What extensions do you have in your browser Sup Forums?

What extensions do you have in your browser Sup Forums?
I've just installed Firefox Nightly and I'm looking for some tracking/cookies disabler and other useful extensions except of ublock origin


uBlock Origin, Smart HTTPS, Privacy Badger, and Tampermonkey are all I have. Does anyone know of anyway to get AdNauseam on Nightly?

Maybe you should add a counter to keep track off all the bans? :^)

what would she be banned for?

I don't really care but I see their posts disappearing once in a while so I assume mods issue a ban as well

I don't know why she would be banned, it's not like she breaks any rules.

How the hell can I disable scrollbars on nightly? I was always using google botnet but I decided it's time to become a man


Thanks for your help, I've chosen not to be a faggot though so I'm not familiar with macOS

your dumb

macOS is better than Botnet 10, faggot.

>muh apple botnet is better than microsoft botnet

Is Privacy Badger really useful alongside ublock origin?

I'm really not for sure, I used to really go overboard with my extensions and had every privacy extension possible. I don't care if it is, it doesn't hurt.

here are my addons. Noscript is pretty essential.

Yeah, they both suck. macOS at least has beautiful design and a proper terminal going for it. What does Windows have, besides better software support?

kek, I also had tons of extensions and I just thought they weren't useful so I deleted everything except ublock and https

uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere (or Smart HTTPS Revived) is all you need. Enable dynamic filtering in uBlock Origin if you can be fucked with it.

>beautiful design
>proper terminal
irrelevant to a majority of users

Ublock Origin has all the Disconnect lists. All you need to do is enable them in the 3rd party lists section. Also Self-Destructing Cookies is not going to have a WebExtension version, so you might want to switch to Cookie AutoDelete.... just my two cents.

ublock origin, https everywhere, dark reader

NoScript is not available for Nightly as I see, is there any way to make it work? FF doesn't even allow me to install it

Nevermind, I'm a retard and I didn't allow legacy extensions to be installed

Adblock Plus
DOM Inspector

At least gubment backdoors don't exist in Apple products.

>actually believing this


>doesn't provide proof that backdoors exist in these products

Camelcaser, it Changes all text into camelCasing format.

nice keylogger
