Silicon valley was a mistake

Silicon valley was a mistake

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*takes back all your electronics*

Giving virgin nerds 6 figure salaries was always going to produce awful results.

I would actually like that...

What font is that in your resume? It looks really nice

>he doesn't just copy the requirements word for word

that company is the fucking cancer.

talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish

This email chain don't reflect the fact that the Human Resources people sending them are temps/contractors and not proper employees. If you try to reason with them or rely on anything they say you are fucked. They are mostly women from UC-system school with amorphous degrees related to "business". They don't know anything about anything and are pattern matching using in-house websites to process candidates.

The biggest companies pay well enough that they don't care about rejecting people as "false negatives". I'm doing a PhD in the US (so wouldn't need a visa) and some woman "from Google" blew a much of smoke up my ass; I studied (all the wrong stuff) for a technical interview and got blown out. 2 of my PhD classmates had identical experiences.

The net effect is that unless they actively recruit at your school you are at a severe information deficit. Instead of talking to alumni who return to sell the awesomeness of the job you're left with HR retards and Quora (and fucked). The companies don't try very hard in this regard so the target schools are ~10 with 10 more in colder climates thrown in for good measure.

I'd like to interject for a moment there,...

should have just said you had UNIX experience you autist

HR flunkies are idiots wherever you are, you should have just said Unix and stated AIX or HPUX or Solaris.

You are as stupid as the recruiter.

This. Being an autist to hr is just stupid. They're not gonna change their minds, and you won't get passed on. It's like a shit test to talking to actual devs and you failed. You suck dude.

>OP loses out on a job due to his massive autism

>We're looking for experience in Linux and Unix
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>Thanks for the tutorial Stanley
>Best of luck to you on your internship search!

i value my honesty, and i didn't want to be hired at a place where the HR department was too dumb to understand parts of my resume relevant to the job. that severly limited my options, i guess, but i still got hired at a great place.
on the other hand, OP, if you really wanted this job at Facebook (i would never work in the valley), you're a fool for not just putting "UNIX".

I wouldn't hire you desu. You sound like a bitch.
You basically said "NUH-UH IT SAYS RIGHT THERE"
He literally told you to update that shit, you refused, you made yourself look like a dick.

I hate HR so much
The anger I feel reading this is too much

>We're looking for experience in Linux and Unix, not just Unix-like OS


it's not dishonest to specifically say you have UNIX experience. imagine someone frequently needs spaghetti cooked so they are looking for a chef to cook spaghetti. if a chef is good at cooking italian food they can also more specifically say they are good at cooking spaghetti without lying. autismo af.

Once you got this email,

>We're looking for experience in Linux and Unix, not just Unix-like OS.

you fucked up. Here is a proper response, "Sorry for being unclear, I do have experience in both Linux and Unix specifically and I have edited my resume to reflect that. Thank you for catching that." Then you add in //UNIX//Linux to that line in your resume, get the internship, and actually progress in life instead of being a pedantic austist.

Maybe Him, great guy.

You are absofuckinglutely a massive suicide tier autist if you end up arguing with someone before the interview process. The private sector is successful because the entire point of an interview is to weed out scum like this. Even if you're "right" you're still wrong because you're clearly showing you won't be able to work with anyone. Especially if you're talking to HR like he obviously was, you're a fucking five year old if you think you're making any kind of point or doing anything there. You aren't really doing anything here but perpetuating the idea that all programmers are autistic faggots who just want to argue with everyone over nothing.

Nobody gives a fuck about your 1970s basement religion outside of the other pre-suicides on IRC. You think you're all smart but what you're really doing here is writing a 20 year long suicide note. One day the welfare is going to run out and you'll finally wake up and realize you jacked the kind of time down the toilet where you could have started your own business and became a millionaire and you traded it away for looking snarky for 5 seconds on IRC. Kill your self now.

nice trips, but if someone's that hung up about distinguishing POSIX from Linux then I don't know what to say besides enjoy joblessness.

>applying for devlet roles
pfff why would you want to work on that shit


Don't listen to this anons calling you an autist OP, they are just butthurt normalfags wagecuck cocksuckers that would sell their mothers for corporate cock.

You did very well standing your ground, HR are fucking cancer that should be removed from this earth and quite honestly most companies that have an HR division are gargabe, in a decent company you are directly interviewed by a tech guy.

Sillicon Valley is nowadays cancer and everything that is wrong with technology in the 21st century, if you really have the experience you claim you'll get a job in no time in a much better place, where you'll be appreciated by your superior technical mind this butthurt normalfag pieces of filth that work at Google will never have.

and this is why you put actual fucking engineers in charge of all parts of hiring

He tried to correct a misunderstanding with HR.

You wrote an essay describing autism on a Taiwanese cartoon image board.

You need to think about your life.

Yep, stand your ground anons, some hippie fagfuck took a smelly dump in the 70s and we must put said dump on a pedestal. Stand your ground, do NOT make any money, I repeat, be a massive contrarian piece of shit and draw from welfare.

Seriously though, you wouldn't last 10 seconds in the second interview with the other programmers even if they let you in. You don't "correct" HR or anybody, they just move on to the next candidate. We just need to cut welfare and encourage suicide so this doesn't happen anymore.

look at all that edge, i can almost feel the brain aneurysm myself

Fuck HR and fuck wagecuckery

If you have to beg for a paycheck you're a fucking slave

>correct a misunderstanding
That's what he should've done, which he didn't.

HR is filled with morons, what else is news?

>HR flunkies are idiots wherever you are
This. I am an in-house attorney for a large corporation and mostly work with employment matters. Most of the HR people I interact with are not particularly intelligent.

>being autistic about technicalities with an outsourced HR screener
Well, I guess they're doing a good of keeping terminal retards out.

Does this post have a larger point? So essentially you fucked up at a job interview?

The problem is the applicant gave lip to the HR, at which point the HR got butthurt and gave him a standard "fuck off" response out of spite.


Its some HR retard going through the emails and they likely have no idea what unix is

>spot an autist in the crowd
>start acting like one to point him out

i love this place

Clearly the HR person is asking the applicant to lie on his resume. What kind of HR person wants people to lie on their resumes? Fire that bitch

>What kind of HR person wants people to lie on their resumes
Someone who wants to reward people for dishonesty so that pajeets, chinks, niggers, LGBT and other assorted scum can take over the ranks of their company.

Why couldn't you just say you have worked on SHITUX and then just learn it and eat shit so you could have a job and maybe later start something yourself where you can make the rules? The guy is just saying what he is told to say and you're arguing with him getting nowhere is there something im not getting?

>I don't want to make up experience, I have Linux and not UNIX
>Linux is functionally similar to UNIX in many ways so it is reasonable that I'm qualified for this role

Im suprised the autistic twit didn't send that

>Someone who wants to reward people for dishonesty so that pajeets, chinks, niggers, LGBT and other assorted scum can take over the ranks of their company.
WTF, is this America or communist China or whatever abominable shithole. Maybe we need another McCarthyist purge, this time on steroids

No it's just paranoid propaganda courtesy of the unemployed virgins and 14 year old white (virgin) males on Sup Forums. Men still dominate tech.

t. roastie

t. virgin

I know you are baiting faggot, why even try?

Everybody lie on resumen, HR people start to asking for more excessive requerimient and people lie more, making industry found competent employers really job business.

>Not simplify your cv as request.

What the fuck man.

>Everybody lie on resumen, HR people start to asking for more excessive requerimient and people lie more, making industry found competent employers really job business.
So it is ok to lie on your resume then? Why do they check people's backgrounds then?

Chinaman from China here. Let me explain to you what is really going on:

This man being Chinese is well atuned to the fact that Linux is not just some other operating system but rather a communist ecosystem that follows the GNU license. To say that he has "experience" with Linux (not just incidentally), is to say that he is a communist himself. Anyone qualified to work on other UNIX operating system is of course qualified to work on Linux due to the similar functionality, so it could not have been anything else.

The HR person was punishing him for being American. This is the essence of it.

Yeah I lied and got a job which is pretty comfy.

>So it is ok to lie on your resume then?

It's not moral. But both parties do it and it's a vicious circle.

>they check people's backgrounds

Sometimes HR begin automatic filter,another time HR don't know different between Java or JavaScript, worst case begins say you know spark,Hadoop,oracle,C/C++, Haskell because internet tutorial or shitty intro course university.

Sometimes it was so bad lie, people claim begin 10yrs develop senior couldn't write fizzbuzz.

Platform as Hackerrank work sent small test programs to filter non-programmers.

I once thought it would have been ok to lie on my resume. What happened was that the professor in one of my classes maliciously gave me a failing grade when in fact I should have gotten a higher grade judging from my exam scores, because he was pissed at me correcting him during class for writing the wrong thing on the board. I was not about to pay another 30k to get the extra credit to graduate.

I applied to a job at a top tech company, nailed the interview. The background check found out that I didn't graduate and the offer was rescinded.

this, quit your sperlogismn and pass the HR stages

Read: The HR person was asking him if he is a communist or not in a veiled form.

Are you going to sell your soul to the devil just for a job? Doesn't make sense

I thought it was a pretty good show desu.

You really should get revenge on that professor.

I will. Success is the best revenge. But the question now is what can be done.

>unix is outdated meme

Don't you think they rather be doing, I don't know, engineering?

>droid: n.
>[from android, SF terminology for a humanoid robot of essentially biological (as opposed to mechanical/electronic) construction] A person (esp. a low-level bureaucrat or service-business employee) exhibiting most of the following characteristics: (a) naive trust in the wisdom of the parent organization or ‘the system’; (b) a blind-faith propensity to believe obvious nonsense emitted by authority figures (or computers!); (c) a rule-governed mentality, one unwilling or unable to look beyond the ‘letter of the law’ in exceptional situations; (d) a paralyzing fear of official reprimand or worse if Procedures are not followed No Matter What; and (e) no interest in doing anything above or beyond the call of a very narrowly-interpreted duty, or in particular in fixing that which is broken; an “It's not my job, man” attitude.
>Typical droid positions include supermarket checkout assistant and bank clerk; the syndrome is also endemic in low-level government employees. The implication is that the rules and official procedures constitute software that the droid is executing; problems arise when the software has not been properly debugged. The term droid mentality is also used to describe the mindset behind this behavior. Compare suit, marketroid; see -oid.
>In England there is equivalent mainstream slang; a ‘jobsworth’ is an obstructive, rule-following bureaucrat, often of the uniformed or suited variety. Named for the habit of denying a reasonable request by sucking his teeth and saying “Oh no, guv, sorry I can't help you: that's more than my job's worth”.
Know your lore and do not attempt to engage them like they are full-blow real humans.

I wish

this is nothing

They don't want social retards or autistic bitching anyways, so if you can't answer a simple yes/no question, you're as good as dead.

would have cussed that bitch in the fucking face as soon as she went "wow is that your REEEL NAMEE?"

Making him suffer would be the best. He's a corrupt bastard, and who knows how many other students were fucked over by him.
But succeeding in spite of him and rubbing it in his face works too I guess.

they don't reply back if you give them a simple yes/no

Fuck off.

As many others have said, you fucked up. And having worked many years in a huge tech corp and having to deal with HR a lot, I don't actually blame them.

I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt that HR was leading him to just fucking say UNIX in the resume so that THEY could tick the fucking box "OP knows UNIX" in their hiring system so that their hiring system would allow the application through.

Really, I can just about sense notes of sympathy in the initial emails, but they can not show preference to any candidate, and can fucking not say "OP knows UNIX" when faggot OP refuses to put it in his fucking resume despite not than obvious hints. It's their fucking job in the line and as cool a resume as you have, they won't risk it.

And then you just went full autistic douche on them, so fuck you OP t.b.h.

HR never knows shit about what actually happens so you should just say yes and amen even if they're being retarded.

you don't need them.

find a small company and be the best. we will find you.

This. In my country I went for some sales position at an ISP. Selling internet to people or whatever. I needed a job. I go to the interview, there's some frat boy type dude trying to act all cool. Has a secretary, there's another girl working there. Immediately I fucking sized up the guy. Then he starts asking me shit like "What kind of unique skills can you bring to the team?" and other bullshit questions I can't remember, it was a while ago. But basically he wanted me to practically beg for the job. Well, I didn't so I didn't get it.

Then I saw him a couple of weeks later, driving the company car (lol), in his faggy pink polo talking on a phone thinking he's all that. I fucking laughed. People are ridiculous.

>looking for Linux or Unix
>profile says Linux
I don't understand.

Maybe he should have done that.

> Even if you're "right" you're still wrong because you're clearly showing you won't be able to work with anyone
Bullshit. Little autistic Sup Forums tier rants from time to time can't hurt anybody.
But yeah, OP now knows better than arguing with third-party HRs who don't know shit. In his defense, Facebook could've looked for people with HP-UX experience or something.

macOS is Unix though. So there.

Autor write in HN, HN praise him


So HR really is welfare for women?

Your birth was a mistake

Note that this is by intentional design, not incompetence - with full consent from the top.

HR people are not here to measure your technical ability, but to determine your social skills. If you point out their technical ineptitude (duh!), you already failed. Basically ability to deal with their bullshit is designated part of the interview, nobody wants to work with a fragile autistic snowflake which spergs out on first sign of corporate bullshit (because there will be plenty).

This falls into the general framework of megacorp - everyone knows it's bullshit, but they carry on anyway, because it's the only way such a behemoth can even work.

Similiar example is army - HRs are the equivalent of drill sergeant, and the bullshit they give you is simply combination of newbie hazing and coach talk.


I feel the requirements of the position is not being communicated clearly. I encourage you to talk to the hiring manager to clear this up or set up a call with me. You can reach me at . UNIX, LINUX, and POSIX can be very confusing if you want to be pedantic. I would appreciate a clearer description of the role.

>implying that was hard
Even if you're a raging irl, it's not that hard. Compose a message as a draft, them come back later and remove the curse words and make it seem more friendly.

Good god. HR people really are the dumbest pieces of shits out there.

How are they getting hired?? Shouldn't HR people at tech companies have some experience like a CS or IT minor at minimum.

Good luck Zhang. Based on that last name alone I know you will be successful in life!

You sounds like either a butthurt that works as a HR or just someone that failed many interview and decided to suck their cocks.

Which one? I wonder.
Anyways, you should check your priorities in life instead of venting like a screeching kid.

Pause's done, see you later nerd

Fuck off chink.

I bet you loved being fucked in the ass?

This, but unironically

Any tips for someone wanting to go down the same career path?

Don't do what OP did.

Just Helvetica condensed.

Why did you laugh at Chad?

>relying on recruiters

That's your first mistake, Stanley. They are largely retarded and cause a simple application process to go twice as long.

>Going out of your way to educate a middle man who, if you knew the name of the company hiring, you could skip over.

This is why recruiters are energy vampires and parasites.

>censored names