't flex, giglamesh
>bends if you look at it wrong
literally and figuratively untrue, by the way
>zero water resistance
are you seriously dumb enough to use your macbook as a dinner table?
get a sippy cup if it's that important, you child.

>what is optimization

Something that's non-existent at Apple.

Yeah, Ubuntu is pretty great unless you like doing anything other than browsing the internet.

Yeah, toyOS is pretty great unless you like doing anything other than updating facebook.

when was the last time you ever saw a musician using a thinkpad?

>using shit from 2 years ago

k so now what can we critize apple for? aside from removing ports?? they got top tier quality, trackpad, keyboard, battery life, screen. literally the only disadvantage is the os which isn't as bad as fags say

2 rupees have been deposited in your Apple Evangelism Account Lakshit.

>battery life
actually no.
if I'm not plugged in and I have more than 30 chrome tabs open, I can literally watch the percentage tick down once every 15 seconds or so. it's laughably bad.

everything else is about right, yeah.

>they got top tier quality
>battery life

Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet?


whats that extension that when you pause youtube videos it keeps loading? unsure which it is

>aside from removing ports??
This probably won't even be a problem in like 4 years or so. Apple is known for removing shit like that and everybody bitches for a year or two but then accessory manufacturers comply and suddenly no one cares.
Pretty soon, everything will plug in via USB type C. MIDI controllers, thumb drives, cameras whatnot.
And even if that doesn't happen, you don't need hundreds upon hundreds of dongles anyway. You literally only need a HyperDrive and boom; problem solved. Two standard USB A ports, two USB C ports, microSD, standard SD and an HDMI port all in one little converter with no bottlenecking.

the whole port debacle is so overblown it's insane.

When was the last time you saw someone not living in abject poverty sleeping in the street?

ha, nerds

>what is ordering from the internet
just because some weirdos decided to camp out because they have nothing better to do doesn't suddenly make it my fault

try again

>in like 4 years or so
So, basically by the time the memebook could be useful, it'll be an ancient useless pile of shit, rather than being a current useless pile of shit.

actually might be a good thing, the usb c cable will be known as the "apple charger" much like how lightening cable is the "iphone charger." kinda cool tbqh that apple is going forward with the usb c port

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

>all those dongles, which are totally 100% necessary and not just for show
kek, please refer to the following post also, wrong. macbooks tend to last for a pretty long time. a 4-year-old computer isn't really even that old. it's just that in 4 years or so, pretty much every other laptop will have USB type C ports only as well. the macbooks are just doing it a little bit early.

if Apple hadn't removed the floppy disk drive from the iMac, we'd all still be using floppy disks. albeit, those floppy disks would probably be able to hold terabytes of data by now, but that's not the point because we'd still be using floppy disks.

standards die all the time. get over it.

nah, if anything, people will just mock apple for putting USB C on the iPhone wayyy too late. Android did it first, remember. pretty much every Android phone since 2015 has charged via USB type c

Macs are already outdated underpowered throttling trash when they release, in 4 years time they can barely function.

oh look, it's that image. again.
you sure cornered me.

in all honesty, the macbook's longevity is sort of a mixed bag. I have friends who have had macbooks crap out almost a year after buying it, but I also have friends who have been using the same damn laptop for 6 or 7 years now. it all depends on how you treat your computer.
of course if you treat your computer like shit, it'll die early. same shit happened to my mom and she used a ThinkPad. fucking thing crapped out after 7 months of use.

God damn, if you're going to spout the same memes over and over again at least edit them a little to keep it interesting.

God damn, if you're going to spout the same memes over and over again at least edit them a little to keep it interesting.

Apple's marketing dept has defended this.

I wanna argue with someone.

go fuck yourself

>21 posters
>63 replies

dam u fags must love to hate apple

oh what, you're 'too good' to argue with strangers on Sup Forums? you're a big man now?

fuck you, faggot.

What's crazy is a well maintained 386 wouldn't even do that.

>a good time


I literally live and breath RHEL. Writing software for and managing RHEL clusters is how I've made my money for the last 6 years.

I sure as shit don't use a RHEL or Centos workstation. I use a macbook with macos.


>overpriced outdated clunky hunk of junk with obsolete hardware

tfw you didn't fall for the business laptop meme

Well shilled Rakesh! 2 rupees have been deposited at your designated shitting street!

Weak bait

Strip out all the Apple crap and just run the Darwin part

yeah, you already said that.

crApple fucking sucks is for gays