My school is installing totems to confirm your presence using a badge. How can I hack them? They run Windows 7 and probably use RFID (NFC is unlikely)
I want to do it both for fun and because it's stupid to have just 2 totems for 1000+ students, something per-classroom would probably be better
My school is installing totems to confirm your presence using a badge. How can I hack them...
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Underage b&
Don't skip school, Tyrone.
OP here, I have access to the local network, and I found specs, it has a RFID/MIFARE reader if it helps
You're not my real mom
Ask a buddy to wear your badge too. Our uni has similar shit.
I don't wanna skip school, I just want to make this stuff unusable, it's just useless bullshit. If everything was organized better I wouldn't have any problem with it
put some shielding on it
Well then, sql injection.
>nigger speak
>playing we wuz legion and shit
I hope you do go through with it so you get caught like the stupid child you are.
>September 12, 2004 – June 8, 2007
still hot
What? Send us a pic OP.
Will report back
Pic related
You want to rip a badge with your own RIFD scanner.
See if it's encrypted or just clear text.
If it's clear text, you can basically make your own IDs.
If you just want to bring them down, would be pretty easy to broadcast a massive number of randomly generated fake IDs and crash the system.
If you want to actually get into the system, you'd need to actually hack the windows side and not the RIFD side.
gud spleling
how many cummies did I dedicate to her when I was younger
Too many, or not enough :^)
I liked Susie better.
Can you explain these totems for people who don't live in a fascist Hell-hole?
Little Bobby Tables or drop a Pineapple next to it
just some thoughts
Mifare is easily cracked, Mifare 2 apparently not.
Easiest thing would be buying a tag reader/writer and make multiple copies of your card for your classmates to pass when you don't go in
Just stick your badge on a drone and fly it to the school's roof every morning.
Everybody uses an ORM these days, so SQL injection is largely a thing of the past (unless the software was outsourced to some third-world shithole).
Nella mia scuola avevano installato dei mini-notebook a cui era collegato un lettore di carte, per registrare gli accessi, dopo che si erano resi conto che 2 totem erano troppo pochi per 600 studenti. Aspetta che li installino e usa quelli per divertirti un po'.
Oppure prenditi un lettore/generatore di carte come suggerivano altri e crea dei cloni per i tuoi compagni. Anyway, underage, buona fortuna
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