If I don't want to become a web developer (I want to be a software engineer), is it really that important to know JavaScript?
The two things I can think of it being useful in is building a personal website (although you don't really need JS) and doing a hackathon.
I know Java and a few other languages really well, and every time I try to learn JS, the book/course I'm doing goes over the complete basics, like "what is a string", so I give up after that.
Don't even try. There are too many frameworks, and it's too overwhelming to begin.
Most tutorials are trash in that they teach you the language but don't teach you how to actually create the website/where to buy the website/how to host it
James Williams
If you want your website to actually do something you'll probably need it, unless you just really really like refreshing a page every time you need to update some information on the page.
Also fuck frameworks, learn JavaScript before you even think of touching a framework. Also keep in mind that frameworks come and go so fast that chances are the one you decide to pick up will be out of style before you finish a tutorial.
the thing is when people talking about *knowing javascript* in the web industry they aren't talking about knowing the language like someone knows c or python. they are talking about knowing some specific framework or library. very few things are done in vanilla html/css/js
It bridges the gap between having to refresh the page. Going all hipster and trying to make everything in JS is shit but it's even worse to pretend it's 2000 and have to refresh the entire page for every little change. Either way you would go with a framework.
You don't "need" JS just like you don't "need" CSS, as in nobody will take whatever you're trying to sell seriously.
Connor Gray
software dev of the future is all in the web
there wont be c or whatever the fuck it'll purely be wasm or js
William Roberts
If you're not an absolute beginner, read Crockford's Javascript: The Good Parts.
Jordan Hall
Justin Hughes
After learning the language, how do I actually use it on a website?
Brody Brooks
>it'll purely be wasm No one is going to be writing wasm by hand - it's a compilation target. >there won't be c One of wasm's main targets is being compiled to from C. If wasm takes off and ends up having enough support for browser stuff that you don't need any wrapping JavaScript to do what JavaScript can do, it'll completely replace JS.
Aiden Cox
Literally, anything that can be built with JS will be built with JS.
It's not just for making your website do shit anymore.
I mean have you seen ReactVR? a virtual reality framework, for - you guessed it: JavaScript.
Some kid built a fucking OS in the browser. That shit is fully functional, and cool as fuck.
Blake Hernandez
Go learn that shit on your own, dude. No one feels like giving you a lesson.
Evan Young
web gives you a plattform independent ui if you happen to need one and for reasons you don't want to stick with gui library of your chosen desktop os. However, you can skip javascript and join the elm master race.
is only for absolute beginners? Like people who don't know what strings/ints/variables are?
If that's the case, I'll go wtih
Nicholas Green
>it'll completely replace JS. lmao
Cameron Parker
There are no 'ints' in JS.
Just pick a fucking book and stick with it. However, I do recommend what this user posted: as your best bet.
I think you should start at a basic book, seeing as you think there's a type 'int' in JS.
Samuel Cook
I followed this course and it's pretty good desu
William Wood
Sorry, I forgot that JS was dynamically typed. I've been working too much with Haskell.
You recommend that book over "JS The Good Parts"?
Tyler Stewart
JS:TGP is really short (~170 pages) and it's essential reading for anyone writing vanilla JS. Feel free to start with something else (can't vouch for any of the other books/courses posted as I'm not familiar with them), but afterwards read Crockford. That being said, the book is a few years old and there are more "good parts" to JavaScritpt nowadays, but it's still a good starting point.
Landon Ortiz
Not OP but
Should I learn Python or JS?
Hudson Martin
Both are popular and in demand. Both are considered babby-tier by many (dynamic typing, interpreted, etc.). If you think you'll ever have anything to do with webdev, you need to learn JS, and start early because there's a lot to learn after you've mastered the basics. Otherwise Python is probably the better option. It's used in all sorts of fields. If you're a complete beginner, go with Python. Most js tutorials are based around doing web stuff, but you probably need algorithms/other foundations first, and there's plenty of Python teaching materials in those areas.
Christian Kelly
I think I'll go with Python. I'm not a complete beginner (I've done lots of low-level programming and database stuff, but I've never done webdev, and I guess there's no reason for me to know how to)
The courses are 100% free, you only pay for bullshit certification/verified track which gives you access to TAs. The courses are specifically designed for modern day development, which means you walk up to a system you have no idea about and have to figure it out yourself. It teaches you Racket (Lisp), Java, and Typescript. Typescript is now the JS flavor du jour since plebbit switched to it. After doing this set of courses you can graduate to a real compsci curriculum, such as this: functionalcs.github.io/curriculum/ as you have a profoundly typed discipline method of programming and very good understanding of program structure and design. Shit like writing parallel programs in SPARC or Standard ML (and later Haskell, Rust, ect) will be no problem. There's also a C, assembly, and database course in there with full lectures.
The vast majority of enterprise sized development is all in Java. This is where you go to work as a beginner/junior in order to advance up the ladder to "senior" then can pick your language of choice and go work remotely for somebody. Highly, highly recommend that edx track + cherry picking some of the content out of that other list.
Henry Martinez
"you don't know JS" is good books series and it run pretty damn deep javascriptinfo/ is a pretty good tutorial too and with example much easier to understand the YDKJS
Nathan Wright
What's next after learning JavaScript (the language)? JQuery? There's so many frameworks nowadays.
Isaiah Clark
Pick a modern framework (so not jQuery) and do some stuff with it. Pick one randomly from React, Vue, and Angular if you can't be bothered to do your own research. Also learn to npm and get a grip on how to bundle/transpile your code for the web (browserify/webpack).
Jason James
Carson Thomas
How come there's so many frameworks? In other languages, there's frameworks and technologies too but they tend to stick longer compared to JavaScript. What gives?