Have you ever seen/heard her do anything besides give orders and treat Linus like a retarded manchild?

Have you ever seen/heard her do anything besides give orders and treat Linus like a retarded manchild?

Other urls found in this thread:


this is why you dont let a woman have the upper hand in a relationship. you get treated like a cuck

But he is a retarded manchild user

IDK but based on the mongoloid on the left, looks like he has been hiring his fans.

Thats not the point.

His fans are not even near close that old.

>Asian wife

Lol cuck

I would understand it if she was hot, but she is barely a 2/10.

so the scary asian lady gave birth to something ?! kill it with fire!

>asian ladyboi*

This is not a technology thread. Saged and reported.

Its like the third one already, she is making sure to get everything if Linus decides to get rid of the leech.


if I had a qt girl (male) gf II'd let they boss me around

Isn't the point of ladybois to be submissive?

>pic related: the thread


the point is feminine penis + boipussy


>spend 150k on a camera
>will soon have to sell that camera to pay alimony


>this is why you dont let a woman have the upper hand in a relationship
aka marriage

>aka marriage
Modern liberal cuck marriage you mean, in the old times the wife job was to be a MOTHER and nothing else, thats why society was so much better back then.

Bring back mistresses

>the point is feminine penis + boipussy
Its exactly what i say, how can people that like femenine versions of themselves not intend to be in a relationship with a ladyboi to be the dominant one? You make no sense.

>retarded manchild
average linux user

At least we are free unlike you winblows.

Calling it now, he's gay and the vasectomy was punishment when she caught him still fucking men

Who is gay?

She seems like an annoying nag in all the vlog videos, Linus needs to fuck her up the ass so she'll loosen up a bit

Am I the only one who is bother by her arm going through the babies onsie?

Well, he acts like a retarded manchild.

Thats not the point.

I bet it's more likely he can only perform if he fucks her in the ass, if you know what I'm saying.

>Have you ever seen/heard her do anything besides give orders and treat Linus like a retarded manchild?
She's his wife, not his boss.


Isn't this guy pretty wealthy???

Here we go again, today's regular Linus thread

Fuck off, also saged

>also saged

He is.

Then why is he married to ugly chink?

All the people complaining about Linus in this thread don't even know him irl. He is a great guy, and his loves him a lot. They just play it up for the camera.

You all just fucking wish you were as famous and successful.

he pays his employees minimum wage
he is a faggot

They don't deserve more. They are supposed to be "professionals" but can't even fix the colors in his fucking videos.

Linus pls stop shitposting here an go make new video.

Thats the WHOLE point.

So this is the power of open-source unix.

Why are Linus Cuck Tips threads allowed on Sup Forums?

This twitter post says differently:

All four of them look retarded.

>mongoloid on the left

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

if that a future Elliot?


t. Linus


Well, seeing as how there is an actual mongoloid on Linus' left, I don't think you think at all.

Context clues my dear pussy, context clues.

>ugly, socially awkward, insecure white guy
>still manage to land a qt Asian wife and have kids

To all the Asian KVs in this thread, and I know you're out there, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>qt Asian wife
>that alien looking thing
Get your yellow fever in check, son.

That bitch is hideous and the in-law on the left looks like a real piece of shit.

I don't see what is wrong with that.
He is a retarded manchild.

God the body language is just so awful... Insecure useless fatty akwardly balanced with a hand half in his pocket. Looking to Linus for approval and direction.

Worthless asian in-law with arms and legs crossed, eyes half closed, leaning against something.

Linus with an effeminate jesture, less masculine than the woman, weak and indecisive with snack in hand as an avoidance tool, face contorted like he just smelled bad cheese...

Boojie ass asian skank that looks like the words of disapproval and emasculation will spill from her cock hole any second, kid in hand as a prop to assert her feminine superiority

God bless whoever capped this frame.

Because he hates himself is my best guess.

i always thought that guy was quite openly a gay person

i think its the ear ring

>They are supposed to be "professionals" but can't even fix the colors in his fucking videos.
Its amazing, he spent 140k on cameras alone (250k probably if you count lighting and other accessories) and they still can't do proper lighting and color correction.

It isn't though.


>qt Asian

>He is a retarded manchild.
Thats not the point.

Plus 1PB storage

Not sure if Linus is a dick or a savvy businessman.

Both. He makes tonnes of money and runs a company with more employees than most of Sup Forums has friends. But he also has no subtlety or off switch.

At least some of the tech quickie vids are informative.

what will she do with her 100k red camera?

>r/asianmasculinity leaking again

Sell it back to him obviously.

that's fuckin disgusting, feeling up her babies ass wtf

>he doesn't deliberately enter hapas and AM threads to bait the frustrated ricebois

Step your shitposting game up desu

Because luke is the real father. linus only exists to be cuck fetishdom


Needy, whiny girls are repulsive.

First pic is alpha as fuck tho

Why do ecelebs make their relationships public, there just asking for this shit, fucking attention whores.

> This is what happens when a pc sales cuck starts his own company.
> fulljew.jpg
> also actual cuck

>keeping his woman in check
>actual cuck
I think you've got it backwards, son.

Second picture looks weird. Has her face been deliberately flattened?

No, she's asian.

She pumped out 3 of his kids, so he could dich her and fuck bitches and not give a fuck.

How is that cucked? Even if she started fucking someone else, it's still his kids.

The cuck comment was more aimed at the 'much too long' comment.

Well, I guess we'll find out if she's cucking him soon since linus had his tubes tied.

>so he could dich her and fuck bitches and not give a fuck.
Yeah, for sure my virginoid. Just give her 50% of your money and monthly alimony payments.

Worse, she's Vietnamese.

You mean the picture that contains an actual mongoloid on the left, dipshit?

She looks mexican desu

Mexicans don't have slanty eyes.


Squinting, not slanty.

They've been getting BLEACHED for 500 years, but they're still slanty on average.

Mexicans have eyelid folds.

jesus fucking christ what is that thing and why would anyone impregnate it?

The power of pussy.


Yeah, I don't know if its international but down here at least an earring on the right ear is a deliberate signal for being gay.

>being so autistic you think this is serious