what is the Sup Forums recommended file browser for android?
What is the Sup Forums recommended file browser for android?
The one that's orange and can be downloaded with fdroid. Simple something.
Anything else is nigger-tier.
my phone isnt rooted
simple explorer?
That's probably it.
Total commander is my go to because network stuff and windows phone support.
This. The fact that no one ever recommends Total Commander shows the state of Sup Forums
I've tried every file manager yesterday and nothing came even close to es pro. Free is botnet.
How does it compare to ES 2.2 or whatever the last good one was?
All this extra scanning shit, notifications, popups, fuck it.
Es pro is just like the old es.
Both are botnet. It is always a shame when a good application or browser addon gets sold to the chinks.
Maybe it's botnet, but at least it doesn't have ads, "cleaners" and garbage on lockscreen.
mixplorer's pretty good and free
i use x-plore
I have old ES installed tho
Why get pro?
Install Termux and you can use mc, cmus etc.
Es has network support. Smb, FTP, whatever you want.
Old version didn't work with magisk for me so I pirated pro, at least it's getting updates.
What es has that NO other file manager has is batch installing apks without confirmation(if you have root). FX has installing without confirmation, but only one apk by one.
mixplorer causes a lot of battery drain for me. and i saw a post, i forgot when, that says mxplorer phones home thats why it causes too much battery drain. any of it true?
>displays ads
What the fuck nigger totalcmd is goat mainly because no ads
anybody have experience with ghost commander?
Total commander
>No ads
>2 directories side by side (superb for copying, moving etc files from one folder to another)
>network plugins
>create custom commands and execute them in-app (especially useful for root users to change permissions of root folders)
>built in media player, text editor
>pretty good and fast search function
>material design
Total commander is GOAT
Just use build in one
Just like es, except I can have as many panels as I want. Also ability to delete system apps, ftp SERVER and file sharing by wi-fi.
*es pro
So exactly like tc but owned by chinks
Solid Explorer
Still uses a windowz phone
plebian micro$hill
>thinking i give enough of a shit about a $40 phone to shill for it
solid explorer u dummies
Terminal emulator
Total Commander