Reminder that Linus Toward is just a Stalin's bitch while Stallman is straight up Guevara
Reminder that Linus Toward is just a Stalin's bitch while Stallman is straight up Guevara
Other urls found in this thread:
>le linux is communism meme
kill yourself immediately
The analogy would play out that a state or state-owned enterprise is the (sole) provider of an operating system for its people. That doesn't exist.
However, there is a hardware company on par with that idea...
>denying this much
comrade lenin needs your support, join the communist movement, install linux
Linux is actually libertarianism.
>free, but it gets funds from donations and not forcing it's users to pay somehow else
>open source, free to use in any way
So it's literally the opposite of communism.
>le linux is libertarianism
>implying that this meme ideology ever worked
I mean, in this context it kind of has, if you assume Linux to be a libertarian endeavour.
>what is pre-cucked America
Linux is actually more conservative since it forces people who modify libre (GPL) components to post modifications to the community.
Windows is more state operated than Linux. KYS retards
>with positive freedoms
Something doesn't fit.
So if meme ideologies that don't work are ruled out, what is Linux if not communist or libertarian?
I am posting this from Google Chrome on Windows 10 which i only use because game are more important than my privacy. Heil Hitler.
Stallman is not communist whatsoever though if you actually listened to him talk or read anything he's written.
He supports making money off selling software, however he wants the end user to not be placed in a proprietary prison they can't break out of because it will lead to dictatorship. His philosophy is anti monopoly, anti censorship of any kind, anti tracking, and pro control over one's own individual destiny to be able to read whatever they want and do whatever they want without an invisible shadow state interfering of private corporations that jail users in their walled gardens.
Nobody gets Stallman right now because they are naive, but Prophet Stallman can see the future, and he knows that there are only 5 major chip makers on this planet that will be developing architecture of the future. That's Taiwan Superconducter, GlobalFoundries (middle east holding corp), Intel and Samsung. Eventually GlobalFoundries is going to buy one of these others. Then there will only be 4 left on earth and they are free to develop chips that solely exist as system-on-chip with all proprietary, crypto signed software that can never be altered or changed. From there the path to totalitarianism is simple, keep taking away freedoms of the user and replace with spying and DRM. Eventually we will be back to the late 1970s, where nothing was free, everything was proprietary, and access to information was finely controlled by governments and their lobbyists.
Stallman saw this future in the 70s and now tries to prevent it from happening, then some faggots come a long and claim he's a commie because he doesn't support the total destruction of mankind via technological slavery.
*4 major, forgot UMC dropped out of the 20ns arms race and now makes other kinds of chips. Anyway we are fucked
>Linux is communism xD
again this shit thread, i lost the count how many times we had it
fucking lefties stop trying to appropriating to good things and ruining it
>make a software
>eveyone can see how to do it
>the software doesn't actually belong to you
>make a knife
>eveyone can see how the knife works
>the knife doesn't actually belong to you
This is not a technology thread. Saged and reported.
Your ""privacy"" is no more year ago. Since the moment you registered yourself as a human being
>a knife is the same thing as a software
Also, if you make a knife, it IS yours.
If you sell it, it's not yours. Fucking Sup Forums shitting up my board
And the problem is...?
You wouldn't download a knife, would you :^)
Although if you want to make a closer example then books, science and information fall into it. Books (both informative and fantasy) are still sold even in digital formats and they're nothing more than information, just like software.
Wikipedia as a site is even free + libre and extremely popular. It is community driven and gets funding and donations which proves that libre standards can exist perfectly fine even when they aren't exclusively paid for.
False. It's only if you modify and try to redistribute. You can do literally whatever the fuck you want as long as it's personal. Try that shit with proprietary software.
>Bypass DRM for personal use? Off to the gulag with you
The GPG licence literally mandates communism.
Wikipeida is trash whose information is dictated by whatever side has the most dedicated autists to rules lawyer about content, try editing an article about Israel or Palestine and tell me how it works out for you.
Microsoft shills hard at work today
Communism actually works in IT, then. Linus can be an asshat, but he IS right a lot, and he's also earned the right.
>The GPG licence literally mandates communism.
Tries to say something smart, but misspells "license"
t. tim cook
The influx of Sup Forums ruins every single board, and ultimately takes the website down. They infest faster than rats.
Fuck off back to your daycare board
Kys commie
This 100%
This is because they look for safe-places where they can breed colonize, true cancer.
I think reddit should crack down their breeding ground and send them back to dark-web where this trash belongs. Sup Forums should follow too
Both sides have contributed to the violence. :^)
>Americans fights nazi Germany back in the day
>"Violence on both sides xD"
Your low IQ president is a laughing stock, really.
Seriously, why is Sup Forums so morally and philosophically hypocritical?
Show me one (ONE) philosophy they have been consistent about
>Sup Forums should follow too
If only mods enforced global rules...
The post quality would soar high immediately
>Sup Forums is one person or set of political beliefs.
You do know there is a communism general on there right?
What political philosophy do you yourself subscribe to?
Sup Forums is ~90% "alt-right" or whatever the fuck that means
It doesn't exist, it's just any views that isn't mainstream republican, but it's used as a boogeyman
Learn to grammar correctly reeeetard!!!!
>beg for freedom
>complain every time someone who act different than them uses it
wow really makes you think
>It doesn't exist
Oh it does, it's just that it's not a coherent set of political philosophies. The "alt-right" cult take themselves way too much seriously
Can you elaborate, please?
That general is nothing but shitposting, it's completely impossible to have any discussion there
I have the freedom to complain about you being a retard.
Much like the rest of Sup Forums.
>everything i don't like is communism
Unironically hope you end up in a gulag so your pea-brain can finally understand what is and is not communism.
>implaying that communism is bad
Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly. … if the users chooses this proprietary software package, he then falls into this monopoly for support … the only way to escape from monopoly is to escape from proprietary software, and that is what the free software movement is all about. We want you to escape and our work is to help you escape. We hope you will escape to the free world. The free world is the new continent in cyberspace that we have built so we can live here in freedom. It's impossible to live in freedom in the old world of cyberspace, where every program has its feudal lord that bullies and mistreats the users. So, to live in freedom we have to build a new continent. Because this is a virtual continent, it has room for everyone, and there are no immigration restrictions. And because there were never indigenous peoples in cyberspace, there is also no issue of taking away their land. So everyone is welcome in the free world, come to the free world, live with us in freedom. The free software movement aims for the liberation of cyberspace and everyone in it.
>Linus Toward
IQ so low you can't stop anything he does, ever
you say this.. like it's a bad thing?
I'm confused OP
>muh left-libertarianism
Linux fits my anarcho capitalist ideology perfectly.
bsd is libertarianism
linux is communism
except linux communism actually works because it's decentralized and there's no economy
But everything that has to do with communism has failed.
Also Linux is free market capitalism (not that I am very fond of that) and it can not exist within a state trying to creat communism, as a free OS is a threat to the dictatorship.
>Implying that any system besides me absolutism, fascism (see Spain) and capitalism has ever worked.
A few tens of million of people died due to Communism.
>communism has failed.
But Linux is alive and well
Communism is forced.
Open Source is a choice.
Now fuck off retard.
You're not forced to work on open source projects, nor the state picks which project you work on and attribution is not only given but most of the time mandatory on Open source.
Quite incompatible with communism.
I would say is more of a "voluntarism" thing.
Fuck off, shill.
People call rigth wing to linus torval
> bsd is libertarianism
BSD license is free labor for corporations.
oh I love communism now
>tfw cloud flare realize this and stop protecting it from ddos
If stormfags can suck the dick, Sup Forums can do too because mods forgot to wipe out poltards from this site.
top fucking keke
Linux is a success desu
Since Linux is pro-freedom, it has more in common with Anarcho-capitalism than Communism.
Communism inst
>The GPG licence literally mandates communism.
And how are developers forced to use FSF approved licenses? Where is the power of a social system?
Every time I've asked this, no one bothered to answer. It's not that it required an economist, it requires logic. Since we're infested by Sup Forums, what's there to expect?
>communism is forced
You're using Linux by your own will. Where is it forced?
fuck off, you child rapist piece of shit
Not everyone knows how to compile software or has the time to do it. This is especially true for medium/large corporations. So companies who produce FOSS can sell precompiled binaries to customers who would rather have the convenience. The textbook example for that is Red Hat with RHEL. Admittedly it's not a common business model but it has been proved to work pretty well.
what am I supporting by pirating Windows? anarchy?
>Americans fight the Soviet Union back in the day
>"Only nazis are evil, gommunism is wonderful xd!"
Whoah, really facilitates the flowing of brain juices
Our lord and savior:
'Absolute nonsense. It makes me really angry when people do that. Communism is an ideology that forces people to share, if you don't share you get thrown in jail or killed, you go to a gulag and end up in a mass grave with a bullet in the back of your head. Open Source is not communism because it doesn't force people.'
This is bad, how?
Communism was never considered bad, it's an utopian society.
All shitheads posting here, you have no clue what you're talking about, do you?
smart frog poster
pointing typos is not a argument, senpai
But it's true. Linus's father Nils, who filled his head with these ideas, actually sat on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Finland.
will never take this seriously
fucking phonephag
How do we save FOSS from commies?
>how do we save communism from commies
How does that even make sense?
Linus hates GPLv3 so he's not a full commie and really just wants his product used in commercial apps.
Stallman is the real commie but he's less relevant to Linux now thanks to Linus standing up to his crew of nutjobs.
linus also includes binary blobs in the kernal
when linus isn't in control this could be used for back doors
he'll die soon enough
and he hasn't done anything to establish a thorough plan when that does happen
>linus also includes binary blobs in the kernal
good! working systems out of the box > self serving autism!
If you are using google, you are supporting terrorism