Non-apple fags will never know the joy of apple's keynotes

>non-apple fags will never know the joy of apple's keynotes
>they'll never experience the brilliant presentations of craig federighi
>they'll never experience top of the line electronic innovations
>they'll never experience the excitement of christmas-time 3 times a year
>they'll never experience complete synchronicity with all their electronic devices

Other urls found in this thread:

ayylmao at your lifero, little spammer

non-apple fags get giddy as fuck when their thinkpad with arch actually works for once LMAO

>not knowing the joy of having my wallet willingly drained for something i have bought 3 times already.

I have no problem with this.

of course you don't, queer

Hopefully you seek anger management before you start shooting up churches.

They are not targeted to developers even those that have the 'developer' name in it are nothing but glorified advertisements for their newest products.

I still want a mac, but just because of bash and support from third party companies (which Linux sadly still lacks)

>tfw you enjoy all keynotes because you like technology

their keynotes slowly but surely turned to shit after jobs died

Isn't the CEO of apple literally gay?

$1 has been deposited into your Apple Wallet. Thank you for working with us.

awww poor widdle baby is upset
he spends his life calling people shills because he's envious everyone else has money


You're right, I will never.

sadly ads and propaganda don't work on me, I don't know why.
I can't comprehend why people can worship brands, sorry brother from another mother.

how does this picture not apply to everyone on Sup Forums?

Maybe. Though I am not hyped for this one at all.

Been using their new iOS/MacOS for a while now and it's barely any different than before. New iPhone is just a more expensive S8 with a nasty camera bulge but a better OS. 4K Apple TV is hard to care about at all. HomePod is a slightly better version of some other useless meme.

Am I missing something? It's doubtful that they will introduce something really interesting since most people are looking at the new iPhone. Maybe they can finally do something about new Macbook prices and fix this USB C/Lightning mess they created.

>implying normal people think it's bad

What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up like pic related and make threads like these 20x a day:

>implying normal people think

More than the average Sup Forumsspammer

Garbage hardware running garbage software made by beaners. Jobs is spinning in his grave knowing he wouldn't stoop this low.

I don't get this, Sup Forumsfags, is this about hating migration as a member of the land of the free, the country built on migration?

>tfw i'll never get excited
goddam i wish my IQ was 20 points lower

Craig should've been Steve's replacement

Well you see, white migration to the US resulted in the 1st world country you have today. So it makes sense to keep it that way instead of watching things degrade further.

i agree but

>straight white engineer male

you obviously didn't get the memo ;)

>the country built on migration?
This. I don't get the idea of american nationalism. They like to say americans invented everything and are the best at everything but they're never talking about some native tribe member, it's always some guy of european decent, often very recent migrants.

When SpaceX first landed one of their rockets everyone was chanting USA! The owner of the company is a South-African born Canadian/American. But hey, he's white and rich.

I know, and know we're stuck with a dry, southern accent at every keynote and a man in charge who sucks the marketing department's cock

>But hey, he's white and rich
that's the idea

dry southern accent > gay ass craig's "neutral" accent

>watching the real time advancement of technology is trivial to someone with an insufferably high intellegence


>real time advancement of technology
i'm too impatient for this shit
also, apple's events are more geared towards emotion and wonder, all of which my stupid sense of nihilism completely destroys

ill fix that for you user

please ;_;
I need to express excitement

>i'm too impatient for this shit
Shit's advancing faster than ever in human history.
If you were born 1000 years ago, the only change you might see in your lifetime would be the invention of a cart to carry wounded from the battlefield, or a slight improvement in ironworking.

In the last 70 years, there has been unprecedented advancement.
Lose the edgy "tfw to intellegent" attitude and study it.

you will, things just have to be a little non routine before that happens

Bumping this thread. Feels good to be superior. I just don't understand why non-apple peasants are always so angry. If they had just little bit of humility, maybe they wouldn't be so poor and miserable.

osx = linux >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> winbloze

>that image
It should be legal to beat panhandlers.
They are human waste, an eyesore, and potentially dangerous. 9/10 times they use the money to buy booze or drugs.

is there any chance we'll get info on a new iPhone SE at this event? I really wanna get one to go back to a cute lil 4" phone but I don't wanna buy it and immediately see them update the line

those tattoos

>gets Steve Jobs tattoo
>goes to artist that can't draw Steve Jobs



dont ever try to align your poorfag ass with us
go to the back of the line like wincunts.

instead of a new iPhone?
> not consuming and feeding capitalism
> must terminate beep boop

>instead of a new iPhone?
How about instead of a place to live or a way to support themselves?

More like:
>I have given up trying to support myself
>Gibe moni pls
>I will stare at you and harass you on street corners
>$30 collected, time to go to the liquor store

Beggars have been shat on since the beginning of time.

how autistic do you have to be to go looking for all those threads?

love this guy

fucking this

that guy is such a faggot

I'd consider myself more asexual

You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Also, you have to be over 18 to browse this site.

Not him but wtf are you talking about? The iPhone is cheap compared to most Android flagships.

>the typical Apple fanboy
I'm sorry, I'm just not gay enough for your shitty events.

>Sup Forumstard this assblasted that he posts this in every apple thread


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