>put pc into sleep mode
>50% chance it fucks it up
Put pc into sleep mode
You have a Thinkpad too?
How'd you know
just about to put my thinkbaby to sleep, wish me luck
How do you fags put up with this shit? Even my crappy HP laptop running Winderp 10 doesn't have problems with sleep mode.
The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
You might have some RAM issues.
it's the a..arch way my dude!
I've only encountered this on Win10. Never happens on Linux.
>wake pc up from sleep mode
>pc doesn't recover properly
>cpu multiplier jumps between 4 and 18
>performance goes to absolute crawl
Fucking think faggits. When will they learn
HP 500-311
AMD A10 7800 /w 8Gb ram and 4Gb swap partition.
Suspend to ram and hibernate both work perfect.
My Libreboot Thinkpad X200 non-Vpro running Debian does not have this problem.
>wake from sleep
>sometimes the USB ports remain asleep
>have to reboot to get them back
Any ideas Sup Forumsents?
My X201T has never had issues with sleep mode
Modprobe the usb driver.
So if I want my computing to sleep use windows, if I want to shitpost in freedom use linux, got it
>put pc to sleep
>never wakes up
Get a Mac next time!
>current state of GNUĂ·Linux
it's usually some particular device refusing to wake up. Most of the time it's the drive or the wireless card. Look into it.
Also not using Win7 helps. I had this problem all the time on Win7 but I switched to Win10 LTSB/Mint Xfce and the problem was gone.
MacBook PRO doesn't have this problem
>He puts his ThinkPad in sleep mode
I just let mine go to sleep on its own. Fedora updates enough that anything too fucked up is fixed on restart.
kek. This is true.
>unironically using RHEL betatesting OS
>put pc to sleep
>wake it up
>everything left open crash with no survivors
Just restart
Wait a minute, so my Thinkpad which goes to sleep on its own and eventually shuts down entirely, isn't the only one? Winfag btw.
My IdeaPad reboots on some cases when I open the lid, and that sometimes usually happens when I disconnect the power.
>Recycle Bin on disk C: has been corrupted