/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

I didn't see one of these on the first many pages, so I figured I'd start one up.

>First PC buildd a couple weeks back
>Everything's fine, super fast
>Try to unzip file
>Snail speed

Am I missing something? I realized I forgot the audio driver, so I'm installing that now. But it's taking 15-20 minutes to do something my much less powerful laptop could do in < 5. Is there some compression driver I need to install to bump this up, or what gives?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=resume templates

What processor do you have? No one can help you without details

I want a dedicated >gayming server for some friends and I, and I'm contemplating going for an LGA1366 motherboard & X5650.
Would it be better to just get an i7 Dell optiplex to use as a dedicated machine for that? Do the 2 cores matter for hosting a >gayming server?
Also, does the core count matter much for my own dedicated storage box attached over the network? It'll be only me that uses it, so would there be a benefit in using something like an i7 optiplex for that too?

Is the desktop on windows just a fullscreen file explorer window with background image?

This is everything I have on my laptop right now, do I really need all of this? There are like a dozen MVC++ versions, which other programms use them all? Also if I remove the two asus things, my laptop gets buggy, but shouldn't it be possible to make Windows 10 install a proper driver for the mousepad instead of having to rely on the asus stuff? Or the Visual Studio C++ for tomtom (I don't even have a tomtom anymore), how can I check if any other programm needs it or if I can just deinstall that shit?

No, you can tell because when file explorer crashes the background doesn't reset.

Just got a macbook pro on sale. Is there a keyboard shortcut I can use to select "delete" in these types of dialogs? I've tried using tab and it doesnt work, do I need to enable something?

The only problem i see here is your LibreOffice, CCleaner, and AVAST, oh, and Chrome.

So I'm looking at stands for a desktop mic setup because I don't want to deafen my friends with keyboard noises. A good few of them clip onto the desk. These should be avoided right? I mean logic would dictate that you'd still key keyboard typing vibrations. Or am I overestimating it?

forgot image

I think I got some dust or junk stuck in my galaxy s5 where the charger goes in and I've managed to wiggle the charger enough so that it still charges, any chance it might explode?

it's a separate process? this isn't osx nigga

>Would it be better to just get an i7 Dell optiplex to use as a dedicated machine for that

>Do the 2 cores matter for hosting a >gayming server?
Try and see

>Also, does the core count matter much for my own dedicated storage box attached over the network
For storage? not too critical,

What's wrong with LibreOffice and CCleaner?

>I don't want to deafen my friends with keyboard noises
You are doing something wrong if they hear your keyboard clicks
Increase the sensitivity or something

Nothing much besides that Libre sucks compared to Office and CC shouldn't be installed, but rather run once and removed

No, clean the port with a tooth pick

my cpu is of the slows and he needs the of the speed the boost should he be powerclocked??? is he of the risks? somewan can link me the guide pls i not need be the lectured im build the cpu for 20yrs!!!

btw he is 250w 160gigs 2.4G 5gig RAMS

It's mainly an issue of: I can't get it close enough to me so they can hear me without also getting it near the keyboard. No amount of sensitivity waggling is going to be able to deal with the fact it has to sit on the same surface as the keyboard about 1 foot away. I plan on getting a new microphone that's XLR and the audio interface and everything but I can't afford it right now. I just need a stop-gap in the mean time.

Why not go cheaper and get a USB headset?
it'll increase the distance to the keyboard and close the distance to you. also USB allows good control of the device. just saying you can go cheaper and achieve the same thing perhaps


how do i check to make sure a used macbook is not stolen before i buy it?

Do what Apple does when you return an old iPhone to get a discount, make the alleged owner disconnect their own account from it, and if it's disconnected already, nothing to worry.

USB noise can be an issue and I really like the headphones I have now. It might be a good stop-gap but I'd really just like to move away from USB. I could get a little jack microphone but I have hobbies I enjoy that require recording and such, so I'd like to step up really.

In that case, start researching good mics and update us if you find it.

Is it necessary to update your bios?

But if one crashes, all explorer windows crash. Desktop doesn't.

Just get a modmic or something similar?

probably your processor is some slow ass shit, or you're unpacking a file with fucktons of really small files inside, which brings even some sata ssds to its knees

How to I remove window borders in Xfce? I want to keep the title bar, just get rid of the thin borders that you click and drag to resize.

Usually it is done when the PC doesn't boot due to unsupported RAM modules or to fix CPU related issues like in Skylake

when jobs say that they want someone with .net experience do they actually mean c# or is .net broader than that?

how can I fix this does anybody know?

my youtube videos run at low fps in fullscreen (im guessing because if have hardware acceleration off) but videos dont play at all if i turn it on. drivers are up to date. wat do

Got a few laptops from work that were being thrown away.

Want to sell with Windows on, but no fucking idea the best/safest way to get a clean ISO?

for x in ["abc", "abcde", "abc"]:

This code first prints out abc. Then it jumps back to the beginning of the line and overwrites the line with abcde. Then it jumps back to the beginning and overwrites the line with abc, BUT it doesn't erase the "de" part at the end, so the line will still say "abcde".
How do i clear the line after each print? Using Python 2 if that matters.

I need to restore my windows 7 to factory default without an installation disc or usb. I did it last year but I can't remember how I managed it, can anyone help?

Can anyone hook me up with some good resume templates?
Thank you.

Hi guys, I just moved and I was wondering if I can use this port on my wall for an internet connection, its labeled as phone but fits a full sized Ethernet cord (pic related)

lmgtfy.com/?q=resume templates

this prints a list of files, and then prints pictures for every image. it will print twice for images. would like it to print both a link and the image for images in one instance.

foreach (glob("*") as $file) {
echo "myhtml";
foreach (glob("*.jpg") as $file) {
echo "myhtml";

school me sa/g/es

had to remove html snippets because Sup Forums is shit

thank you user

where can i buy more of these fans? I need 37 more


Bought Asus RT-AC66U recently and I want to make my old router (Linksys WRT54G-TM w/ DD-WRT) re-purposed as a repeater but the problem is that my devices are stuck at "Obtaining IP address" forever when attempting to connect.

So G repeaters won't work with N/AC Routers?

>be chromium user
>perfectly happy with how it works
>about a year passes
>stuff stops working because i never update it
>decide to update to a new build
>try one out
>the history/settings/etc tabs are disgusting material design
Is there any way to make them look like old Chromium, like >pic related?

Does anyone know an android app for mp3s that lets me enter a specific playback time via text?

I need it for listening to audiobooks, dragging a slider is impossible and jumps inaccurately.

If all else fails, alarm clock-style HH:MM sliders are fine too



Is it over?

Wow no shit. Didn't even think about it. Thanks

If it fits it can work. With that in mind, you should find out where the wall outlet actually leads. Use pic related to do so.

If it doesn't go to your router, it's hooked up to a phone line. It can easily be cut, crimped, and plugged into your router to make it work.

Not hard, just sounds complex. I've run dozens of these in a few hours.


yes u cant use wath ever u want to trasmit make sure have enought wires (check wall inside wieres) Cat 5 will be the best// cat 3 only 10Mbs

I'd imagine $50 (USD) is a good price for X58 motherboard. I found one for just that. However, by the time I can put money in my account, I can definitely see someone already buying it.
My question is, what would be a reasonable price for X58 motherboards?

How can I enable the Translate to English option in unggogled-chromium?

Forgot pic

Fuck I forgot to add, what would be a reasonable price, and where would they be found? Aliexpress? Is buying chink worth it?

this happens when I try to open Sup Forums in private browsing mode on Icecat,. it works in incognito mode on Chromium. what do?

arrow key?

Having issues playing GTA Online, my computer randomly restarts. Event log pointed it towards being a possible memory issue. So I ran a memory test and everythings good. I ran a stress test on my cpu and gpu for 30 minutes each and both are good. I upped my pagefile system and its good. I play other memory intensive games like fallout4 and never have an issue, any ideas what else it could be?

something is blocking JS and/or CSS

I have an asus laptop that's about 4-5 years old, I left on a trip for 2 weeks, and came back to it running extremely slow, it's been having 100% disk usage on and off for the last few days, and finally it just will barely boot at all.

I left it running for 2 hours this morning while I ran some errands, and came back to it still not having loaded the desktop entirely.

I tried to boot it into safe mode only to get put into a boot to BSOD loop until auto repair kicks in, says it can fix the problem and brings me back to the boot options menu.

I don't have anything set up for a windows recovery to perform a full wipe, so it won't let me do that, and apparently I'm not the admin of my own machine so I can't even try a "refresh", and now I'm just stuck in a reboot cycle at a black scrren. Anyone have any advice?

what's the best graphics card i can get on ebay for like $50 max to put in a dell optiplex 760 so an 8 year old kid can play computer games at like 720p. computer has a core 2 quad q9550 processor and 6gb ram

nwm, fixed it

how long are the disk's response time? if it's too big (~2000ms+ constantly) I think you should replace the hard drive

Is this a good deal? slickdeals.net/f/10523960-alienware-steam-machine-i7-1tb-refurbished-299-97?page=7#commentsBox

I'm thinking of getting it for my friend as their first gaming PC and so we can play lots of roms and stuff together through netplay

where would I be able to find that in the settings? and would any of these addons be blockings them?

Exactly how safe is Chromium? I can't get used to Waterfox or any forks, and ungoogled-chromium is too complicated for me.


Thoughts on this machine for word processing/ running exam software? Between this little guy and the bulkier acer e15 which has an ssd and i5. Any sub 700 laptops with ssd recommendations would be appreciated aside from these two. I'm a desktop user who needs something for taking grad school

should be enough i'd assume

sfc /scannow
try other browsers

from Microsoft's website of course, or a private tracker, if its windows 10, you can reset to defaults.

windows 7 does not have the same reset as windows 10, you can try and rollback to a snapshot you've made at some point.

trying hooking them with a cable instead of wireless, try to assign static IP's from the same range, if it works, make sure DHCP is on and all


when will this die and how bad is this. what do these numbers mean

you should probably back up everything on that drive

sent :^)

I didn't note it, and now I can't even get to the desktop anymore to check, I was partly thinking it might be a hardware issue.

Strelec should help



what is that?

is it really that bad?

Not very unless it's ungoogled

Is there anyway to find deleted GitHub repos?

backup this shit right now, it could fail in 2 hours or 2 months, better to be on the safe side

Which terminal emulator should I use? Currently just using Konsole but idk how Sup Forums-approved that is

What's a stop knot that won't become untie-able after supporting 100 lbs?

Of course knots are technology.

not even close.

I keep getting this "The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff8019e122812, 0xffffce01e4549880, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 53c89012-b0ee-4480-981e-6cb3eea7d00d."

What's the proper way to have a virtual Windows installation working on a Linux-based system? VirtualBox seems kinda bloated. Quite frankly, I don't like it. Need it for some programs that don't work well with Wine.

Where can I learn about basic graphics terminology?
Things like "context" are things I don't understand.

shoot yourself

Why would The Witcher 3, DIRT Rally, and Assetto Corsa CTD but Mount and Blade, KotoR, and Fallout NV play for hours and hours? My GPU drivers are up to date.

Put the mic on a washcloth, it dampens the vibrations.

(how) can i add websites (that have a search engine) that aren't in the 'firefox add-on' place to firefox's one-click search bar? thanks

>how bad is this
>what do these numbers mean

>program is literally telling you that your drive is dying and to back your shit up
>OP is questioning the doctor

did you have a stroke while writing this?

What's a good place to get cheap, working HDDs all of the same brand and type? Need 5 that are at least 500GB.

This happened to me too, many things pointed towards it being memory related but here's what I was running and what I did
>asus board from 2012, ddr3 ram
>recently purchased gtx 1060, upgraded from 970
>crashes on newer games, get fed up, buy new board, migrate 1060 to new board
>put 970 back on old asus board

Now I have one good PC and one great one, and no crashes, go figure.

I guess the formatting could use work. I mean, why would high end games CTD but simpler ones go for hours? I've got a good GPU and 16gig RAM, and I keep background processes in check.

greasemonkey depening on your installed user scripts or spyblock.
I think it's the latter - disable it first


All mine is new. 7700k 5ghz delidded, asus z270, 2x 8gb 3200mhz corsair, asus 1080ti. Only does this with gta online, but I never had this issue with my hours of playing it on my gaming laptop I had before this build. Even then this is only been a recent thing.

Yup looks like it was Spyblock. Thanks for the help. But why would it start doing this all of the sudden when I had Icecat with Spyblock for months working fine?

Actually I just found the setting that was causing it, Idk if it was enabled before or not but disabling it works

What's the best way to convert mp4 to webm?

How much harder does the second year of a CS degree get?
I found first year piss easy.