/wdg/ - Web Development General

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>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
MDN web docs offer a good intro (independent of your browser choice)

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developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Youtube channels
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy

>in-depth comparison of VPS hosts

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I really love the Idea of creating Desktop Apps with things like electron.io

But I want to store data locally. Like a CRM or Job Manager.

Should I be writing to a basic text file or should I be using a form of offline database backend?

NeDB according to

maybe others are also usable like lowDB or levelDB, depending on your needs.

awesome thanks!

Threadly reminder not to use an ide for fucking javascript. Thank you.

What about for PHP? NetBeans is pretty comfy for PHP.

I don't see why you would want to for php tbqh

Without autocompletion, refactoring, find function and find function usages, I wouldn't dare to code in Typescript.

You don't need an ide to use fucking typescript nor those functions.

I know people have different definitions of that, but I guess you are not talking about vsCode/Atom and the like, right?

Also, interactive linter warnings are good way to avoid fucking Work Burnouts when coding with javascript after n years of being a developer.

Whats the ultimate web app stack? Im talking languages, frameworks, app servers, backend server and DB.

Is it worth learning ruby and rails for making web apps?

I'm using Dexie.js. You could also go with node-sqlite3 for heavier stuff, but it complicates multi-platform builds.

What is an IDE anyway? Is VSCode an IDE? It has debugging, refactoring, and language server integration for TypeScript. It also has integrated Git support. If VSCode qualifies as an IDE then the fact is you should almost always use one, because you should be almost always programming in typed languages, unless you're writing small python utility scripts.

Kotlin, Spring 5, Postgres

>Whats the ultimate web app stack?
Windows, C#, .NET, IIS, MSSQL

Might as well go with Postgres instead of MSSQL for ease of use

>ease of use
But that is exactly what you try to avoid by using the aforementioned stack.

JS(ES6/7), Vue.js, Node, (DB depends on use case)

swap IIS for kestrel

Is there an easier stack though?

VSC isn't an IDE. Extensions incorporate some IDE features however.

Nope. Text editors are exempt.

Depends on your situation. Are they viable tools for that task? Absolutely.


Whats better about this than say react?

>Depends on your situation. Are they viable tools for that task? Absolutely.
I know its good for quick deployment, but does it scale well in terms of performance and maintainability?

>VSC isn't an IDE. Extensions incorporate some IDE features however.
why not though?

it's hip, trendy and isn't made by a big corporation. it also takes more of a mobx-like than redux-like approach to managing state, so it's great for people who aren't aware that mobx exists

I am much more proficient with Vue than React, so I can't give you a complete comparison.
It mostly comes down to single file components and Vues general syntax.
Doesn't mean that React is bad.

Is there money to be made doing python for backend stuff?


>for people who aren't aware that mobx exists
What do you mean, should I throw everything and learn mobx?

Quick rundown on mobx?


Is it true that front-end devs get significantly lower wages than their back-end counterparts?

depends on region
but generally the more you take on the more you earn

Fuck you you stupid noob. I hope you never make it in programming. We are better off without likes of you.

always wondering what brings people into UX design. I would assume, that it's an overlap with graphic designers regarding interest for interfaces, but that doesn't always seem to be the case?

was kinda surprised using React for the first time, that state actually wasn't reactive as in Vue by default, until you add something like MobX to the mix

Hello /wdg/.

So, I have these two scripts in every page of my website, the goal is to load the html and the js of the navigation menu in every page (nav.js requires jquery to work) :

- external jquery from the official website
- an inline script which loads nav.html snippet and also loads nav.js

Fact is, SOMETIMES the menu doesn't work (very weird because it loads the nav.html and all the css, but then clicking on the hamburger menu does nothing). It happens quite rarely but when it happens it's impossible to go through the pages of the website!

If you could help me, I would be very grateful.
I can post more code if needed.
Thank you.

Oh, actually Sup Forums won't let me post my code (connection error), so maybe I can post a screenshot if needed.

You were on the right track. They use the same tools as graphic designers (although now there's many other tools they can use) mainly photoshop and illustrator, but are focused on interaction with design, use cases, and general human behavior.

>using an IDE just for javascript

what does that even mean? vscode offers embedded terminal emulator, git client, task runner and debugger. seems pretty integrated to me

if you're doing React or considering dropping it for Vue only because you don't like Redux then sure

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { computed, observable } from 'mobx';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';

// a store which holds application state
class TodoList {
// causes reaction when a todo is added/removed/changed
@observable todos = [];
// causes reaction when the number of finished todos changes
@computed get unfinishedTodoCount() {
return this.todos.filter(todo => !todo.finished).length;

// reacts (rerenders) when changes are made to any of the @observables
// or @computeds that are accessed inside the render function
// (todos and unfinishedTodoCount)
class TodoListView extends Component {
render() {

{this.props.todoList.todos.map(todo =>


Tasks left: {this.props.todoList.unfinishedTodoCount}


// reacts (rerenders) when changes are made to any of the @observables
// or @computeds that are accessed inside the render function
// (todo)
const TodoView = observer(({ todo }) =>

todo.finished = !todo.finished}


const store = new TodoList();
ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('mount'));

Any errors in the console?
Are you using jQuery to append the script tag for nav.js once jQuery is loaded? (not using jquery myself, but I think that's how it's done??)
Have you tried loading the nav script with 'defer' in the tag?
Have you simulated everything with a slow mobile connection and got different/more consistent results?

Cool, thanks. I think I prefer Redux's functional approach, but MobX doesn't look too bad. Haven't dealt with Observables before, but I've heard it's a fairly useful pattern in general.

Ayyy /wdg/. I've got a domain registered with Namecheap and linked up to Digital Ocean successfully. Now how do I make the magic happen, i.e. transfer index.html and the rest onto the DO droplet to have a mothafucking website on the mothafucking internet???

>Any errors in the console?
I just checked the firefox console, i managed to "break" the menu but there are no errors.
>Are you using jQuery to append the script tag for nav.js once jQuery is loaded?
I use two jquery functions, .load in order to load nav.html, getscript to load nav.js.
>Have you tried loading the nav script with 'defer' in the tag?
I cannot use defer with nav.js as it's contained in a getscript function which is inline (afaik, defer doesn't affect inline scripts)
>Have you simulated everything with a slow mobile connection and got different/more consistent results?
I tested it with both firefox desktop and firefox for android, the menu doesn't work in a few occasions. My father also tried to browse this website (Android stock browser), saying that it always works, never broke on him. :/

How many portfolio projects do you think one needs to become "hireable"? Ideally one per skill-set I claim to have?

At least 24, and that's if you want an unpaid intern position

Bother, I have only 23.

you can simulate different connection qualities in each browsers dev tools.
So your problem simply is that jQuery isn't available to the other nav script at the time it's needed? Sounds like a a problem, that would be extremely common and googleable

I've made a bot that retweets tweets. All you have to do is feed it the tweet ID.
Question: how do I mass add accounts to the system? Right now I have to manually create accounts, verify them, setup developer options to get the API and secret keys, then add them to the system for each account. Is there an easier way to do this?

Already googled that, tried different solutions, nothing werks. Also, when the menu breaks the console shows that jquery is downloaded (and executed I suppose?) before nav.js, so nothing suspicious... This shit is driving me insane.

pay someone to do it for you

IDEs are useful tools. Maybe less for javascript but still very useful. Saying you shouldn't use one is as stupid as saying you should not use frameworks.

We're only talking about javascript though, did you read the original comment at all? Stop letting your emotions get the best of you.

DO droplet comes empty meaning you have to setup everything by yourself including webserver.

I would like to try out webgl because OpenGL and Canvas2D were fun, but so far every single example project I have seen had massive lag. Even if it ran soomthly, every 10 seconds or so I got a huge drop in frame rate. Why could that be? Is it even worth getting into webgl, after all?

Damn, okay then. I thought there was a way to do it through the API. Guess I'll have to find some Indians on Fiverr or some shit

I have an idea for a project but I'm not sure if it has been done before and I want to make something unique.

Here's the idea: I'm going to make a e-shop website that sells products that are extremely cheap (I'll probably make some webscraper that pulls prices from multiple websites and then have the price to be ~20% cheaper). Here's the catch though, I'm not going to actually sell any products, that way I'll save money for the cost of buying the products and the logistics involved. If the customer complains I'll just keep sending automatic mails that it's coming soon.

So has this been done before and do you think this is something I can do with 2 month experience of web development?

Questionable legality aside, everything sounds simple except for the web scraper, which is the brunt of the work. I attempted something similar awhile back, but I'm retarded and couldn't figure out a more efficient method of looking up products aside from piggybacking off Google/eBay's APIs

Are you going to scrape the prices from a pre-selected list of sites?

>some more insight into the mind of the low iq criminal population.
Wouldn't be 2 weeks before you'd get fucked you idiot.
God, I hope you are just shitposting.

Ayy, true. I guess it's one more skill to add to the set.

Is garbage collection instant in JS? If not, how does it work?

I'm constantly loading/reloading a table with thousands of text rows using $('#table').html(tableData), and I'm worried that the old content stays in memory


in the future if you have any questions about anything relating to js, use MDN before typing in the query

*invents fantastic idea which takes off spectacularly*
and all it took was a few lines of PHP.....eh heh heh...

Like small single file vanilla javascript? Only case this may be overkill.

My employer is giving me a laptop Sup Forumsuys. XPS13 Dev Edition or Macbook Pro? Both are 13" 8ram 256ssd models.

Take the MBP and don't post about it on Sup Forums. XPS is unironically garbage-tier. The proper linux laptops are thinkpads, elitebooks, and latitudes.

is oauth the xml of api authentication?

it's the jq of auth

Today i had my first ever technical interview for back-end developer (php, mysql, zend) and i sucked like, horse dick.
Interview was like 150 minutes long, i was asked to write querys, php functions and asked bunch of questions.
I felt autistic and when i started i messed up fucking insert query, wtf man
i started typing insert into table(t1,t2) values('shit','shit','shit',shit')
why is this happening to me?
does anyone have any experience like this?
fucking hell

now i need to wait if they gonna take me for 14 days testing

Happened to me on my first technical interview. I sperged out and couldn't solve the problem (i saved the code and solved my problem within minutes at home). I'm not sure what the solution to a performance anxiety, but you'll get better at it.

she gave like to do this:
you have form with 3 input field, fname, lname and bdate
write function which will determine how many days till your bday
it is stupid ez but like i got stuck and i dont even remember where
when i got home i did it in like 10-15 minutes

She saw that i was nervous, asked me why im i into php when i write good php oop code. I should be doing some better language.

Very similar here, its all performance anxiety. Just gotta learn to beat it.

>my first time doing x i was so nervous i actually could not do x
Write a book.

>tfw writing in git bash makes you feel like a 1337 hacker

(Unfortunately) if you want to work on mobile there is no decent alternative to React Native right now.

If there is I would actually love to hear it because we are starting work on a new app soon and want to get off the React train.

Made a dark theme for gelbooru
Any criticism?

Here's link, but I'll post another picture so you won't have to install it userstyles.org/styles/141949/adfree-gelbooru-w-dark-theme

What would "Full Stack Developer" envelop on this diagram?

I'm assuming everything?


and comments.
It was originally just an ad blocker, now it's also a dark theme on top of that.

thanks brah, should make those long fap sessions much less eye straining.

sure, no problem. Let me know if something wrong, I'll keep the tab open for a hour or so to fix any mistakes or improvements.

Full stack refers to the application developer side exclusively (green bubble).
However if you're working solo or in some niche situation yeah you might have to work at everything on the image.

this is the only thing I have noticed for now, unless it was intentionally left like that of course

get comfortable teaching your family stuff
stop putting the pussy on a pedestal and use the same teaching skills in the interview

oh yeah, I never use that site so I forgot about it, will add

Articles like this scare me. What if the general public could understand this? Would my job in web dev be put to risk?
How many barriers to entry is there for web dev in 2017?

lmao go to bed singhpreet

7 hours since i come back from interview
still depressed

Interview number what / n?

If it's your first, chill. If it's > ten you either aren't learning or are aiming for jobs outside your skillset.


Took me a while because I had to use base64 for the background image, but it's styled now.

I made this for you user. 100 hours in paint etc

i need mental fix



Give me the login details and ill do it for you.

Hi guise.

If you want to chat about webdev, show your work or just ask for advice, join discord.gg/wdg, probably the biggest Sup Forums-related discord server around.

C u ther

text chats are cancer

Hey /wdg/, software engineer by trade with no web dev experience. Me and my friends miss movie night so I want to make a private website that we can log into and watch movies that we store on the site. What would I need to learn to do this? Thanks in advance.

nginx with autoindex and basic auth.