>Not owning a note 8
You faggots even trying? Don't come to me with your iPhone princess shit either.
>Not owning a note 8
You faggots even trying? Don't come to me with your iPhone princess shit either.
Other urls found in this thread:
I do tho
>his phone is bigger than his dick
It's not tho...
but I own a pixel XL
>Note 8 +256gb Micro SD For Netflix player
>iPhone 7plus 256gb as a fancy iPod
>iPhone X 256gb that will be used as a camera
I just hope the Pixel 2 has a decent performance to use it as a emulator/ game machine :3
Enjoy them bezels bruh
>not getting the DeX
shitty bait
What? Nah. I currently use my iPhone 7+ for games but I'll wipe it and move music as soon as the X comes out. And just reinstall them to my pixel 2 later
My note 8 is sitting downloading movies right now.
>south korean botnet
I'm not a fan Samsung added a button trying to force you to use their shitty Google assistant/Siri phone. LG V30 is better anyway.
As if that was ever a fucking problem to begin with.
>LG V30 is better anyway
Besides having less RAM, worse camera, worse OLED panel, smaller screen, and no Wacom stylus.
Yeah, V30 is sooooo much better.
At least it doesn't have a meme button
Lol a single button on the side of the phone im never going to touch, wew lad, such a failure of a device.
Yeah sorry, the fucking hardware is going to matter a lot more than a single button you can ignore.
The fact is samsung OLED is better than LG, Note8 has 6GB of RAM over the V30's 4GB. The Note8's cameras are better, the Note8 has a Wacom stylus that can't be gotten on any other device.
Just admit you're an LG shill and take your $0.10
I just have OCD tbqh. The extra button bothers me a lot. I'll probably get the Pixel XL2 if it has a headphone port.
> Pixel XL2 if it has a headphone port.
Good luck there, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
does it have decent battery life, because the S8 shits the bed and the best part is that it scales down the interface to 1080p to save battery. It's a fucking joke
In testing it's either on par with or better than the S8+ even though it has a smaller battery.
So 6-7 hours of screen on time and it should easily last a day for 90% of people. 2 days even for light users.
I don't trust any company that lets its marketing department override engineering and infosec
That feel when I am part of the Sony Xperia HERRENVOLK.
Any other user knows that feel?
Pre-ordered a Note 8 from Samsung. Says it ships week of Oct. 1st. How to have one already?
they ship out in order of when you placed your order, so the people who preordered at like 00:00 when the preorders first started have generally already got theirs, or have them on the way.
I got mine today.
>tfw could totally pay off a Note 8 in full and get T-Mobile's BOGO, but can't justify spending 1000 on a phone (two technically)
>get a samsung
>stops getting updated after 1/2 years
>get an iphone
>backwards compatible 6+ years
there's a reason why apple has the same market share as android
>playing on a phone
You are even below the average shitposter from Sup Forums, even below reddit.
Get the fuck out of here normalfag
2 phones for 500 is a steal
>stops getting updated after 1/2 years
I'm still getting updates on my Note 5 after two years. My lying iPhone owner sense is tingling.
>>stops getting updated after 1/2 years
eh? My note5 gets monthly security patches and was updated to Android 7.0 ~18 months after launch.
i want to fug syaro
You basically get 1 for free.
Get note8, get 2nd note8.
Pay both off -$1860
Get $930 gift card from Tmobile
Sell 2nd Note8 for $700-800+
So at most you're paying maybe $200 for a Note8.
won't last much longer, i have to tell you. apple has their own proprietary software which will always result in a more finished, fine tuned product.
You can also wait for the gift card to pay off one of the Note8's with that, but it's a mastercard giftcard, so it works everywhere anyway.
>HTC One M8
>Great speakers
>3-4 days battery life
>Decent looking phone too
Why do I need to upgrade?
You could almost build a new computer with that money.
*grabs at throat*
Back off from MY wife!?
>iPhone X 256gb that will be used as a camera
Fucking idiot. Having the latest phones all for single uses is retarded. Netflix player and iPod sure for storage reasons but you'd spend 1000$ on a new iPhone to use as a camera instead of spending that money on a real camera setup that will Outlast phone quality by a decade?
You are literal autism
But then you get most of the money back
newfriend detected
does the touchscreen recognize your dick?
OP5, u don't need more if you even need a 2017 phone these days...
>not having a gapps-free custom ROM
Are you ROMlets even trying?
>u don't need more
>suggests the highest performing Android phone
Compared to the oneplus 3T that shits all over the iPhone 7 Plus in terms of performance and battery charging speed why should I get the Note 8?
Don't forget that 3T will get Oreo sooner than N8.
Thought the Kirin processors scored higher than the SD835...
Nigga the 3T will get Android 9, pray for the Note 8...
>fuck y'all niggers, it's Note 8 not N8, respect Nokia.
Moto g play master race. Fucking retarded to shill out more than 300 for a phone.
Note8 will be getting android oreo fairly quickly. Rumor is google was working with several flagship OEMs with treble support which should mean fairly quick android builds from these companies, and if the S8 and S8+ were part of that process google mentioned, the Note8 is based on the same platform and would also get updated quickly.
Most people expect it before the end of the year or early next year at the earliest, just like with the android 7 update. Most phones started getting it in the spring from samsung, about 6 months after release.
Android 9 wont even be out by then.
>Non-removable battery
LITERALLY just an S8 but with a pen you probably won't use
What did bezels ever do to you? :(
and better display (22% brighter than the S8 while being more efficient), and 2GB more RAM, and dual camera, and the Spen is actually super useful. I use mine daily.
enjoy reaching for that notification bar like there's no tomorrow
also, enjoy that touchwiz, bixby button and shitty fingerprint sensor placement
>last 7 fucking years
My note5 is 2 years old and gets monthly updates you faggot
This doesn't affect the 3T, just the 5. The fact that the 5 lacks camera OIS should be enough to make people turn 360 and walk away
>the Spen is actually super useful. I use mine daily.
come back to me in a month when the doodling dies down
I've owned 3 notes you dumbass, I use mine daily and have been for years.
>I use mine daily and have been for years.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Monthly updates doesn't mean a new version of android just TouchWiz security updates u fag boii
>I've owned 3 notes
It started on 5.1.1 and it's on 7.0 now August security patch.
with $67k in the bank i can have whatever meme phone i fucking please
it won't be a samsung though
Me too, you'll never enjoy KOTOR.
For what purposes could the S-gimmick EVER be legitimately useful?
Name one situation where you couldn't survive without the shitty pen
>I've owned 3 notes
pyromania can't be good for your wallet
Filling out a PDF without having to print it out, fill it out by hand and then scanning it again for emailing out. With the Note you can fill out everything with the pen and send it out in a few minutes while on the go.
I signed my last lease with my Note because it's far easier.
Also, fantastic for scrolling on desktop web pages instead of using shitty mobile sites.
I also use mine frequently for custom sized screenshots and gifs.
Tbh I would like to be able to make gifs out of any YouTube video but that's about it, the appeal of sketching on the go sank for me when they started with the curved display.
I honestly can't fin any compelling argument to own a flagship in 2017 seeing how well the midrangers respond, unless you like to game on your phone and need latest graphics.
I don't, I game on PC.
>better display (22% brighter than the S8 while being more efficient)
oh wow what a massive, totally necessary improvement. because the s8's display sucked, didn't it.
>and 2GB more RAM,
>needing as much RAM as possible just to function
oh boy
>and dual camera,
a meme even worse than the curved edge meme
>and the Spen is actually super useful.
no, it isn't.
i mean
that sucks that it didnt work for him, but i was considering getting a note 8
my little brother has the s8 and i was shocked at how quick the eye scanners work, he doesnt wear glasses or contacts tho and neither do i
Hi, Michael Fisher Note 8 review.
You know how I can dismiss your opinion? I'm the one sitting here with a Note5 and a Note8 and don't regret them for a second.
You can pretend all you want that it's useless or that the Spen is literally worse than hitler. At the end of the day, its not your phone.
glad u like ur spen
spen wisely
Nobody said the S-Pen is 'literally worse than Hitler.' It's just a shitty gimmick with no legitimate merit.
And you spent your money on it. It's fine if you don't regret it. It's like not regretting sucking dick. You still sucked a dick, though.
that not how it works. its a bill credit +montly line
>shitty gimmick with no legitimate merit
lololol you're actually retarded if you don't see ANY legitimate merit in any of the things I mentioned.
What the fuck sort of sheltered life do you live where you don't have to sign PDF documents or want more precision than your finger tip allows on a smartphone screen?
Its a mastercard giftcard and you can cancel the line whenever you want if you've paid off the device on the line.
Oh god, thank you for schooling me.
Signing PDFs on your phone is the most important thing on the planet. There's the nuclear bomb, electricity, and then the S-Pen.
I wonder how people survived before the wonderous S-Pen was invented.
Outside of that one specific situation in which you have to sign a PDF, when is the pen really that useful?
>lololol o i am laffin at kiddies who don't use a pen
>on their phones
>real adults use pens on their telephones like back in 2004, lmao
But I already own a S8 and don't want a bigger phone.
>It's an S8 but for an extra $300, we'll throw in a lil plastic doohickey you can draw with :3
>maybe it won't explode this time
no thanks
The S8 is already uncomfortably tall, even for someone with fuckhuge hands.
Why the hell would a company work so hard to reduce bezels to a sliver if it's only going to make the screen taller, anyway? I wanted a bigger screen on a smaller body, not a giant screen with an unusual aspect ratio on a normal body.
Literally ANYTHING that requires precision.
You have a 0.7mm fine point tip that has 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity.
Gaming? Fantastic (especially KOTOR)
Web browsing? Great, even desktop web pages that aren't optimized for mobile devices since you have essentially the equivalent to a mouse pointer in the Spen. On Sup Forums for example using the Spen ~1-2cm from the surface of the screen allows it to act as a mouse and you can hover over objects to see more information, etc.
And this isn't mentioning the Screenshot/Gif abilities and the PDF shit, or drawing stuff, or taking notes without even turning the screen on or unlocking it.
I have an S6 that literally is one the same version of Android and the same security update as my new S8. Samsung has gotten a lot better about continued updates.
>16:9 laptops
>16:9 TVs
>16:9 tablets
>2:1 phones
why did this have to happen. on what planet does this make any sense
Like it or not the Note 8 hardware is literally perfect. It's got actual current generation specs with no compromises. The only thing that left to be desired is the shitty software, which hopefully should be fixed once people start rooting and maybe break the bootloader.
For everything else there's the Pixel.
Nah it's pretty comfy, I have no issues with using it one handed and my hands are pretty average sized. With how thin it is I actually think it's easier to use one handed than a G6.
As Samsung proved times and times again, good hardware doesn't always result in good performance.
>on a phone
better make sure i get this crop EXACTLY right otherwise the president is gunna b mad at me!!1!
>needing a pen to scribble your name onto a PDF when no one will check the legitimacy of your signature anyway
>needing a pen to precisely tap objects on mobile that you resized to desktop scale for "muh dpi" justification
>On Sup Forums for example using the Spen ~1-2cm from the surface of the screen allows it to act as a mouse and you can hover over objects to see more information, etc.
Why the fuck would you admit to being a stupid phoneposter?
It's not just the signature. Entire forms can be filled out with the spen. Law documents, medical forms, etc. All can be signed, or completely filled out with the pen without having to print out shit or get on a computer.
Again, I doubt you've ever actually owned a note and are simply speaking about shit you really don't even have a true grasp of.
I'm on a 5820k desktop at the moment you little bitch boi.
1gbps fiber connection too
I have an S8 and the only thing I would change about it is to put the fingerprint scanner in the middle of the back instead of right next to the camera.
KOTOR doesn't need any precision. Mobile version is touch optimized.