Why on earth do tech companies hire outsourced workers from India? They have such a low IQ level and have terrible social skills. When you see a Pajeet do you feel safe having them help you with your tech problems? Because I just hang up and call back till I find an American.
Why on earth do tech companies hire outsourced workers from India...
Easier to find people when the population is 1 billion.
Also easier to find people when it is a poor third world country.
Not when America has so many high IQ workers who love technology AND apply for the jobs only to be fucked over by a pajeet. I was almost not hired because of an outsource hire in india
Yes, of course. The USA, unlike every other nation on earth, has corporations and companies that do not care for the bottom like. No, no, the bottom line is simply an afterthought!
Let us face it: The typical corporate businessman will sell his own mother if it means cutting costs by 2%.
Why make the best product when good enough will sell better and it is easier to make it?
Why hire 2 autists geniuses when for the same money you can hire 20 pajeets who will have same results?
Also rule 80:20. Capitalism. You want to make money, abuse system, abuse everybody around you no matter the consequences.
Also a lot of CEOs doesnt care about longetivity of company. Fire all expensive employees, hire bunch of pajeet for half the price and for few quadrants your company will do better on paper. Then you grab the cash and run away before the bussiness collapse.
average IQ is a poor stat. You'd find out more about the distribution wiht median IQ.
for example therre could be lots of over 140 IQ and lots of 60 IQ Indians lol
I call Tmobile several times a month. No matter which state the call is based from, I always receive a white woman and my issue is usually resolved quick.
Comcast has Mr. sir Pajeet Dinghra take calls every time
because they are the cheapest workers on the planet who are still smart enough to read a script off a screen without swinging from overhead branches.
Its called an average, this means you are more likely to meet an IQ 82 pajeet over some pajeet god who was a mixed baby from some european chad
because they're not hiring indians at random so the average iq stat doesn't apply
also your iq must be truly below the indian average if this thread is not just a poor attempt at baiting
We really need national socialism at this point. If I pick up a phone to a pajeet I wont do buisness with them due to bad customer service.
Unless you persuade millions of customers to do the same as you, nothing will change. You as an individual are powerless.
"Should is spend 100k per year and hire 4 pajeets who do their job no matter what or should i spend that 100k on a single white american who constantly whines?"
I was writing this, but we are hivemind.
To put it in terms that Sup Forums can understand:
>Hi, I am Jake Michaels, and I have 20 years of experience in the field. I have work similar to what you need, and my resume can easily prove that I will be an excellent employee. As I am desperate for a job in these times, I am willing to accept $60,000/y, faaaar below what I am worth, but enough for me to have a decent life.
>Hi, I am Raj Deep. I have 6 months of experience in total, doing Java. I will work for $10,000/y.
YOU think like this:
>Work needs to get done, and should be done professionally. The more qualified guy will get the work done professionally, whereas the less qualified guy won't. Therefore, hire the more qualified guy! Easy choice!
Corporate thinks like this:
>Programmer A costs $60,000/y. Programmer B costs $10,000/y. Easy choice!
The wrong people obviously lost ww2
I've personally not seen a lot outsourcing to India, tho I'm not American. Despite the le nihilistic realistic truth-sayer larping portrayed by companies don't want unreliable pajeets half the world away to maintain and develop the things which their companies rely upon.
Meant for
As stated, I'm not American. Even the lowliest web devs are natives here. Seems that yanks truly are as dumb as you say they are.
no, you're most likely to meet someone who is on the top of the bell curve.. which is the median. In most distributions median is close to average..l but it doesnt have to be
Where at are you?
because their social heirarchy insures most of the more intelligent ones are higher up and are getting the education required to be imported here for programming
they outsource tech support because even in the US they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for new hires since the job is awful and they weren't willing to pay what the job is worth