you should be able to uninstall from this screen like android
You should be able to uninstall from this screen like android
Gib wallpaper
Faggot, that's the reason they want Flatpak.
It makes everything into an app like from an app store.
It's shit. kill yourself.
Thanks user.
nigga how hard is it for them to just call the default package manager? Like I rightclick something > uninstall, GNOME checks my package manager and calls pacman.
Better res
Because Redhat doesn't believe in adding features. That would involve "confusing" the user with talk of dependencies and asking for a root password.
They would rather develop the trash known as Flatpak so that each user can have their own collection of 500 copies of the same libraries.
Is flatpak like the snap shit that Ubuntu is doing? I used one of them to install nightly and it was a massive pain in the ass.
Yes, it's snap but by XDG (Redhat, GNOME) and Pottering.
So snap but evil basically? Nice.
Like snap, it wouldn't be bad if they relegated that cancer only to phones and it didn't catch on in the realm of desktops.
Since Redhat, GNOME, and Pottering are involved though, it's guaranteed to spread like a cancer through the GNU world.
Literally what's wrong with this, faggot? Finally lincucks will have something to rival to ease of .exe's, normies don't want to fiddle with dependencies or any of that, they want to download something that justwerkz. This is what linux needs.
Windows 10 apps? Containerized bullshit that can't leave it's virtual filesystem?
All because you're too stupid to double-click on a .deb file to install?
Contained bullshit is actually pretty nice. No risk of damage and when shit goes wrong it won't take down anything else with it in a desperate attempt to stay alive.
You still have access to tools that can leave the box, so what's the problem?
>He thinks you can install .debs (easily) on all distros
555-come-on-now, Snap and flatpak are an across the board universal solution
Because nothing is going to be distributed in the conventional way. It's going to be just like Firefox 57 as developers rather develop for the locked-down platform than develop for the forks with no market-share.
And thus, real computing remains more and more out of the grasp of the rubes. No more atrocious white-man, frog memes for you. Flatpak and Botnetd are the first steps to turn GNU Windows 10 S and Chrome OS.
I know a retad like you isn't going to leave his *buntu/Mint install.
meant for
So no actual reason outside of a slippery slope? Even though Windows 10 S allows free upgrades to a non S version and ChromeOS is just a step away from any distro?
Lol, upgrade you're Flatpak Linux to Gentoo.
why does linux need this?
if you want something that isn't unix, then why use unix?
Well, you know how they think AI is racist? They want to make computers retarded so the racism goes away.
On a more serious note, they don't want the average person to have unfettered communication. If not the Church, or the King's men, or the mass media, how will the RULERS of civilization use their influence and steer the ship of civilization.
elaborate friend i wanna know where ur at