Gnomeshell lagging like hell and Canonical

What will happen when the most used linux distro on desktop gets gnomeshell? Users will go crazy over its lagging animations (even on a decent pc where unity or kde wouldnt lag). Also in CSGO gnomeshell gives you significantly less FPS than any other DE (im not a gaymer but still CSGO is pretty popular and demanding 3D applications should run like a dream on a de facto DE). Will Canonical finally fix Gnomes horrible performance???

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>Will Canonical finally fix Gnomes horrible performance?

if anything, moving from Unity to Gnome 3 is known to be a mistake anyway

Switch to Xubuntu.
Xfce is light on resources and rice-friendly.

Lubuntu is even less bloated than xubuntu

I think Lubuntu is about to use LXQT instead of LXDE as their DE by 17.10?

Only slightly and with a noticeable drop in polish and functionality.
I wouldn't use LXDE unless I absolutely had to.

However I can't find anything about it. Have any source?

even after ricing xfce looks shit

>using gnome
Well more like a separate image, but they're trying it.

I used Xubuntu and I liked it, but still, gnomeshell is the default DE in many distributions so it would be nice not to have a shitty de facto DE. They need to fix its performance asap. Like they shouldnt even add more features or change anything until its not fixed

gnome is great, its the only DE that still innovates, if you dont like it you can always go to your windows exploder

Yeah, you go write that bug report to Gnome devs and then report back how long it took them to reject it with WONTFIX.
Seriously, interacting with Gnome devs is an uphill struggle.

Besides, Unix has always been about choice. Just use a DE/WM that fits you best.

The DE has almost no affect on your gaming performance because full screen games disable desktop compositing afaik, and even benchmarks report only a 3% difference at most, which is usually due to the differences between default background services and not the DE. Example, Ubuntu GNOME uses almost twice as much RAM as Debian GNOME.
Disable animations if you don't want lagging, obviously your PC can't handle them.

LXDE is dead now, and it was always worse than Xfce.

See pic related. It can obviously look fine. Also Zorin looks decent too.
>inb4 they both look like shit
Looks are subjective and this is my opinion.

Dont get me wrong, I like Gnome's layout and everything, I use it, but I have to disable animations so I dont have to watch those laggy animations. If I would use my computer for something 3D related then I would use another DE, probably KDE Plasma, as it has more developers than the other meme DEs like xfce and mate. I want a DE that has people behind it. But I would like to use Gnome in the end, thats why I hope they will fix its performance

>The DE has almost no affect on your gaming performance
If only you were right

>Mutter seems to still get confused with a select number of Linux games at least when launched by the Phoronix Test Suite that Mutter thinks the game is unresponsive but in fact is running just fine, will often then minimize the window, etc.
>But in reality, CS:GO should work just fine on GNOME.

It's literally nothing. It works fine. Unity is also GNOME based and I actually got a slightly better performance on it than on KDE.

why theres no lubuntu?

>transparency without blur
this should be a bannable offense

Hmm I read the article a few days ago and I forgot about that part, thanks.

Because nobody cares about lubuntu, it doesnt even have window snap feature, xfce is superior


When people say RadeoSI what the fuck do they mean?

Nothing will happen since Gnome will be installed but Unity will still be an option in the display manager.