"Don't be evil"
How does Google keep getting away with this?
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boycott google perhaps you dumbfuck? Install AdNauseam, use firefox or some nonsjw alternative, use Qwant or DuckDuckGo
oh no they give me useful information at the right time :(
Govt agencies
Is ubuntu for phones still a thing or not?
>tfw noticed Google literally was tracking me for two years.
>every picture I took was saved in "location services" so the pictures had details of where I was when I took them.
>literal maps of my entire travels, of every stop I ever made.
Also, it knew whether I was walking or in a car. It had a little icon for those.
I'll never use a smartphone again.
I see no problem with that
no, but gapps-free custom roms still are
>fiancee and I start talking about wedding and babies
>Her Facebook is flooded with wedding advertisements, people posting wedding things
>"What a strange coincidence"
Sometimes I wish she'd just delete her Facebook
That's because there's trackers that wait for your keystrokes. Once they see you've search for something related to "pregnancy", or some shit, your data goes up for sale to highest bidder. They then target you, and start posting items for sale that relate to your searches(e.g. Check Out This Stroller! Get This Baby Formula!).
And don't confuse me, it's not literal people doing this, but sophisticated code.
>reposting things from last year
>boycott google he says as he posts on Sup Forums using googles reCAPTCHA
This is getting a bit ridiculous with each months.
Precisely why I make fun of those apathetic Android drones
Stop trying to defend it. You know it's creepy and annoying
His own fault for leaving GPS on. It's like asking to be tracked.
YT is now a social media
welcome to literally 5 years ago.
>buys a tracking device
>complains about being tracked
>complain about reddit going closed source as he posts on closed source Sup Forums
Oh I know. I don't have a Facebook for specifically that reason. She has the messenger application installed as well, so it listens to our conversations.
>it's from last year so it's irrelevant now
This was meI never everrrr had GPS on. I never used Google's location shit for anything, and I never opt in to their products. In fact, I had most of them disabled.
And an even bigger concern: most of the pictures they had in their little platform of mine, I deleted from my phone. But for some reason, they still had them along with gigs of other personal data.
>Tracks you offline
how is this possible?
You don't even have to have Facebook to be tracked by them. Their little "like" and "share" buttons track you as well. So even if you don't have a Facebook, it knows which sites you're own because their software is essentially built into them. Same with Google and their webmaster tools.
>Retire from an ATM
>Buy in cash
What now Google-chan?
look up "facebook shadow profile"
Probs with credit cards and shit. Or, like this: their apps can see which stores you're going into, thus it can get a glimpse of what you're buying.
Thanks, will Google it later.
>willingly uses a tracking device
>is surprised it tracks him
>tracking device
tinfoil hats thattaway
>he doesnt know about google services
>he doesnt know about google framework
>he doesnt know his gmail sync/playstore/ect relys on this
>he doesnt know they have all device permissions
LineageOS + F-Droid.org
Yep. I have them blocked at my hosts file, and have had them there for 3 years now
My mom had a Facebook, and I deleted it with much difficulty from Facebook. Some time later, I moved away, and she wanted one again to keep in touch (this was before I deleted mine). Facebook informed her that her email was in use and that her account was reactivated. I know for a fact I deleted her account. It took about an hour to find the proper screen to do it. She wanted it back again like a year later and it had a bunch of advertisements for Australia, which is where I ended up moving to.
Fuck these companies
There are acceptable levels of tracking.
>google services
>tinfoil hats
What did rabbi mean by this?
I'm thinking of getting rid of gapps. How would I go about downloading and updating paid apps?
MicroG + Apptoide + lucky patcher?
>boycott a mega corporation with monopolies in many areas that are essential for modern society, work and life.
>as if one, one hundred or even one hundred thousand man boycott will put a dent in anything
Don't run proprietary apps. Use F-Droid.
I use f-droid too but I'm not giving up on proprietary apps completely.
Good goy.
Yeah AOL and yahoo were once unstoppable
Mean's you're a paranoid schizophrenic and need some serious help
Apple started this with the whole "apps" thing
A better question is how every tech company on earth is getting away with this, iPhones and windows are the same spyware shit.
Sadly the project was abandoned.
Just use stock Android : ^ )
iPhone has had this feature baked into the OS since at least IPhone 8, atleast 3 years now.
Google is worst with ads.
>...thinks the poor pajeet that can't afford a single meal at McDonald's worth of money to never have to deal with that again
Facebook is, 97% of their revenue is ads.
You literally can't avoid an android/google device in this day and age
>paying Sup Forums to subvert adsense, googleads, and captcha
>the money goes towards Sup Forums's operating costs part of which goes to google
You're trying too hard, schlomo.
Why do they need to know all this shit while i'm using this app?
you'd think contacts, location, sms, phone and media would be self explanatory on an app for using those things
>ITT nobody in this fucking thread saw the Minority Report scene with the awareness advertisements
Yeah, that's straight up bullshit.
I have all the stuff disabled, all my photos have no location data in them (you can check EXIF easily).
You're just making up shit or completely inept. Lie harder.
And you know what? I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a function of McDonalds' WIFI network. Probably had connected to a McDonald's WIFI network in the past and so it automatically connected again when he entered, but this time when it connected the Internet access test the device does was redirected to the app store.
why doesn't Sup Forums just replace google with a suite of open source softwares
I have a galaxy s5 but no Google botnet installed. If I really need an app from the playstore I just use Raccoon on my PC to get the apk and then install it via adb. Google shills btfo
or, you know, disable location services
nearby doesn't even use google play but rather uses special bluetooth beacons
ones also supported by osx to varying levels
>thanks wiretap
Use f-droid. If you really need a proprietary app from the appstore use Raccoon on your PC to download the APK and then install it with adb. No need for any gapps botnet on your phone.
I lived without gapps for years, was totally fine. But my GF and I broke up so now I wanna use tinder, so I caved and installed gapps. Don't link to my Google account, but Google play services is installed.
I hate that I did that. But I guess the desire to get my dick sucked outweighs any affinity to FOSS software
Would installing just tinder via an apk work or does it rely on the framework?
Can't you just use yalp store on f-droid to download apk?
My main concern though is if lucky patcher can enable in app purchase (to unlock pro features) without gapps installed. And where to download paid apks.
I could use yalp, I just have not bothered with it yet. Why I have now works and I do like having my apks sourced from my computer, I flash ROMs a bunch due to some things I am working on and have scripts setup to install my apks automatically; could not do this with yalp since they would be stored on my phone. As for paid apps you can link an existing google account to raccoon or yalp to download things you pay for. If you need to buy an app just do it via the website. As for pirating apps... I don't know where to begin. I trust pirated apps about as much as I trust shillary clinton
>Why do they need to know all this shit while i'm using this app?
You know why
>How does Google keep getting away with this?
It"s OK when google does it. It's not when it's APPLE.
>Install AdNauseam
stop perpetuating this meme, the stupids are taking it seriously.
thick as two short planks.
>everything I use was written by google or includes google code but I do this dumb shit on my pc and google shillz btfo xD
>t. google shill
if you really think it does what it says it does, you go right ahead and do it.
It doesn't achieve what you think it does though.
>install whatsapp to talk to my grandma who lives in another country
>it fucking reads my contact book and up appears my exgf and some people from middle school that i havent talked to in ages
fucking awkward
Not for my phone.
Your fault for keeping them in your contact list.
it probably relies on the framework
thank god microg exists, right?
You're the useful information
no one cares and they like the convenience
Finally, a feature iPhone users can truly claim they had before Android.
Man I swear to god my phone listens to my conversations. Some of the ads and shit are just too coincidental
Facial recognition software in security cameras that watches what you purchase.
>Google is adamant that it's not creepy.
Oh, well. There you have it. I was worried for a minute.
>whoa! The botnet company thats done nothing but read your private emails and track every website youve ever gone to for the last 25 years so that they can give you ads based on where you go made an operating system designed to be a mobile botnet and track where you physically go so that they can give you irl ads about where you go
And suddenly any contentment for humanity turned to hate. They all need to burn.
I can't wait for people to walk around broadcasting scam apps
How do people manage to go around all the time with GPS activated on their phone? My battery barely lasts a day as it is
premarital sex is a sin
please repent
Jokes on them, I don't have any friends to have conversations with
Is there any info that my phones comes with that feature? I never had a pop-up on my blackberry, only on my company-android
Not as bad as me
>go to church
>it's pretty much across the road from a 7-11
>"hey did you visit 7/11 at x location?"
I almost wanted to throw my fucking phone out.
>not installing a custom rom with microG as soon as you get a different phone device
If people cared this process would be mainstream, but even "tech savy" Sup Forumsuys are too stupid to follow a step by step guide on xda, my 4 yr old phone is running 7.1 nougat and I'm not planning to stop here