What's the best settings for uBlock Origin?
Best settings for UO
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Add your preferred lists and keep it so. Use uMatrix, if you're too brainlet for that, use
If you're using Chrom* botnet, you also need uBlock Extra addon
It breaks Sup Forums.
uMatrix is actually really great, but it's a pain in the ass to uncheck everything you need when you open a website.
It's okay if you browse the same stuff every day, but if you're using google to search for something, every link is broken.
I still have to figure out a good way to solve this problem. At the moment I'm just a pleb and I allow too much stuff.
>It breaks Sup Forums.
Clearly you're not an advanced user.
Yeah, uMatrix is definitely not for you, then. If you want less breakage, don't block 3rd party scripts, only 3rd party frames. This doesn't block nearly as much cancer but it's better than nothing
Why I have to allow 3rd party scripts to have the thread watcher?
Man, if you're going for the default block third party route, you might as well use uMatrix
uBlock Origin's advanced mode is kind of clunky compared to uMatrix
Oh, right. Because those scripts are on 4cdn.org, those kind of stuff are pretty common so you still have to fix things for each site you visit.
Sup Forums is botnet. I have google.com blocked. I only post on Sup Forums via mobile as android already is botnet although its at least lineage+fdroid tier debotnetified.
>google.com blocked (captcha)
>Sup Forums botnet
You filthy pass user, you paid for the botnet dumbass
What i have no pass. Thats why i use Sup Forums only on my phone. I wont unblock google.com for this shitty site.
Also, use AdNauseam
The fuck? Phoneposters don't get captcha?
I have everything blocked by default except 1st party img+css. If something is needed I unblock it manually.
I get captcha. Google captcha. But its okay because android is botnet anyway.
>I have to phoneposting because my pc respect my freedom and forbid me me to do what I'd like to do
>host file
>check everything
* * * block
* * css allow
* * frame block
* * image allow
* * media allow
* * script allow
* * xhr allow
* 1st-party * allow
* 1st-party frame allow
It's shit, but it blocks something and it breaks almost nothing.