Get VR

>get VR
>Everything is blurry as fuck

Screen door effect ruined it for me desu.

play echo arena you fucking pleb

>don't get VR
>laugh at retards that fell for the meme

>too retarded to set the focus

How the fuck do people not get dizzy while using VR? I can't even use it for ten minutes without getting uncomfortable.

My dad is fucking deadset on getting VR trash no matter how much I tell him it's a waste of money both because it's first generation hardware and because there's hardly any games to use the headset with

"Oh but you know me, I gotta have the newest toys!"

Meanwhile he's retired and now living on pension. He has no concept of saving money whatsoever.

Fucks' sake the other night he was over at my place after a family dinner. He's drunk as hell, I tell him he can just stay the night and I'll take him home in the morning, "Oh no, I gotta sleep in my own bed." - so he calls a taxi, gets a ride home. Calls me up and asks me if he left his keys at my place - yep. He has the taxi bring him back, picks up his keys, then has the taxi drive him back home.

Easily a hundred dollars wasted because he can't help but be a drunk fucking idiot. I can't even tell you how much money this guy has pissed away like this.

Nice blog post angstyboy

You're going to subscribe, right?

I only wrote it for your sake senpai

Don't worry I will

I wold be a drunk fuck up if all I leave in this world is such a huge butthurt cunt that blogposts on anonymous boards.
Chill and give the dude a break.

Who cares about the video games? The music visualization and Google Earth are the best things ever. Video would be better if the resolution wasn't so low.

I'm glad "VR" died out

My man I fucking wish it did. Headsets are still retard-levels of expensive.

>fuck my dad who gets to waste money and do what ever he wants.

Pretty true. Resolution might be ok actually, but default pixel density is not great on rift or vive.

$400 for rift+touch isn't really that much desu senpai. I got the combo on Saturday and have been playing around with it (robo recall, the climb, google earth, porn) and am pretty satisfied. It's definitely botnet, which is lame, but I only boot into windows for gaymen anyways. At least when I waste my time with games I'm getting a modicum of exercise now.

tried cardboard with android phone, it was actually pretty decent, I even got a headache after playing a lot of 3d adventure games
it was pretty cool

TFW your old man wants to drunkedly jerk off to VR porn. Don't act like it isn't true, moron.

I would've rimmed his asshole while he was drunk. You lucked out.

VR is neat for porm I guess.
But I got a Samsung A3 a few years ago because I was able to get it for cheap and it didn't work that well.

Maybe I'll get a somewhat decent smartphone soon for cardboard porn or daydream or whatever google calls it

Adjust your ipd, set up supersampling, and play something engaging.

I tried both phone vr and htc vr, later is so much better, phone vr is a meme.

I have the Vive with a 1080ti and its really undescribable how amazing it is

Dont call that phone-shit VR


This too, the oculus was the most wasted 800 dollars I paid

How much did it cost total? I am just a noob in hardware.

The 1080ti cost 800 and the vive 1000

Im a dev though so it worked out

Hope I'll get a decent job after uni, then it will be the first think I buy.

is there a way to connect a phone to a computer so that it streams pc games with vr support? wouldn't this be way cheaper than making a whole headset? it covers the whole "lol there's nothing for phones" market.

>Buy VRBOX for 20$
>buy trinus for 5$
>connect my ps3 playstation moves and pscamera I bought for 30$ (Had them for 5 years)
mfw I can play all the steamVR library

The $40 VR for your smartphone is a meme.
If you want you have to pay it. (Or wait for 10y+ for prices to drop.)

Is his money his or yours? Yeap, you figured it. You're the fag here.

>spend the better half of a century on this planet
>work to the best of my ability to provide for my family
>my son and heir fritters away his time on the internet, arguing with strangers and complaining about his life
>sometimes think i'm reading his posts on Sup Forums
>drink myself into a stupor when this happens
>know the end is near
>know my bloodline will end, despite my best efforts

Can anybody relate?

Can this VR meme just die already? Nobody cares, it's like 3D TVs. At first there was no content, no real games. Well, guess what, the games are here, the content is here and still nobody cares. People get headaches. People don't want to invest in baller PCs just to use it. People don't want to put on a fucking space helmet just to play games. It's retarded, pointless tech nobody wants.


>using VR for anything else but porn

VR is the shit for porn (videos or games) and for Elite: Dangerous.

what refresh rate are those VR headsets anyway?

Just got a FiiT VR 2S headset, what app do I use for 360 videos?

vr will only become vr when you will be able to check out of reality for 90% for your dailylife SAO style

till then it will be a fun gimmick for walking simulators and museums

>Facebook Rift
Found your problem. Vive is the best.

I see you've never tried VR.


Well I'm extremely myopic so it's probably less blurry than without my thick glasses.

>dad works all of his life
>finally gets allowed to stop to work
>wants to enjoy life as much as possible before dying
>son pisses around because muh moneys

because not everyone has oversensitive balance nerves you retard

this is sad, he just wants to experience something new and exciting before dying but his son just doesn't care

Playing vr in 2017 is like playing the original playstation in 2017.

Sure some games are fun, but I just cannot get over the shitty resolution and graphics. That is why I sold my vive and am waiting for gen 2 with better resolutions to buy back in.

>mfw vr kanojo

>Buys all kinds of new crap just for fun
>Gets drunk at yourself and calls himself a cab to not be a burden on you
>Realizes he left his keys over at your house and takes a cab back to get them instead of asking you to bring them to him
Unless he's regularly getting blackout drunk and pissing all over himself while getting in fights with you I'd say you have a pretty based dad

Most people don't have shitty genetics. Most people have proper inner ear balance which means that their body doesn't rely totally on eye site.

You know there's a focus adjustment slide on the bottom, and a calibration tool on the home menu, right?

I don't understand how people do get dizzy so easy. Only the most intense dogfights in Eve: Valkyrie give me any discomfort, and I'm pretty sure it'd be way worse in an irl dogfight

>got vr
>enjoyed it
get on my level.
I guess everything is relative, if that was my budget for fun for an entire year I would have qualms about buying it, but I have a job, and it was well worth it.

Why are you so dead set on not letting your dad enjoy his retirment. What is the point in working and saving up if you cannot have some fun before you die. Also just let him get it and play games with him you spastic.

Vive price cut to $699
You can find 1080 ti for $715 on sale ocasinally.

So prices have gone down. If you wait for volta, 8-12 months you could probrably do a vive + 1180 for $1100-1200.

vive 2 will be out by then

The only problem with 3d tvs was viewing angles and the need for glasses. Vive is a vastly superior experience. Only problem is the resolution is shit.

How do i into VR on my android phone?

buy one of those plastic VR cardboard thingies and voila
it's shit

>buy one of those plastic VR cardboard thingies and voila
>it's shit
I just want to view some basic youtube VR videos and porn...

You have shit tastes. Psx has one of the best catalogs

>In a way he is wasting money that you could inherit some day

Maybe you're spending too much time on your career and too much money on new tech for the family when you should be spending more time on being a present father in this life?

Or should I say you should have spent time doing that? Train a child up in the way he should go and he shall not depart from it. If this is how he's acting now, you missed your chance to be there for him and instill other values and beliefs.

Vive 2 has not even been announced, but it's not coming this year or next.

That means you have to readjust it retard. Even PSVR looks good if you get into the game instead of trying to smell every single pixel out.

You'll be fine then

I know that it's already quite clear that you're an asshole, but I needed to tell you that you're an asshole.

My dad is fucking deadset on getting a mustang shit no matter how much I tell him it's a waste of money both because it's a nigger car and because there's hardly any practical use with the car

"Oh but you know me, I gotta have the coolest toys!"

Meanwhile he's retired and now living on pension. He has no concept of saving money whatsoever.

Fucks' sake the other night he was over at my place after a family dinner. He's drunk as hell, I tell him he can just stay the night and I'll take him home in the morning, "Oh no, I gotta sleep in my own bed." - so he calls a taxi, gets a ride home. Calls me up and asks me if he left his keys at my place - yep. He has the taxi bring him back, picks up his keys, then has the taxi drive him back home.

Easily a hundred dollars wasted because he can't help but be a drunk fucking idiot. I can't even tell you how much money this guy has pissed away like this.

what a selfish little spoiled brat you are

>get vr
>3D effect doesn't work because my left and right eyes don't want to work together

adjust the eye separation

He is probably on the "I don't give a fuck" age, just let him do whatever he wants, dumbass.

What a colossal fucking retard you are. kys

That's the kind of dad I'd like to be someday too.

>People get headaches.
that's a generic statement in itself. so what? the only time VR made me dizzy sick was when i was trying to experience a 360 roller coaster video in VR when i was hungover. it didnt give me the headache i already had, it just didn't help. every other experience has left me feeling fine.

guess you shoulda spent that money on lasik surgery

>blurry as fuck

Christ let your dad have fun you selfish fuck