Prove me AMD is better

Prove me AMD is better

>Prove me
No. Stupid frogposter.

The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.


fpbp desu senpai


kys faggot

Prove me you deserve to live, dumb frog poster




Well, for CPUs, a Ryzen 1xxx is a more futureproof choice thanks to AM4 and they're probably pretty much on par with Intel's soon coming 8th gen lineup as long as you consider price/perf, core count and wattage as well.

For GPUs, they're not better in terms of price/perf or wattage but the Polaris series (rx580 best) is at least as good as NVidia's offering. Just consider your local prices. And keep in mind that with NVidia it's harder and less certain to use the card in a virtual machine, which is what we all should be doing by now.

Thank you for a real answer.

In terms of CPU, Intel and Ryzen have big differences? Because all benchmarks I see seem too biased

>Defending AMD in 2017

How dos id fil to bi pur?

Depends on what you do.
In terms of single threaded performance Ryzen is slightly behind Intel due to its lower clock speed.
In multi threaded workloads it's ahead due to far more cores (at the same price) and more efficient SMT.
Ryzen is also more efficient than Intel's offerings.

It's not if you are forced to only use Trash windows 10

I am going to build a PC for gaming. Should I go for Ryzen 5?

Seems decent, but go for the 6 core R5 1600.

Thank you!!

I will work around that, you were a huge help

No, just get a quad core for 300. Fuck you lol.

I went from a i5 4690 that struggled with everything

1600x on the other hand never goes over 50% runs very cool

A friend of mine must be a shill. He keeps saying 7600K is way better

He probably plays arma, and early access games a lot, or just older titles modded. Outside of that it really doesn't matter what cpu you get to be quit honest.