>install icecat because based stallman approves
>want to watch netflix
>no drm content allowed
>have to install chromium+widevine plugin just to watch netflix
Install icecat because based stallman approves
Other urls found in this thread:
>doing anything stallman approved
>using netflix
what the fuck is wrong with you
I'm honestly not even sure what you're going for in this thread. Are you upset? Are you confused? Are you just trolling?
Here's your (You) regardless.
>watching netflix
found your problem
>accepting DRM shit into your browser
It's like paying to watch local broadcasts.
WebTorrent + TPB
Just get an old roku or some shit for that. Jesus who watches Netflix on a computer anyways
>A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such a threat to freedom that I felt uncomfortable with promoting its use in this way.
see a frogger
pull the trigger
I love Stallman, like srsly fuck all these faggots wanting my information and shit.
Like I'm already paying what ever monthly fee so STOP WANTING MORE YOU JEWISH FUCKS
>he pays to watch (in content and picture alike) low quality normie shit
Torrents my man
Does it still store the file on your computer after streaming?
Because if so you can still get fucked by your ISP
>want to watch Netflix
Hahaha retard. Torrent your shit ffs.
1. You can get fucked even if it's not streaming. Streaming from any non-approved source is technically illegal.
2. Yes, it stores your shit. But you can store things from any streaming source.
Depends on the country you're in but in mine, so far no one has been BTFO because of streaming since you're not actually sharing it
Torrenting on the other hand, plenty who got caught there
Install GNU+Linux.
Watch netflix anyway.
Richard is right.
I'm wrong.
But I like to think I still have redeeming qualities.
Tell this autistic fuck to get a life and proceed to go full /k/ommando on him.
Watch netflix on playstation app, but use computer for settings, history, and browsing for new shows, because it's better for that.
>1. You can get fucked even if it's not streaming. Streaming from any non-approved source is technically illegal.
Only if you live in a cucked country