RedHat hate thread.
Just look at those fags, they are clearly trying to hijack Linux kernel and enviroment.
They are bankrolling Poettering so he can churn out shit that is roots itself so deep in the base system you literally have to fork distros to get rid of it.
They are trying to extinguish things made by their competitors like btrfs.
RedHat needs to be stopped!
RedHat hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Totally agree. They are forcing its shit deep to our throat and now a lot of software require install that systemd malware.
Even worse they are pushing that gnome meme by encourage devs to cutting support to anothers DE.
I really want to get out of all of this but there isn't any option :/
there's always windows
Well, at this day and age Linux is really a redhat thing. They are the only company that make valuable contribution to GNU/Linux.
Fedora user
You mean the only distribution that is ruining Linux.
I'm getting better milage out of FreeBSD.
I came here when Win10 was launched, I dont know how everyone does but I can't tolerate that shit.
If they release an enterprise LTSB like version without a subscription based payment and it is not so fucking expensive I'll considerate go back to Windows again but I can't simple tolerate Windows 10 right now.
valuable contributions != dependencies to redhat
The only solution to this is
Shut down Ubuntu and all derivatives
Shut down all the fucking distros except maybe Arch for fags who want rolling release
round up all the different distro developers and put them into the basement at Debian headquarters
force them to create Debian Enterprise Linux as a direct competitor to RHEL
thankfully there is still suse and ubuntu to try and fix most of red hats mistakes.
i use fedora.
they still suffer from systemd
Install Devuan nigger
less distros, more install options. less useless distros that only have miniscule differences.
also hurd when
>hurd when
never because fsf is incompetent and dying
fsf will die with stallman sadly. too much non software related issues plaguing the company
No, thanks.
Arch → Arch-nosystemd
Debian → Devuan
Arch/Debian installers: Archbang/Star Linux
Slackware has pulseaudio and is therefore compromised.
i though ach already moved away from systemd? eitherway until you can convince redhat to drop systemd its gonna be around for some time
>you can convince redhat to drop systemd
hahahahaaa that's funny lil nigga
i know and of course this means any soft that gets a dependancy on sd will fuel them further. I say that but i use fedora anyway. It doesnt make a difference really
I should add that star linux is a devuan installer
Does it use Arch repos?
Yes, but it uses the nosystemd repos for most things
Good. Is installer friendly?
It walks you through the process in terminal, I recommend using syslinux over GRUB
Redpill me on dbus/kdbus/BUS1. Seems like kdbus was and BUS1 is pushed heavily by Torvalds' right hand man Greg-KH who seems like a full blown freedesktop/Red Hat agent. Wouldn't surprise me if (((something))) happens to Linus and this puppet takes control of the kernel
I will buy into systemd shit is potteryman fixed kvm on ryzen.
Red Hat is literally a cancer. Everything they do serves to ruin Linux.
RHCE lurking here. This thread makes me sad. RHEL is good for stable servers, not your shitty autistic desktops. Only fags use Ubuntu for production.
This is not about the objective quality of the product. RHEL is spyware and malware. It's ruining Linux not by being a bad system but by infesting every other major distribution with its sickness.
back to reddît
you mean Canonical?
>bring spyware to GNU/Linux
>invent some useless shit that nobody wants to use (Mir, Upstart, etc.)
Aww, entitled non-kernel-contributor babbies complaining about things they have no idea about.
Awww is babby mad people get things done and have no time to engage in your shitty meme-parrotting discussion?
Awww babby, just go and download some GTK themes, icons and color schemes and make your desktop look nice while pretending to be doing actually worthwhile software development.
red hat is here
Awww, this little babby troll is trying too hard! How cute!
>Aww, entitled non-systemd-contributor babbies complaining about things they have no idea about.
>Awww is babby mad people fix systemd bugs 24/7 and have no time to engage in your shitty meme-parrotting discussion?
Fixed :^)
Debian is just as good (and even better) for production than RHEL
Your shitty certification means nothing
> non-kernel-contributor
Red Hat still sits on a 2.6 kernel.
Anybody remember that whole boycott Novell thing?
I actually debated one of the idiots behind that on some internet forum.
I asked him if you would consider the campaign a success if Novell (at the time, the holder of the largest patent catalog of software patents of any company engaged in developing foss) ever got into a financial situation where they would see selling of those patents as the only way out of it.
His response was that it would never happen because Novell is a huge company that would never be hurt these actions.
I responded with so what is the fucking point of it then you stupid brainless fuck?
But anyways, seeings how most of you 14 yr olds can't remember back that far, those patents are now the property of a consortium led by microsoft and apple.
So it is with that in mind I would like to politely request that you braindead clueless fucks who don't know what the fuck you're talking about to please leave redhat alone.
Direct your hate where it is deserved.
>i have absolutely no idea what im talking about but i like to have a voice on things anyway, independent of it being pure bullshit or not.
>i am ungrateful of RH for contributing to kvm, encryption, selinux, multi-arch support, gluster and many other software that wouldn't exist because of it.
>im also disregard the fact that RH gave out warranty during the sco lawsuit while nobody else did.
>i basically sit at home and hate things i don't understand because i got nothing better to do as my life is a sad piece of shit that revolves around ricing desktops and pretending to be l33t while actually not knowing how to do the most simple tasks without having to google them
degenerate inbreed niggers like you shouldn't even be allowed to use computers
so basically you guys mean that they are pushing the unification of linux enviroment and this is such a bad thing? Isn't the market share steadily rising? They will literally bring more hardware support for the kernel and you can benefit from this using your favorite obscure distro and wm, while normalfags will get a proper alternative for desktop use, it's basically win-win unless people will keep providing alternatives to the gnome/pulseaudio/systemd ecosystem.
*unless people will stop providing...
I smell reddit.
I like most of their stuff
Yes, it is very convenient to use Red Hat's/freedesktop's lennartware. Step by step all software becomes interconnected, interdependant, ultimately directed and controlled by them. Some users will cling unto their wm's and use some dirty hacks and patches to run newer desktop software but they'll be converted or left behind eventually. This is the systemd world, assimilate or be forgotten.
B-but atleast it's open source.. h-heh...
>i am ungrateful of RH for contributing to kvm
That KVM shit doesn't even work properly on AMD CPUs.
Found the Red Hat shill.
yes because you cant fork shit before it gets assimilated, also yes, every program assimilated so far is amazing, with pulseaudio and gnome 3 being the flaghip projects, loved by community and power users alike.
Anyway since linux desktop has osx-tier market share all the hipsters will soon migrate to openbsd or haiku
I'd rather migrate to plan9
Purism is another company that is working on consumer-facing Linux.
plan9 fags and suckless idiots have yet to show us a working distro. And i mean working , not bitching about bloat and making blogs "working" like the devs.
>linux is becoming windows
>switch to windows because you don't like linux becoming windows
Fuck off redhat shill
The shill calling someone a shill. That's ironic
I love rh. They're the best. AMA.
you're not welcome, redcuck shill
Did they give you a shill images starter pack?
never had a problem with kvm on amd, xen on the other hand ..... and if you do have a problem what keeps you from writing a bug report?
found the neckbeard that probably doesn't even use anything but windows for rapelay and other low skilled and low quality garbage.
Oh boy. GPU passthrough is fucked on AMD CPUs. There is a bug report. It's been open since 2008.
true. though you can do it with esxi on all platforms iirc. just ditch kvm/xen and you should be fine.
also gpu passthrough is a shitty meme
Wow, that's such an original insult.
I don't even use red hat, I use debian. I'm just sick of the anti systemd shills like you
Sup Forums was always anti-systemd. If you don't like it, you can go back to the shit hole you came from.
That's false. Most of Sup Forums is in favor of or neutral to systemd
Oh, you mean the Sup Forumsedditor vermin that took over this board that have zero original opinions or thoughts?
No, we're all against systemd here. Poettering samefags like fuck in those threads trying to portray a consensus in favor of it.
It's not working. Also, the shallow image pool you're using outs you as a shill.
speak for yourself cuck.
systemd is the best thing to ever happen to linux next to ansible in the last ~5 or so years.
It's the worst, full of backdoors, can't tell what it's doing, etc.
It will give you gay cancer.
Linux Is Not UniX
> muh systemd is not not true unix!
No shit
This, the fucking Sup Forums consumerist faggots don't even know the history of red hat and what contributions it has brought to free software.
Just complaining from the sidelines and not even knowing how much of a group effort kernel development is.
I guess because it's a company and it has ties to the "systemd boogieman" it is considered evil now.
Let me remind you that red hat stimulates the free software movement enourmously by doing stuff like releasing propietary software under a free license after acquiring other companies or employing linus to let him work on the kernel full time and subsidising a great deal of FOSS projects.
So stop complaining and look at the bigger picture of making all software free.
ya ok kid.
you must not have seen pre systemd.
Go fuck yourself, you anti systemd fags are a dying breed
On the contrary I've been a Linux user since 1994 and a Unix user for over a decade before that. Systemd is complete shit.
Systemd is the cancer which will kill Linux, and it's a good thing. Linux has become too large and bloated.
How does a company benefit from an init script?
How does this conspiracy work?
It is laughable how little your stupid opinion matters. Systemd is not made for you faggot, it's not made for NEETs ricing their anime desktop on arch linux, it is made for people working on the kernel, people doing actual development.
By complaining you wont fix anything, nobody will listen to your whining and for the moment systemd is here to stay.
Unless of course you can create something better, cause there is no silver bullet in software.
>having an init that actually makes sure your stuff is running, doesn't require in-memory filesystem bullshit like /run, tracking forking shit with no centralized mechanisms to apply cgroups or namespaces is complete shit.
ya ok kid. go jerk off to your shitty shell scripts faggot.
All you have to give up to have all that is the ability to understand and control your init system, you faggot. Sounds like you're literally retarded to trust software written by a German SJW cuck and pushed by the CIA and NSA.
Stay cucked, pleb. This is killing Linux with class and grace.
>systemd is here to stay
They had to kill Ian to get it into Debian.
>all you have to do is convolute your setup with turing complete code scattered across numerous locations that will be coupled so hard that you will begin to wonder why you aren't using some centralized system like systemd in the first place.
maybe if you actually understood the problems systemd solves you would appreciate it more. retard.
It doesn't solve any problems that daemontools didn't solve. Daemontools is mature and well supported, as well.
The thing is, systemd requires this constant shilling because it's so shitty. Nobody complained about runit or smf because they weren't total shit spyware with backdoors like systemd is.
Systemd is killing Linux. Nobody trusts systemd. It's written by a literal SJW communist.
What are you doing on Sup Forums? Seriously. It doesnt look like you have any interest in technology at all. All your points are politically tinted and you reek of consumerism and superficiality.
I know you are underage, at least I hope so because it is so obvious that you dont even have a basic understanding of the linux internals after supposedly 23 years.
Stop following the herd, think for yourself and do some research before spouting the flavour of the month Sup Forums meme if you don't even know what you're talking about.
Daily reminder they had to murder Ian Murdoch to get systemd into Debian.
While you're sitting here shilling for software created by a giant corporation in bed with the government and intelligence services.
I'm providing a counterpoint to your blatant lies and shilling. They had to kill Ian Murdoch to get systemd into Debian. Never forget.
>It's the worst, full of backdoors, can't tell what it's doing, etc.
i don't know how to linux guys, it must be shit
stop claiming to use linux since 20 years and not being able to understand what systemd does, you are making a fool out of yourself, lucky that you are anonymous, otherwise everyone would point at you and laugh at what an idiot you are.
why don't you just end your pathetic life, you are wasting oxygen.
are you just mentally retarded or do you just play one on Sup Forums?
runit is a fucking joke retard
>just check ur shit and exit if it doesn't exist
this is the kind of low quality garbage you suggest over a superior dependency tracking init?
also does runit (daemontools) have integration with security features in Linux filesystem namespacing? cgroups? SMACK labels?
I bet your shitty init can't even handle dbus based dependencies, socket activation and many more.
just stop trying you fucking retard.
>just use systemd, goyim. it's for the best
They didn't have to, they'd already degraded and fucked him enough before then.
They killed him to tie up loose ends.
Take the antisemitism back to Sup Forums
Shit at work runs on redhat supporting fortune100 business.
Their support will be analyzing your misconfigured crap and licking your anus with their premium support 24/7 to bring your production up ASAP.
Can you arch fags say the same? Fucking Sup Forums get back to debating GPUs.
politics website
Atleast admit you're lying. Please tell me you're just a teenage poltard. I cannot believe I'm talking to a 45+ year old guy who was so fortunate to experience the evolution of unix and linux who is still so immature.
You're telling me that after so many years of life experience and going through 10 years of UNIX and 23 years of linux you still have such a close minded view of the world and such a basic understanding of software architecture?
It seems like all your anger towards systemd is related to contemporary politics and you barely mentioned anything related to its design and the infrastructural benefits/drawbacks it brings.
Sup Forums is about TECHNOLOGY. If you want to discuss the SOCIAL ISSUES involved in systemd, go to Sup Forums.
that's grown up stuff, Sup Forums doesn't like grown up stuff, they like to break shit and feel good about fixing it over and over again. once you get older you just want shit to work and provide support for serious use cases, not tilling window managers and self compiled kernels
hate to bring it to you but Sup Forums never was about technology and never will be. its a board full of retards who installed ubuntu once, then jumped arch and think a 2mb kernel is how computing works. Sup Forums is just a shitshow full of edgelords with no experience and the ability to copypaste shit into a terminal
What an absolute waste
At least it's not a shitpost related to AMDvIntel, pajeets, KoG, [s4s], Sup Forums, Sup Forums, windows/mac/linux or reddit
You literally can't even, can you?
Yes, after decades of Unix, I don't want to chuck away systems that work and are standardized in favor of new, opaque meme shit.
Systemd doesn't do anything useful that better, smaller tools didn't provide years ago, and it's had an incredible amount of critical security issues, all by design.
Teenagers might go for that, but it's just more change for the sake of it bullshit. Systemd is larger than Linux + userland was for a very long time. It's under constant heavy revision, and will never be finished or frozen because then people'd find all the backdoors.
If you could please fuck off to BSD, that would be great. You can pretend to be all obscure and hipster over there instead of poisoning an operating system that actually has a chance. There's an entire little subculture of linux losers permanently mentally stuck in 2001 where they don't really care about technology, they're just here because you can use this to forever be a contrarian and argue with everyone.
>supporting fortune100 business
Yes it's important to slide backdoors into large businesses, who knew?