/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Is there any plugin for chrome that allows me to fake to websites that I am from the US without using proxy? I could setup a vpn or literally anything, but that would have major downsides.
Not trying to bypass video streaming, just fed up with content being half assedly translated etc.
I was reading an article about the big "rockyou" hack, where 32 million passwords were stolen. There this paragraph in the article:
>"Assuming an attacker with a DSL connection of 55KBPS upload rate and that each attempt is 0.5KB in size, it means that the attacker can have 110 attempts per second," Imperva wrote in a report released on Thursday. " At this rate, a hacker will gain access to one new account every second or just less than 17 minutes to compromise 1000 accounts."
Hypothetically, how would I implement something like this? Isn't it more likely that a website will lock me out (spam protection etc) if i try to access it 110 times per second?
Or is there something i'm misunderstanding?
You mean for example, if you were from Italy, and you went on Youtube, it would show everything half-assedly translated into Italian? I don't use Chrome, so I don't know if this will help. But in Firefox, you can literally go to settings > content, and then set your "preferred language" for content, and change it to English. I doubt that you will need a plug-in for this.
Yes exactly that or some websites automatically switching to my language like blizzard etc, its annoying, I dont think a setting can affect that though
do i use a vpn inside or outside of a virtual machine
i want to see if a public tracker copy of portal is okay
Is it possible to combine microphone input and the sound output of one open program and use them as a virtual microphone?
Hey, my mate on the lan made himself "discoverable" but we still cant find each other in the network to share files. What do? He actually cant see any device on the network at all. What do?
Is modular design and extensibility in general bloat?
What's more fun for C: SDL, GBA dev or PSP dev?
I figure SDL would be easy because it's made for general GNU/Linux, but GBA is apparently easy to get into although the memory stuff is a bit confusing.
On Windows? I think you have to be in the same "home network" or some shit. Not just on the same router
>On his machine
>Install apache
>read /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
>Check what the default directory for public static files is
>Put all the files you want to share there
>apachectl start
>ip addr
>on your machine, open your favorite browser
>type in the IP address from his ip addr
>Done :D!
Can you see him or any other devices?
>Hypothetically, how would I implement something like this? Isn't it more likely that a website will lock me out (spam protection etc) if i try to access it 110 times per second?
A website will block you if you access it too many times per second. SSH should as well, if the admin is worth their shit. Either way someone should notice.
If you found a site that does not lock you out, or a service that doesn't, you can try hydra or some other library attack software.
Sure, what OS? JACK can do that on GNU/Linux, and MacOS lets you do it by default through the advanced sound settings and creating an aggregate source. Not sure about Windows.
JACK has a Windows binary so I'll try it. thanks
I need help assembling my pc, because i have no clue where all these cables are supposed to go, and there are some other stuff that came with the motherboard that I dont know where to put.
I have an asus maximus hero ix motherboard, a 1080 ti, and a noctua nh d-15
How do I encrypt/password protect a file on Windows 10. Emphasis on only a file and not the entire disk. I just want something basic so that friends or family members can't open the file, nothing complex that'll put a strain on my system.
Look for F_Panel in your motherboard
What and where is that?
Ok i found it, its the one in the corner
My cat wrecked the cord on my nintendo ds power adapter, so I stripped it with a pair of children's scissors, twisted the wire bundles together and replaced the shielding with duct tape. Will I died?
Pc won't boot
I tried running just the CPU and fan but its not beeping even without the ram. Yes I have the speaker installed. I'm feeling it's the Mobo but what do you guys think
Should I but an HD 4850 for $20/w shipping?
for funny mainly to make a cheap ass ebay build
Is there a way for me to hack into the mainframe using only visual basic?
Have you tried fiddling with/replacing the CMOS battery?
I removed and replaced it. Haven't replaced as I don't have any lying around.
They are pretty cheap, it's worth exploring before a motherboard. Worst case scenario you end up with a spare CMOS battery.
It shouldn't matter but some motherboards will refuse to go to POST if the CMOS battery is dead.
So I have a decapitated laptop that I used to dualboot off of, and since it has no screen, it doesn't quite work well with external displays for things like the bios and such.
I want to just fix the windows install that's on it and make it only boot into windows for my little brother, and since it doesn't have a display, I was wanting to see if I could repair the MBR using virtualbox, but for the life of me, I can't get it to boot off the hard drive in an external enclosure. Is there anyway of fixing it with virtualbox?
What happen to Callisto thread. I thought they resurfaced.
I'm in a bit of shit with an old laptop.
First it started with a high disk usage issue for a few days, on and off, slow as fuck, still running though
Now today it won't boot, crashes anytime I try to boot, even in safe mode, gets even better.
Can't use any recovery options because the only account isn't considered an admin account, and without access to a command prompt (which requires admin permission in recovery options) to give an account admin rights I can't do shit to fix any of the boot issues.
I tried loading windows 10 onto a USB drive, but whenever I try to use it to reset the PC, it just says it's invalid.
The fuck are even any options I have? Help an autist in need.
Why is it so much harder to mix audio than video?
Is internet speed only measured in bits or is it measured in bytes too? Because bits is really disingenuous when internet companies trying flaunting stuff like 100mbps like it's future fast when it's only really 12MBps
Does anyone know any free dvd burning software that i can use for mkv files?
Has anyone figured out how to fix stuttering videos in the Youtube app on the Nexus 7 (2013)? It's been getting worse and more frequent with recent updates, and I can no longer watch 720p when the "threshold" has been crossed.
Clearing the app's cache fixes this temporarily, and I've noticed that it used to reach 300 or so megabytes, whereas now it only hits about 80 before the app grinds to a halt.
Logcat shows some GC spam
Those are your USB, Power button, reset button, ect... headers. Your motherboard installation guide will show you exactly where to plug each of them in.
How can I set an animated gif as my wallpaper? Running Mint.
I updated Ublock and now Sup Forums images won't show when I open them in a new tab. The thumbnails embedded in the thread show up fine, but it's the fucking direct links that get blocked.
Microsoft doesn't download properly on my machine. Is this because I use Win 7 or because of some other bull? How can I unfuck this?
t. Chrome user
What's the point of partitioning your drive?
What's the image URL?
You should use the 4cdn server.
Why is vcore value only drawing 1.140v when doing something that requires 100% load like Cinebench but stays at 1.224 in idle? It doesn't seem to make sense to me.
filesystem's gotta go somewhere...
the convention is to measure bits
Multiple partitions are either simply for filing or to reduce the effects of fragmentation and segregate by speed. My two fastest drives have 200GB scratch partitions so anything I put on them gets those drives' 200MB/s outer track speed and not the ~70MB/s inner track speed.
Can I use VLC or anything else on Windows to stream an online movie from Solarmoviez or similar sites? 'Open network stream' doesn't seem to load them. Basically I want to stream movies but add my own subtitles and 3rd party sub players suck
>What's the image URL?
Any embedded image in a post is blocked.
This is the one in my post, and I cant see it, I can load the thumbnail embeded, but when I click the link nothing...
>You should use the 4cdn server.
I don't understand.
My friend has an issue with a handicapped person constantly spraying spit on a smartphone screen. The phone has been repaired/replaced many times, always for screen related problems. Another issue is that they refuse to get anything but apple products... Do they even sell anything retardproof?
if it has to be apple, then look for waterproof cases I guess. But it has to be third party, Apple doesn't sell shit like that
Thanks a ton. I'll look into it
Should I try replacing the thermal paste on the GPU? I did it the other day on the CPU and it went from getting an emergency temperature shutdown to around 50C at load.
how can I make sound not to pop, crack and stutter if I run windows in a virtual machine using pci passtrough for one of my videocard. I tried using the virtual sound card which sounded like shit. Then I used the hdmi output on my video card but same shit even if msi is enabled. then I gave soundcard to the virtual machine same shit happens even with msi enabled. why is sound so shit on virtual machines? I can play gta5 at 60fps but the sound is a piece of crap.
Damn dude, are you from Cuz that's a stupid question
read the manual
What's a good free lightweight antivirus I can use on an old laptop?
Hey guys I think I did something wrong, I dual booted my new PC today with Ubuntu and Windows 7 and it works 100% fine, got Ubuntu set up how I like and decided to get back onto Windows 7 to play some vidya and end the night, finally get tired so I put my PC to sleep.. Or I try, it automatically turns back on.
>Multimedia settings > When sharing media is set to "Allow the computer to sleep"
>Powercfg -lastwake shows "Wake History Count 0"
Any ideas? Is it something to do with booting with grub2? (not even sure how this would be possible but it just started today after dual booting)
Sorry I'm an idiot.
Ok guys I got a new fan which has 4 pins instead of 3 pins
Now everytime I load up a new webpage it does WOOOOSHH like it's the wind outside, then it's back to normal speed.
How do I stop this? It's annoying as fuck. I only need it to spin faster when my cpu gets hot, not when it get's busy for a single second
4 pins is a PWM fan.
A 3pin connector can't control the RPM
It won't go away until you get a 3pin fan.
Fans are cheap many, just get the correct one.
i cant do this through software?
lol i just bought this fan and the fan doesnt come in 3pins
it was expensive 30bucks NAZT AER 140mm fan
Software isn't gonna solve a hardware issue.
$30 on a plastic fan is also kinda dumb man.
A fan controller would work as an alternative though.
I have a mix of 4 and 3pin fans being controlled by a older 8 channel controller
i remember on my old pc i could very easily change the fan curve, the temperature that was needed for it to rotate faster
but that was for gpu i think
surely this must be possible for the exhaust fan too right?
With a 4pin, that's easily done with most modern motherboards.
Windows has some problems with hybrid shutoff and sleep mode if you dual boot with grub, I'm not sure why desu, but I normally just do a full shutdown instead. Doesn't really bother me.
so how do i enter the motherboard settings?
I have an Asus Z170 pro gaming aura
Hello I have had the same computer for 5 years and my dad had just gotten me and I installed mint on it because it just werks and free.
I'm at a shitty motel and the wifi here sucks, but there is ton of residential connections around me. I'm wondering what tools I can use to get into them.
gotten me a laptop
hey user, "powercfg -h off" fixed it for me in case you want to fix it too.
I kinda want to try learning swift and making iphone apps, what's the cheapest way to do this? I assume, Mac mini and iphone (?) ?
Thanks man, I'll give it a shot and see if that fixes it for me.
What can affect DVD-R's usability? I had a fairly new disc that worked fine, but when I tried it again after about two months break, the system didn't recognize it. The only thing I can think of that could have affected it is sun exposure, but even then the disc wasn't lying upside down and was in its (transparent) box.
The dyes decompose. They're organic.
its bits per second from the old days when modems were rated in baums
How can I create and publish a .torrent ? Which torrent site acepts submissions? It's a large collection of screenshots. I want to be able to give ppl the link.
Google has not been of help. I am using Deluge.
Could it happen in just two months though? Besides, the upper side has no signs of dye burning.
I just want to know more.
The suction of my butthole prevents my dildo from achieving desired baum rate, any advice?
When was the disc manufactured
How do I activate Windows 7 Ultimate?
Frankly, I don't know. There's no information on either disc or box. But I bought it sometime in June, and I'd assume it would be held in warehouse before then.
Does anyone have that one picture of Source Mage with all the magic items that have command names on them? I think the sorcerer is pepe?
I never tested anything professionally in my life and I'm having a IT Tester job interview. I know that there will be a skill test before the actual interview.
Anyone know what I should prepare for for the "testing" part of the test?
There will also be Unix and SQL questions. What sort of questions should I except there? SELECTs and Bash?
Where can I get Dazloader without the dumb "fill out an offer to get your download" bullshit?
Trying to get my balance on a website to show on Google Sheets, here's the template formula:
I type in:
And I get a #REF error. Obviously I pasted in my API key in "MUHKEY" but the error won't go away. What's the issue?
Go hang yourself, pedo.
After you
I have a TRRS jack on my laptop and wired headphones with remote buttons. Does pulseaudio have some sort of built-in functionality I can enable where I can adjust the volume using it?
Also is there something out there that can interpret the remote as an input.
Is there a good, free program for making mass thumbnails of movies? Preferably if it can be set to make 1 image every nth minutes
It's not so much about pulseaudio but rather the hardware your computer manufacturer used.
The most likely answer is no unless it's a laptop with only one jack for headphones + mic, if that's the case the answer turns into a maybe
if I use one of these usb bluetooth adapters to transmit the sound from my pc to bluetooth headphones
will anyone be able to hear or intercept the sounds I'm listening/transmitting from my pc to the bluetooth headphones?
or is it possible the sound will go to another persons bluetooth speakers or bluetooth stereo in the same house without pairing to my pcs bluetooth adapter?
I just don't want to be watching porn and others with bluetooth devices hearing it.
It's an asus 201 chromebook.
The headset remote functions in chrome os.
The headset remote seems to work on a per application basis which makes sense considering how it works.
I was surprised pulseaudio didn't have this functionality (at least not by default). So I am asking if the functionality is there but I need to enable it.
I am also asking if there is a program to interpret the headset remote as an input so I may use it universally as opposed to a per-application-basis
I've been having issues with the Search Windows feature on Windows 10 start menu, typing is slow as hell and 90% of the times i have to press a key multiple times to input it on the search box, this renders quick searching piratically unusable, any way to sort this out?
Windows is installed on an SSD by the way.
bluetooth devices pair up and establish a secure connection between them, so unless someone explicitly wants to h4x your BT speakers you should be safe.
I heard the NoScript add-on blocks all javascript scripts.
Isn't that bad, since it breaks the functionality of websites? Like Sup Forums. If i press on a post number, it pops up a quick reply window. Isn't this implemented in Javascript? Why would i want to block it using NoScript?
>Windows 10
Found your problem.
It keeps freezing at 99%, what do?
Stupid Questions Thread, not stupid answers thread.
That's the answer m8
i need a way to add tags to files on my pc, and then search for those files by the tags
Install Windows
I want to put a project on my portfolio but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.
Basically a year or so back some friends and I signed a "contract" to make some shitty mobile game based on some superhero. Long story short we made a proof-of-concept prototype, with me as the programmer, and haven't touched it or heard from the guy in well over a year.
Am I able to put this on my portfolio? Would I need to get permission first? I can't remember exactly what that A4 piece of paper stated but it looks good and I'd like to show it off.